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  • bigger, faster, stronger, leaner, and more powerfull. always have been, always will bee! I defnintly view my workouts as training rather than exercise -- I grew up with the athlete mentality, and it will never leave me

    my future career goals are embedded in performance enhancement for athletes -- mental and physical training -- so i feel like to be the best I can, i gotta walk the walk

    since I started throwing body weight exercises back in -- pushups, dips, pullups/chinups -- and doing alot more focus on compound lifts, esp. the power/explosive ones; I feel great.

    earning my CPT really helped me learn more about program design and exercise specifics -- plus the vast array of health benefits etc. I am hoping earning my CSCS and interning at Velocity Sports Performance will even help develop my understanding of it all to the next level.

    FYI: best shake in the world : tons of blueberries (i used three huge handfuls), milk for liquid, 5pumps of egg whites, and 1-1.5 scoops muscle milk blueberries n creme......
    = DE-LISH! I get sad when I dont have the ingredients for this. I alsolike to switch the milk with yogurt when I can; makes for more of a meal (especially if adding granola/oats) than a shake/snack
    Last edited by jiritt0; 08-12-2008, 08:50 AM.


    • looks like you know your goals and go for em

      like me if i want to acheive something i block anything negative out and focus on what i need to do to acheive it

      man that shake sounds good im gonna try that i might use less blueberries though since i dont really like em but hey they might taste good in a shake like that



      • blueberries are the bomb man.. one of the best foods for you!!!
        (i just read the other day, they are like natural viagra, which means they are like natural NO... opens your veins up for increased nutrient uptake, better bloodflow, ala better boners/pumps) I've been trying to eat them preworkout alot lately.. but i cant helpt myself if i eat some at nighttt! haha

        i love all the berries. they sooo tasty, and deliciously healthy


        back squats - 10x135,185,235,235,235,185,135
        leg extensions - 10x90,110,120,120,120,120,100

        front squats -- 10x95,135,135,135,135,145,95
        leg curls - 10x90,110,120,120,120,100

        calf raises - 4x10x450
        lunges -- 4 sets across the room (prolly like 50 feet/10 reps each leg) -- holding a plate overhead -- first set 35, 2nd 45, 3rd 35, 4th 45 (last set involved forward and backward lunges..was talking to a friend in the area and didnt want to leave the convo)

        good workout. i talked with some of my friends from school that were in there alot.. talked to the one guy about training principles and diet supplements (fat burners) for awhile... lowered the intensity during front squats

        talked to the girl about working out in the winter (snow) while doing lunges, but just kept lunging forward/backward while talking to her to avoid the decrease in nitensity

        i feel swole..very swollled. Im going to have fun at the beach this weekend, soaking up some rays.. getting tanned haha

        packing a fair amount protein powder, oat powder, peanut butter, tuna, and fiber one bars to be semi-healthy amongst the drinking/seafood buffets!


        • really? i never knew that about blueberries im gonna look into that

          sometimes its good to have a chat here and there in the gym but not everyday if i see my friends i just hi whats up and then they know its time for me to work out then when i finish they can talk to me all they want


          • berries in general all rock...nuts too.. i have no idea where i read the blueberry/viagra thing though, i just recall it haha

            i just made a similiar shake -- like 7 strawberries, couple pumps of egg whites, milk, and 1.5 scoops syntha6 strawberry milkshake.. was pretty good. i like the blueberrie one more... ive got strawberry muscle milk ill have to try too though, it could be the MM > syntha6

            I usually don't talk to people in the gym -- the past few days though these two have been in there while I am, so we chat about small stuff while working out... theyve got cable so they kinda keep me update with the worlds happenings, haha

            on a side note, writing my thesis proposal is killing me. i defnintly wont be getting a phd in the future, only a psyd
            Last edited by jiritt0; 08-12-2008, 06:05 PM.


            • great lift -- feel like shit right now. didnt eat much this morning

              DB shrugs - 10x40,65,65,65,65,65,65,65
              bent over rows - some DBs some with machine -- 10x20,30,30,30,30,30,35,35,35,30

              (no kidding, literally did these for like 30mins or more)

              W bar pullovers - 3x10x30pd each side
              DB front to side raises - 3x10x20pd

              W bar upright rows - 3x10x20pd a side
              bent over side raises - 3x10x12

              pullups - 12,12,8
              chinups - 12,12,8 both w/70pds assistance


              • my thursday - pre beach lift was awesome!! obviously hard to recall it all right now, but ill try.

                deadlifts - like 8 sets, most at 185, warmup/cooldowns at 135
                push press - most at 95, warmup/cooldown at 55
                pushups - 12 per cycle

                wide grip bench press - most at 185, warmup/cooldown at 135
                overhead squats - most at 95, warmup.cooldown at 45
                pushups - 12 per cycle

                DB curls - all at 30s
                dives - only bodyweight, 10 per
                static DB holds - holding 30s at half way mark (elbow 90degrees)
                pushups - 12 per cycle

                AB cycle - throwdowns (al directions), side bends with 45pd plate, bridge, side spin oblique medicine ball touches

                /\/\ 3 or 4 sets through

                str bar bicep curl comedowns -- using bar, starting with a set of 15, down to 1, than aburnout -- each set was right after my friends did theirs (little rest)

                lifted with my 2 boys from HS (one was my undergrad roomate) -- than gave my TA final test, and drove to Ocean city MD for the weekend.

                beach trip was great -- could of picked up 2 maybe 3 girls, but i didnt since i have a good girl at home.. my one boy and I just talked to two girls til 5am last night (bad idea, had to be up and moved out of apt by 11 this morning)

                i got some horrible food poision last night too... it hit me late, like 4-5am, i hide it well till we left the females house, and all day today ive had the runs, felt like shit, and when i got home i started puking all night.. its all carried into today too which really really sucks


                • back to health again. will be hitting the weights tomorrow, and possibly again wend night (tho at local la fitness)

                  feel great now that my disease has past -- being tanned is awesome, and im going to the beach again fri/sat/sun this weekend which is great!!!

                  also seeing the new batman movie tomorrow night, in imax, for free, which should be pretty intense


                  • tried lifting today -- it was weak and i thnk i stirred up some gastro-intestinal distress again.. no good.

                    did like 10 sets of bench, DB curls, and 6 reverse forearm str bar curls ina cycle, bench was only 135 and I did concentration reps

                    hopefully once i get a meal in me im fine.. had an apple and gonna go get some chicken teriyaki in a few

                    food poisioning sucks


                    • still not feeling 100% ... dont know whats going on.. prolly gonna chalk this week up to rest/recovery and hope that next week I am back to 100% and can get some workouts in while im on campus for orientation.


                      • Hope you feel better soon!

                        Disclaimer : The above post is my own PERSONAL OPINION and DOES NOT REPRESENT the official position of any company or entity. It DOES NOT constitute medical advice. CONTROLLED LABS products are produced in a GMP for Sport certified facility (no hormones produced in the facility / no cross contamination).


                        • thanks

                          yesterday was bad -- real bad

                          not much food at the house -- girlfriend and I only home 3days this week.. so my diet went like this:

                          fiber one bar
                          protein shake (with milk)
                          oatmeal to go bar
                          yogurt + muscle milk
                          fiber one bar
                          almond butter, jelly, 3 slices oat bread
                          protein shake (with milk + oats)

                          than, around dinner time, as i neared in on dieing, i decided to google cures for food poisioning + stomach viruses, and I read that you should avoid dairy and high fiber foods....

                          ..... bllleaaah. so yesterday sucked. I had soup for dinner and laid in bed all night (again) and felt better before I passed out officially/this morning.

                          girlfriend went out and got me tons of jello, saltines, and gingerale to feed off of today.

                          will be going to the beach again tonight for the weekend...hope that goes well and i dont eat bad food again.

                          this week blew -- was suposded to get alot of work done on my thesis proposal..nothing to do all week really. than i get horrible sick and aggrevate it back once im almost over it


                          • wow -- bought 3 bottles of sesamin yesterday at noonish, and it just got here today.. barely 24hr shipping. nice


                            • lifted chest & arms today -- felt good. nothing heavy, but i did like 10 cycles of a mega set (incline barbell, DB hammer curls, DB flat bench (focus on chest), cable tricep pushdowns, DB curls) and the last 3 cycles I threw DB flies into the beginning

                              ps: for an excellent read, check out the winners manual, by coach jim tressel of OSU, im enthralled by it right now (ie its better than writing my thesis)
                              Last edited by jiritt0; 08-26-2008, 05:34 PM.


                              • slacked off this week with training.. been a bum lately, reading and trying to get my thesis done.. next week the fall semester begins and ill be very busy though, so its worth it now... just wish i did more thesis writing and reading for pleasure

