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  • Originally posted by i69u
    so when is green mag going to be released
    should ship to testers and retailers a week from tomorrow :crosses fingers:
    REDuction SHOTS are Now Here!

    Out Now:
    Orange OxiMega (Fish Oil & Greens)
    Purple Psyko
    Gold Feast
    Blue Gene
    Blue Growth
    REDuction AM/PM Shots
    REDuction AM/PM (and PM solo)
    Orange TRIad
    White Flood (5 Flavors)
    Black Hole
    Green MAGnitude (apple or lemonade)
    Green Bulge
    White Blood 2
    Purple Wraath (grape or lemonade)
    Blue Up
    Blue Up (Stim-Free)
    GlycerGrow (Elements line)
    CLAmore (Elements Line)

    Toll Free: (800) 692-4558
    Tank "@"


    • Age: 20

      Sex: Male

      Height: 6'1"

      Weight: ` 200 lb.s

      Bodytype: Endo-Mesomorph

      Training experience (as much detail as possible.. TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF ! ! WHY should we choose you ! !):
      Read the name, i grew up as the fatkid, so now I have decided to turn things around. I had the stress of growing up and being picked on mixed with several medical risks inherited from my father (heart disease and cholesterol). So I have been designing my trainging based upon what I need to maintain these changes for the rest of my life, not just one radical montha dn then giving up. Since about a year ago I have been training regularly (3-5 times a week). Half the year I am in an apartment on my own where I maitain a healthy diet and have a personal trainer to help keep me motivated. The other half of the year I live in a fraternity and am forced to eat the food provided to me, which typically is not in anyway healthy. I have already planned on using a CL stack starting ing mid July for a 3 month bulk cycle. The stack will be listed below, also I plan on creating my first workout journal during those 3 months to show the changes brought about.

      Current Training Schedule / Protocol (as much detail as possible):
      July-Oct. Schedule:
      5 Day Split
      Sunday: Upper body
      Bench Press [reps: 10,8,8,6,8] (last set at end of day's work)
      Incline Bench [10,8,6,8]
      Shoulder Press [10,8,8,6,8]
      Upright Row [12,10,8,6]
      Deadlifts [12,8,8,5]
      Barbell Curl [10,8,6]
      Tricep Ext. [10,8,6]

      Monday:Lower Body
      Squats: [10,8,8,6]
      Leg Press [12,10,10,8,6]
      Standing Calf [15,12,10,6] {Superset with}
      Sitting Calf [15,12,10,6]
      Leg Ext. [12,8,6]
      Leg Curls [12,8,6]

      Tues: rest

      Wed: Chest/Back
      Bench Press [10,8,8,6,8] (last set at end of day's work)
      Incline Bench [10,8,6,8]
      DB pull over [12,10,8]
      Back extensions [10,8,8]
      Straight Arm pulldown [10,8,6]
      One Arm row [10,8,6]
      Cable Crossover [10.8,8,6]

      Thurs: Shoulders
      Clean and Press [12,10,8,6]
      Lat Pulldown [12,10,8,6]
      Laterals raises [10,8,6] {superset with}
      Front Raises [10,8,6]
      Arnold Press [10,8,6]
      Bent Row [10,8,6]
      Shruggs [15,12,10,10]

      Standing curls [10,8,8,6] {superset with}
      Close grip bench press [10,8,8,6]
      Incline Curl [10,8,8,6] {superset with}
      Skull crushers [10,8,8,6]
      DB Preacher Curl [10,8,6] {superset with}
      Tricep Pushdown [10,8,6]

      Sat: rest

      Cardio Schedule/Protocol (as much detail as possible):

      Workout day: warmups consist of 10 min. cycling

      Current supplements (exact brand/product name):
      ON's 100% Whey
      Flax seed oil
      One-a-day cholesterol Formula
      as of July:

      Current Diet and macros (as much detail as possible):
      Breaskfast: Oatmeal and raisins, protein shake
      meal two: apple, carrots, green peppers
      Lunch: freezer meal (usual lean cuizine or healthy choice), peach cup
      meal four: cheese stick, protein shake, slim fast protein bar
      Dinner: Steak, veggie medely
      meal six: protein shake

      Current Daily water intake:
      1-2 gallons

      Short Term Goal:
      Reduce bf from 23% to less than 17%
      visible muscle growth

      Long Term Goal:
      retain 200 lb. weight and reach 10-13% bf
      Strength Increases
      Muscle definition
      body to be proud of

      ANY and ALL Prescription / Non-Prescription / Recreational drugs:
      Benedryl (allergies to outdoors)
      Sudaphed (allergies to outdoors)
      Fluocinolone (for psoriasis)

      Supplement history (as much detail as possible):
      Creapure Creatine Monohydrate
      GNC 100% whey protein
      SAN Tight
      Five Tetra

      Other product reviews / logs you have done (with links):

      Current / Progress Photos:

      Can you post "before" and "after" photos (yes or no):
      No prob.

      Disclaimer: I have read the terms above completely. I agree to them 100%. I do NOT have a medical condition. I do NOT feel that I MAY have a medical condition. I do not have symptoms of ANY medical condition. I will be able to start my log / review the week of __July __17th_________, 2006
      Ht: 6'1"
      Wt: 200 lb.s
      BF: 20.4% (6/9/06)
      17% (8/2/06)
      Age 20

      Disclaimer: The drunk posts of "Former_Fatkid" in no way represent the opinions of sober "Former_Fatkid", or any of his associates.



      • Originally posted by Controlled Labs
        should ship to testers and retailers a week from tomorrow :crosses fingers:
        when will it be released for sale
        If i add it to my 3 month cycle i hope i can get some after the month test kit ends
        Ht: 6'1"
        Wt: 200 lb.s
        BF: 20.4% (6/9/06)
        17% (8/2/06)
        Age 20

        Disclaimer: The drunk posts of "Former_Fatkid" in no way represent the opinions of sober "Former_Fatkid", or any of his associates.



        • Originally posted by Former_Fatkid
          when will it be released for sale
          If i add it to my 3 month cycle i hope i can get some after the month test kit ends
          it should be for sale on our site June 12th and on most other sites a few days later. assuming everything ships june 12th most sites will have it within 2-5 business days.
          REDuction SHOTS are Now Here!

          Out Now:
          Orange OxiMega (Fish Oil & Greens)
          Purple Psyko
          Gold Feast
          Blue Gene
          Blue Growth
          REDuction AM/PM Shots
          REDuction AM/PM (and PM solo)
          Orange TRIad
          White Flood (5 Flavors)
          Black Hole
          Green MAGnitude (apple or lemonade)
          Green Bulge
          White Blood 2
          Purple Wraath (grape or lemonade)
          Blue Up
          Blue Up (Stim-Free)
          GlycerGrow (Elements line)
          CLAmore (Elements Line)

          Toll Free: (800) 692-4558
          Tank "@"


          • Originally posted by pu12en12g
            How much X-Factor do you have left ?

            about 5 DAYS left. thinking of going on another cycle, but obviously if i get chosen as a tester i wouldnt start it, unless u guys wanted a stack reviewed. but i figure the product is new ud want it stand alone. another good thing is i only have a few servings left of the xpand, so i wouldnt be mixing it with anything other than zma and whey and the other CL products (im already doing purple wraath and glycergrow - which are BOTH staples in my supplementation for the rest of life hahah)


            • Interesting Avatar "Former"

              Originally posted by Former_Fatkid
              when will it be released for sale
              If i add it to my 3 month cycle i hope i can get some after the month test kit ends
              "Kiss Me I'm Polish" with an outline of Italy? Was Geography an issue in school?
              Last edited by Stuart Rudolph; 06-05-2006, 03:05 AM.
              God Bless,


              • Originally posted by Stuart Rudolph
                "Kiss Me I'm Polish" with an outline of Italy? Was Geography an issue in school?
                you don't get it do you, hint: its a joke

                For some reason all the polocks I know get the joke, but others don't
                Last edited by Former_Fatkid; 06-05-2006, 01:08 PM.
                Ht: 6'1"
                Wt: 200 lb.s
                BF: 20.4% (6/9/06)
                17% (8/2/06)
                Age 20

                Disclaimer: The drunk posts of "Former_Fatkid" in no way represent the opinions of sober "Former_Fatkid", or any of his associates.



                • i am gald i am a memeber here the app count over at is getting high and only 5 people are going to test at least here i feel like i have a decent chance even though i was a pw tester
                  Owner of Fitness Paramount Personal Training


                  • A bit off topic but since i've joined here i check maybe once a day, this is my new addiction.
                    Ht: 6'1"
                    Wt: 200 lb.s
                    BF: 20.4% (6/9/06)
                    17% (8/2/06)
                    Age 20

                    Disclaimer: The drunk posts of "Former_Fatkid" in no way represent the opinions of sober "Former_Fatkid", or any of his associates.



                    • Originally posted by Former_Fatkid
                      A bit off topic but since i've joined here i check maybe once a day, this is my new addiction.
                      jdouchebag for president


                      • Originally posted by strester
                        lol same, this is my new boredom reliever at work!

                        ps do you have female testers for GM yet?


                        • asianbabe's awesome application

                          Age: 20

                          Sex: Female

                          Height: 165cm/5’5”

                          Weight: 116lbs

                          Bodytype: Ecto/Endo – (I am skinnyfat!)

                          Training experience
                          (as much detail as possible.. TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF ! ! WHY should we choose you ! !):

                          6 months lifting weights
                          Certified aerobics instructor

                          You should pick me because I am different. I am still a novice to bodybuilding, so it should be interesting to see the results from testing the product on someone who has been relatively free from supplement usage, as well as with alternative goals to the traditional cutting and bulking! You also need a female tester to balance things out!

                          I have been logging in a journal of my progress thus far, which I update on most days (excuse the past couple of weeks where I have been studying for finals...):

                          It would not be difficult for me to log and test these products. I am a very organised individual and enjoy being accountable for what I do. I also work as a PA which involves me doing none other than stare at a frozen screen all day, which will allow me to do a great deal of posting/logging! I will ensure that my logs are detailed, regular, easy to follow (nothing worse than a badly set out journal) and hopefully full of progress! Having not tried CL products before, rest assured that my review will be an objective and unbiased one!

                          I also want to prove that having Asian genetics is not a hindrance to the achievement of bodybuilding goals. (Ok so Mr Aries has already proven that, but it wouldn’t hurt to cement that proposition!?)

                          Current Training Schedule / Protocol (as much detail as possible):

                          Following a full body training program, developed around Chad Waterbury's article, 3 days a week

                          Sample week (currently on week 3):

                          Workout A

                          A1 b/b squats
                          A2 b/b cleans
                          B1 d/b reverse lunges
                          B2 d/b flat bench
                          C1 d/b lateral raises
                          C2 d/b incline biceps
                          D1 side planks
                          D2 V sit


                          A1 b/b incline chest
                          A2 b/b good mornings
                          B1 dhest press machine
                          B2 leg press
                          C1 b/b skull crushers
                          C2 b/b front raise
                          D1 fitball jacknife
                          D2 V sit


                          A1 b/b rom deadlift
                          A2 d/b bulgarian squat
                          B2 b/b military press
                          B1 bb bent over rows
                          C1 c/g bench press
                          C2 bb biceps curl
                          D1 fitball leg raises
                          D2 V sit

                          Week 1 (straight sets) 3 x 5 60 3 x 8 90 2 x15 120
                          Week 2 (antagonists ) 3 x 5 60 3 x 8 90 2 x15 120

                          Week 3 (st) 4 x 5 60 4 x 8 90 3 x 15 120
                          Week 4 (Ant) 4 x 5 60 4 x 8 90 3 x 15 120

                          Week 5 (st) 2 x 18 120 2 x 8 60 2 x 12 90
                          Week 6 (Ant) 2 x 18 120 2 x 8 60 2 x 12 90

                          Week 7 (st) 3 x 18 120 3 x 8 60 3 x 12 90
                          Week 8 (ant) 3 x 18 120 3 x 8 60 3 x 12 90

                          Cardio Schedule/Protocol (as much detail as possible):

                          Cardio is performed 3 days a week (off days), and vary from spin classes, HIIT on the treadmill and aerobics routine practice (I recently completed a fitness certificcation and will be starting up as an aerobics instructor on a casual basis soon). However, I am trying to limit cardio and not perform on an empty stomach so as to avoid any chance of muscle loss.

                          Current supplements (exact brand/product name):
                          100% ON Whey
                          Horleys Ripped Factors WPI
                          Musashi 92 Whey
                          NOW EVE multi
                          NOW L-carnitine 500
                          Scivation xtend
                          Scivation sesamin
                          USPlabs camp
                          Fish oil

                          Current Diet and macros (as much detail as possible):
                          I’m on a programmed diet made by a professional, so cannot disclose all details, but it is balanced with at least 6 meals a day comprised of adequate carbohydrates, protein and EFAs, caloric range between 1600-1900, plenty of water, fruit and vegetables.

                          I have been predominantly focused on getting my diet and training in check the past few months, and am a firm believer that those elements are the most important. Having said that I feel that I am getting a good grip on those and am ready for supplementation to assist with my strength and muscle gains.

                          Current Daily water intake: 5-6L

                          Short Term Goal: Gain muscle and strength, without packing on too much fat in the process

                          Long Term Goal: Recomposition - to get rid of my damn skinnyfatness!

                          ANY and ALL Prescription / Non-Prescription / Recreational drugs:

                          Supplement history (as much detail as possible):

                          Not too much of a history here, basically the same ones as I am using currently. In addition to those mentioned above,
                          ON Casein
                          NOW CLA

                          Other product reviews / logs you have done (with links): N/A

                          Current / Progress Photos: If I get chosen I will take and post some current ones.
                          This is from ~ two months ago:

                          Now wouldn't you want to see that + a bit more muscle?!

                          Can you post "before" and "after" photos (yes or no): Yes

                          Disclaimer: I have read the terms above completely. I agree to them 100%. I do NOT have a medical condition. I do NOT feel that I MAY have a medical condition. I do not have symptoms of ANY medical condition. I will be able to start my log / review when I receive it! You may need to add a week or so for it to ship to Australia though.

                          Last edited by asianbabe; 06-06-2006, 05:24 AM. Reason: put in a pic


                          • Age: 18 years old


                            Height: 5'7

                            174 first thing in the morning with 16% bodyfat

                            Bodytype: Ecto

                            Training experience (as much detail as possible.. TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF ! ! WHY should we choose you ! !): Ive been lifting for quite sometime now. Was always intrigued with seeing how much i could lift when i was younger. Around 7th grade i started lifting. Gaining weight for football and then cutting weight for wrestling, This went on till 10th grade. I moved to Pa when i was a freshman where i met my best friend who was also into lifting. So having someone to lift with all the time helped me relize that i love bodybuilding and i want to push my body to its limits and get it as big as possibly. I am very dedicated as you may already know from my log(bottom of my sign) that i just completed for you guys with purple wraath. I know how to keep a reader friendly log and i know i will give you guys the time and dedication you are looking for in your testers. I have taken some of your products and i absolutly love them.

                            Most importantly i think is...
                            I am a memeber to another body building board. So IF i do get picked I will be able to post my log on there as well. That way you guys will be getting a log on two boards out of one tester

                            Current Training Schedule / Protocol (as much detail as possible):

                            * Day 1- Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Calves, Biceps
                            * Day 2- Chest, Front Delts, Triceps
                            * Day 3- Back, Biceps, Hamstrings
                            * Day 4- Side Delts, Rear Delts, Triceps, Quads

                            Cardio Schedule/Protocol (as much detail as possible):

                            I cut my cardio down since i am in a bulking phase. the only cardio i do is outside basketball every now and then and cutting the grass, i have a push lawn more and a big yard.

                            Current supplements (exact brand/product name):
                            Current supplements (exact brand/product name): Weight gainer(muscle juice) and protien(solid whey) i take dextrose (70g) with my PWO shake.

                            Current Diet and macros (as much detail as possible):
                            * Meal 1-16 oz milk,1tbsp olive oil,weight gainer
                            * Meal 2- either 8 oz pasta or 2oz pasta w/4 oz meat
                            * Meal 3- 3 oz lunch meat with 2 slice bread and 8 oz chocolate milk
                            * Meal 4- 4 oz chicken with 4 oz pasta
                            * Meal 5- Peanut Bar
                            * Meal 6- (POW) 2 scoop protein with 1 scoop dextorse
                            * Meal 7- 8 oz potato or 1 cup oatmeal
                            * Meal 8- Dinner with family varies from night to night But always some type of meat with either some type of rice or pasta. Im Italian so lots of chicken and pasta.
                            * Meal 9- Peanut bar or oatmeal
                            * Meal 10- 16 oz milk, 1tbsp olive oil, weight gainer

                            Current Daily water intake: my water intake is pretty constint. It is about 2-2.5 galloons a day.

                            Short Term Goal: right now i am 174ish and i would like to get to 185. Ill take it either way i can get it, whether it be bulky, bloated weight or with a bodyfat that i have now.

                            Long Term Goal:
                            within the next 2 years I plan on competing at a NPC contest. So i am working out hard eating right and trying to do everything i know how to do to prepare me for that contest. After competing in that contest, i will take a yr or 2 off from competing and do a seriously bulk and then compete at the NCP collegiate contest.

                            ANY and ALL Prescription / Non-Prescription / Recreational drugs: None

                            Supplement history (as much detail as possible): Recently just got off a stack of purple wraath, green bulge and white blood. I have taken other creatine and no2 products such as cell tech nitrix and cold fusion but none of them worked for me as good as green bulge and white blood did. As far as protien i took nitro tech when i first started and now i take solid whey. Weight gainer i take muscle juice and i take dextrose.

                            Other product reviews / logs you have done (with links):

                            Purple Wraath/White Blood/Green Bulge Log ------>

                            Current / Progress Photos:
                            I just posted my "final" pictures in my log ( but if needed I can take pictures whenever you need. I have my own digital camera now and posting pictures on demand would be no problem.

                            Can you post "before" and "after" photos (yes or no): Yes I can

                            Disclaimer: I have read the terms above completely. I agree to them 100%. I do NOT have a medical condition. I do NOT feel that I MAY have a medical condition. I do not have symptoms of ANY medical condition. I will be able to start my log / review the week of __ASAP___, 2006
                            Attached Files
                            Green MAGnitude Log ----->

                            Purple Wraath/White Blood/Green Bulge Log ------>


                            • Originally posted by lift603
                              Weight: 174 first thing in the morning with 16% bodyfat

                              Bodytype: Ecto

                              Ecto my ass! Nice physique man. And your definately not 16%BF bro. Probably closer to 13% I'd guess.
                              + =


                              • Pollock Too!

                                Originally posted by Former_Fatkid
                                you don't get it do you, hint: its a joke

                                For some reason all the polocks I know get the joke, but others don't
                                I'm a pollock too, guess I'm the "Blacksheep".
                                God Bless,

