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  • o man, i just murdered my classes... rediculous workouts for them, wouldnt be suprisded if it was the hardest workouts any of theme ver did/will ever do!haha

    my voice/throat is blasted, haven't coached (aka yelled) that much a long while =)

    bout to murder it myself. updates 2 follow


    • warm up as usual

      weight portion of workout:

      walking DB swings - 4 sets of 5 each arm - 30pd on first and 45pds for the rest of the set

      standing wall drills in between each set of DB swings -- 5 reps each leg

      deadlifts: 10x135,4reps at 225,225,275,275,275,275,10x135
      pullups : 4 reps each cycle
      45 sec rest

      walking lunges - 3 reps each leg forward + backward
      T bar rows - 6 reps at 50,75,100,100
      45 seconds rest between 2 sets (did 4 total)

      10 dives
      20 wide grip pushups
      3 sets w/ 45 second rest between each

      10 ab wheel rollouts
      and 10 russian twists each side with a 6KG med ball
      3 sets /45 sec rest

      ended with 100 crunches (sets of 25) and 50 jump ropes between each set


      • okay workout today.. girlfriend wasnt feelin it which held me back some, but i still psuhed thro and blasted it myself.

        warm up was very brief since she wasnt 100% -- did some stretching and light movement, than did 5 cycles of 60 seconds jumping rope and 15 seconds of burpees -- was pretty intense!!!


        barbell cleans and jerks - 4x5 x 95 pds
        90 seconds rest or so (not timed)

        back squats (bar) - 10x135, alot of 5s at 225, prolly near 8 or 9 sets when all said and done, 10x135
        one arm chin ups (on lat pulldown cable machine) - 6 reps each arm, about 5 sets
        45 seconds rest between each set

        carried 2-3 sets of squats over into next circuit...
        barbell incline bench- 10x135, about 8 or 9 sets of 5 at 225 (similiar as squats, did 4 or 5 in this circuit and carried 2-3 over into next circuit)
        10 glute ham rolls on a med ball each leg each circit (4 total)
        45 seconds rest between

        step ups - 4 each leg with 135 pds on abrbell on back
        speed squats - 15 reps, touching butt to top box of step ups
        (left over incline benches here)
        45 seconds rest

        last cicuirc was meshed with the step ups/speed squats too...

        med ball chest toss - 6kg ball, 10 reps / 8 reps/ 6 reps
        10 pushups w/feet elevated
        45 seconds rest between each set

        it was a weird workout, where i just started doing everything at once basically.. i didnt fel squats after 4x5 x 225, so i kept doing them til it was very difficult, did the same for the incline bench,a nd than the final 2 circuits (legs and chest one) got mixed together to speed things up..

        i am hoping to feel nice n sore tomorrow morning, as usual, lol.


        • todays workout -- was at noon not 4 which is nice, but sidetrack my studying for my last grad final tomorrow night. o well, workouts are more important. hah

          warm upwa s beautiful. lots of thermogenci movements and a real good dynamic stretch session. prolly 50mins total.


          hang snatch with olympic squat - 6 sets of 3, x 95pds

          depth jumps over boxes - 5 each set, first set with 4 boxes, 2nd set with 5 boxes, third set over 5 boxes then again over 4 boxes
          plyo pushups - 5 each set

          3x thro with 45second rest

          front squats - 6 sets of 4 - x 135, 155,175,185,185,185
          DB inclines - 6 set of 4 - 60, 60, 75s for rest

          6x thro with 45second rest

          pullups - 6
          good mornings - 6 x 95,135 for rest

          4 sets with 45 second rest each

          weighted crunches - 15x45pd plate
          DB shrugs - 50 pd DBs, 45 seconds total, about 20 reps each set
          russian twists - 25 reps each side with 6kg med ball

          4 x thro, 45 second rest each

          final thoughts: BRUTAL


          • no workouts til next monday..

            wed. I was out at a friends helping him put in a patio -- dug a 16x9 hole 9 inches deep, than filled it with 2 tons of stones.. woke up yesterday pretty sore from it, and had to sit around for the entire day during my graduation ceremonies (two hours at 10am and then 2 and ahalf hours at 5pm)

            taking my parents around to see the city today


            • think I tore my back up real bad.. tried hot/cold showers yesterday, got a massage from the gf, and today I put extra strength bengay (expired in 05) on...didnt feel anything at first, but for a few minutes after I felt it a lil..put like 1/2 a bottle on haha

              on a side note, I Just ordered myself the TRX suspension trainer ambassador kit.. 199$ shipped. yippy


              • back in the swing of thigns -- summer I session started and Im about to workout here soon. once things get rolling, for the next 6 weeks, i will be working out 4x a week with weights (ideally) and doing sprints 2-3x a week with some agility/multidirectional training as well..



                just wrote up weight workouts for this week, should be intense when its all said n done.. since im adding in another day of weights + significantly increasing the movement training, the actual weight workouts may be less in design but all the same intensity, only time will tell how much i can get after it with the facilities available til im done at Temple...


                • last nights workout:
                  30/45 min warm up - - alot of stretching focused on the trunk and low back


                  hang cleans with jerk - 5x5 x 95pds

                  lateral broad jumps - 3x3 each side - average 5feet
                  med ball slams - 3x6 w/6kg ball
                  45 seconds rest

                  reverse ab wheel (feet slide out not hands)
                  elevated pushups (feet on bench)
                  4x8x 45 second rest between cycles

                  DB bench on a swiss ball - 6 x 45
                  sprinter lunges - 6 each leg
                  4 sets through like this : 1 set, 45 sec rest, 2 sets w/no rest between, 45 sec rest, 1 set, 45 sec rest

                  underhand barbell rows - 6x95pds
                  sprinter crunches - 6 each side
                  4 sets through like this : 1 set, 45 sec rest, 2 sets w/no rest between, 45 sec rest, 1 set, 45 sec rest

                  squat thrusts (some frog thrusts included)
                  bodyweight squats
                  sets of 10-8-6-4 with minimal rest between every set


                  • last nights torture:

                    started the day off by doing demonstrations in my 1pm class, kind of a nice warm up for what was about to go down

                    than I jumped rope for about 30minutes, real good sweat going by the time i decided to move on to the warm up -- was killing time waiting for my gf to show up but got tired of waiting.

                    hit the warm up for about 30minutes more, felt good, alot of stretching and what not.


                    single arm DB snatch - 3 reps each arm per set, x 30,45,55,55,65

                    weighted verticals - 6reps with 20lb DBs in hands
                    med ball tosses - 6 reps with 6kg ball
                    45 sec rest between 3 cycles

                    squats - 10x135, 6x185, than the workout: 10 sets of 2! x225,255,275,285,295,305,315,315,275,225 -- ended with 6x185 and 10x135

                    between every set of squats I also did 4 chinups -- so something like 52 chinups by the end of that cycle, 45 seconds rest between each set

                    ended with 30 seconds plank
                    and 15 seconds step ups (each leg) with 30lb DBs in each hand
                    did 4 sets with 45 second rest between the 2nd and 3rd sets

                    extremely sore afterward and this morning, but gettin back after it tonight with more of a shoulder workout


                    • pissed off: yesterday i forgot my workout bag, so i didnt have any fresh clothes or my shakers...

                      workout suffered, ended up riding a bike for 5mins and walking on a treadmill for 5mins, than I ran through an agility ladder with my girlfriend for like 30minuets or so and went to 711 to buy muscle milk..

                      i didnt wanna break a bad sweat (even though I did) because i have to teach for 90minutes after I workout, not having new clothes = no good

                      for today, i just warmed up (30mins) and ran 4 uphill sprints and 4 downhill sprints -- drank 3 scoops PW during and going to drink a protein shake here post...

                      weights later tonight (i best remember my gear)


                      • weights workout from the other night:

                        jumped rope for 30mins, did a warmup for another 30mins

                        actual weights: about 90mins

                        walking DB swings - 4 sets of 6 each leg - 30/45/55/55

                        depth jumps over a box - 6
                        overhead med ball toss - 6 (6kg ball)
                        3x , 45 sec rest

                        deadlifts - 8x135,4x185, 2x235,235,285,285,285, 4x185, 8x135 (used a snatch grip for most)
                        4 pullups between every set
                        45 second rest per cycle

                        incline DB bench - 12x55,75,75,75,75,75
                        45 sec glute ham bridge after everyone
                        45 sec rest per cycle

                        12 dives
                        12 weight situps on decline bench (30pds)
                        45 second rest, 5x thro

                        than i taught my night class (was completely out of it,haha)


                        • had a good weekend..spent the past 2 days basically outside for 8 hours ...lots of sun and physical activitiy.. yesterday I murdered my friends in a game of home run derby.. won the thing and hit the 2 furthest balls.. haha..

                          workout later tonight.


                          • no updates for a minute...this weeks workouts:

                            tuesday night:
                            good warmup, mix of stretch+aerobic


                            DB bench - alot of sets at 12 with 75pd DBs , at least 5 sets

                            incline wide bar bench - same thing, at least 5 sets with 135 and chains

                            DB flies - 4x10x30/30/30/40

                            chin ups - 3x10

                            good mornings - 3x10x95pds

                            between every single set of the above, i did 10 crunches on a bench, 10 pushups, and 10 situps -- all said n done I prolyl did near 250 of each (?)

                            Wed. workout

                            alot of jumping rope in warmup, maybe 15min, plus 30min of stretching/other aerobic movements


                            bears (back squat, shoulderpress into front squat, shoulder press into backsquat..) : 4x10x95, 3x6x165, 2x10x95

                            lunge complex (8 directions) - 3x2 each leg w/bodyweight

                            step ups: 3x6x95pds onto 4 boxes (a little above knee height)

                            glute ham rolls on a siwss ball: 3x10

                            supermans : 3x10

                            between every set above i did 10 russian twists (5 a side) with a 6kg med ball, 10 bodyweight squats of varying technique, and 5 ab wheel roll outs

                            TH workout

                            30 mins of jump rope
                            15 mins of brief stretching/aerboic warmup

                            bent over rows: 10x95,95,95,95, 6x165,165,165, 10x95

                            shoulder press: 10x40,50, 6x60,60,60, 10x50

                            during rows and shoulder press, between every set I did 10 dead bugs, 10 shrugs with 50pd DBs, and 10 sprinter crunches

                            RDL to high upright row: 3x10x95

                            between every set of RDL/high rows, I did static neck bridges on a swiss ball: 30 seconds all 4 ways with 10 shrugs with 50pd DBs as well

                            pullups: 3x10 (5 normal, 5 with 70pd assistance)

                            between every set of pullups I did 10 DB bicep curls with 30s, 10 shrugs with 50s, and 10 cable rope pushdowns with 40/40/50


                            • did a good warmiup, maybe 15-20 mins..

                              cleans, 6 x 2 - 95 /115/ 125/135/ 145

                              box jumps (6) - sucked, not real boxes and not a real workout =(
                              overhead ball throws - 6 w/ 6kg ball
                              3x, 45 sec rest

                              bar bench - 10x135, 6x185, 2x 225,235,245,255,265,275.285,295, 255, 235, 16x135
                              3 single leg RDLs w/ 30lb DB after each set
                              45 second rest between each set

                              lunge squats - 5x 95, 105, 115, 125, 135
                              DB flies - 5x30,40,40,45,45
                              45 sec rest each set

                              burpees and DB pushup rows
                              sets of 12 / 10/ 8
                              45 second rest between each set

                              standing single arm barbell squat pushes - 8 w/50lb on the elevated bar
                              12 sprinter crunch
                              15 situps
                              45 second rest, 3x thro

                              ended with 2 sets of chinups, 10 reps each while I wamred up my class


                              • usual warmup


                                jerks: 6x2, 95/115/135/145/155/165

                                weighted verticals (5) with 95pd
                                med ball ab slams w/ 6kg ball
                                3x thro /45 sec rest

                                standing barbell shoulder presses (3 in front + 3 in back) , 95, 115,125,135,135,135 - 5 both ways w/95pd
                                calf raises - 12 each set w/ 400 pds, 12 second static holds on end -- on last set held top position for 45 seconds with same weight
                                --45 second rest each set

                                front squat s - 10x95, 145, 145, 145
                                shoulder clocks - 3 time sboth directions
                                3x thro , 45 second rest

                                pizza makers - 10/8/6, first two sets w/ 15lb, last set w/ 20lb
                                box runs - 20/30/40 seconds
                                45 second rest each set

                                bent over delt raises - same as pizza makers
                                box jumps (both feet forward) 20/30/40seconds
                                45 second rest each set

                                ended with some jump rope + weighted situps/crunches

