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  • Rant:

    Im off now, iI have to stand up ugh, and that hurts the back, ok, ill be strong, I will, later.

    dam post 2,200. woohoo, Got to keep it up, nights
    If you have to cheat to win, why bothering playing..


    • Later dude. Take care of that back.


      • RANt:

        ONLY 832 post lead, have to increase it,
        If you have to cheat to win, why bothering playing..


        • Originally posted by GimpyPaw
          Later dude. Take care of that back.
          Thanks, I will, I hate missing gym, time, its 2:30 here as well I need my beatuy rest..
          If you have to cheat to win, why bothering playing..


          • Rant:

            House is obsesed.


            • Gimps, Keep the posting, do it for all those little postwhores out there, im passing the post whore button to you why i rest
              If you have to cheat to win, why bothering playing..


              • I've only got 25 to go before I break 800, so I'm gonna stay up a bit longer.


                • I accept this honor with great humility.


                  • Originally posted by GimpyPaw

                    House is obsesed.

                    Rant: not upset a MISSION, Cant let my fan club down, cant let all the little postamainics down either
                    If you have to cheat to win, why bothering playing..


                    • Originally posted by GimpyPaw
                      I accept this honor with great humility.

                      Thats right only the shamed can recieve this honor and reward, comes with it, humilliation and no dignity, but the abliity to carry on the post whore legacy
                      If you have to cheat to win, why bothering playing..


                      • I will strive to keep up the fine traditions set forth upon this thread of valor. Yea, I will lay forth and offer up those postings which may seem fit to bestow upon this keyboard, thus rendering unto the server my enigmatical rantings.


                        • Remember GIMPS, With this honor comes great rewards and responseabilites, I hope you can handle them all, it ask for sacrfice and dedication...
                          If you have to cheat to win, why bothering playing..


                          • Hey, I got's an idea! I'll bust out the ol' King James version and post up verse after verse of scripture. That should keep me out of trouble.


                            • I just squashed a bug


                              • Originally posted by GimpyPaw
                                I will strive to keep up the fine traditions set forth upon this thread of valor. Yea, I will lay forth and offer up those postings which may seem fit to bestow upon this keyboard, thus rendering unto the server my enigmatical rantings.

                                Thats right, now I can sleep good tonight knowing that the rant thread is in good hands(fingertips), dont take any whore smacking from anyone, as one you may be hit, but as we unite to form the post whore coloation we will be strong and take over all..
                                If you have to cheat to win, why bothering playing..

