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  • #91
    Pick me, pick me

    Age: 26

    Sex: Male

    Height: 6'0

    Weight: 220

    Bodytype: Mesomorph

    Training experience (as much detail as possible.. TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF ! ! WHY should we choose you ! !): I'm a proud Army Officer, currently serving in Iraq and working out like a champion. The highlight of my day is to walk in to the gym and put all the stress from working long, monotonous days out of my mind and focus on improving myself both physically and mentally. I'm a perfectionist... I would rather do a lift with less weight and proper form than heavy with sloppy form. The guys that throw 315 on the squat rack and perform the exercise with a three inch range of motion and a large grunt at the end give me all the motivation I need to do something right. I grew up as an athlete, starting sports at six years of age and continuing on throughout college as a wrestler. I trained with weights consistently from high school through college, working hard to better myself as an athlete. After college, I had a minor setback when I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease and hospitalized for a week. At the time, the Dr. put me on Prednisone, which I took for about 7-8 weeks. I was unaware and uninformed of the side effects of the drug and gained about 25 lbs with a significant increase in bodyfat and loss in muscle mass. I became depressed and had severe issues with the way I looked in the mirror. Since then, I've made it my goal to change my life for the postive. In the last 7+ months, I've lost 25 lbs while gaining strength the entire time. I feel great and I'm back on track, training as hard as I ever did in college (with exception to the demanding wrestling practices ) I want to continue this journey to improve myself both physically and emotionally and be in the best shape that I can possibly be in.

    Current Training Schedule / Protocol (as much detail as possible): I'm currently doing a High Frequency Program, but planned to switch to HST within the next two weeks. Currently, I'm conducting a full body workout, 5 days a week (3 days on, 1 off, 2 days on, 1 off). I typically do one exercise per bodypart in some rep scheme of 24 reps. When I switch to the HST program, I will be doing the workout prescribed on 15 reps for two weeks, 10 reps for two weeks, 5 reps for 2-4 weeks with increasing weight each workout. Here are the prescribed lifts:
    Incline Bench
    Weighted Dips
    Shoulder Press
    Lateral Raise
    Rear Delt
    DB Curls
    Tri Extensions
    Calf Raise

    Cardio Schedule/Protocol (as much detail as possible): 4-5 times per week. HIIT conducted a minimum of two times, so if I work out only 4 times I will drop the moderate intensity workout instead of the HIIT.
    2 x HIIT for 20-30 min; I like to change between the elliptical, outside running and treadmill
    2-3x Moderate intensity for 30-45 min; again I alternate between the three options above.

    Current supplements (exact brand/product name):
    ON 100% Whey Chocolate Mint (10 AM, 4 PM-PreWO, 530-PostWO)
    ON 100% Casein - before bed
    CL Green Bulge - 45 min PreWO
    CL GlycerGrow - 1 scoop 45 min PreWO, 2 start WO, 1 PostWO
    CL PurpleWraath - 15 min PreWO
    Primaforce CEE - PostWO
    ON Fish Oil - 2 caps 3xdaily w/meals
    NOW Adam - after dinner - I'll be switching to Animal Pak after this to see what I like better. Heard good things about both, but I like the deep sleep I seem to get with Adam.
    Scivation Sesamin - 2-3 times daily w/meals
    Vasopro - Week one 12.5 mg twice daily, week two 25 mg twice daily, cycle off for two weeks and repeat
    USPLabs C2 - 3 pills w/Vasopro twice daily for two weeks, 3 pills once daily for two weeks and repeat
    USPlabs cAMPHIBOLIC - 2 pills before bed for two weeks, 2 pills in morning and before bed for two weeks and repeat
    NOW Max CLA - 3 times a day before meals
    Naturemade Triple Flex (glucosamine, chondritin & MSM) - 2 pills a day

    Current Diet and macros (as much detail as possible): This isn't set in stone because I can only pick from whatever the Army offers on a daily basis over here. This is a typical day though:

    Meal 1: Boiled egg whites w/1-2 yolks or protein shake w/oatmail
    Meal 2: Chicken breast with broccoli or some shrimp/chicken and veggie stir fry
    Meal 3: Chicken breast or turkey or tuna
    Meal 4: Pre wo shake (currently protein only)
    Meal 5: Post wo shake w/either oats or a banana
    Meal 6: shrimp/chicken and veggie stir fry or baked fish and vegetables
    Meal 7: Pre-bed shake (was muscle milk, now it's casein)
    Macros: Trying to maintain 40-50% protein and 20-30% of both carbs and fats. Again, this is more dependent on what is offered in the dining facility.

    Current Daily water intake: 1.5-2.5 gallons/day

    Short Term Goal: Decrease bodyfat 3-5% while maintaining strength

    Long Term Goal: Stay physically and emotionally healthy

    ANY and ALL Prescription / Non-Prescription / Recreational drugs: N/A

    Supplement history (as much detail as possible): All of the above mentioned supplements. I have never taken any ProHormones or Steroids. Others taken include but are not limited too: Myoplex Deluxe, BSN Cell Mass, Nitrix and NO Explode, CL White Blood, Cissus Rx, Powerfull, Lipo 6, Hydroxycut, Zantrex 3, NO2, Betagen, Xenadrine w/Ephedra. That's all I can think of, but I may have tried a few other things here and there.

    Other product reviews / logs you have done (with links): My current log on CL forum and

    Current / Progress Photos: I don't have any recent ones on my work computer, but I'm going to post what I have from about a month and a half ago. My camera broke, so now I have to borrow one to take more. I will ensure I take adequate pictures if selected though.

    Can you post "before" and "after" photos (yes or no): Yes

    Disclaimer: I have read the terms above completely. I agree to them 100%. I do have a medical condition (Crohn's Disease), but I have been ok'ed to take creatine in the past and have taken it successfully w/o any negative side effects. I will be able to start my log / review the week of 15 JUN, 2006
    Attached Files


    • #92
      Originally posted by boyscouTâ„¢
      Shoulder Day
      Exercise :: Weight(lbs) x REP (Warm-Up sets in italics)

      DB Shoulder Press :: 25x10, 25x8, 50x6 for 3 sets

      WOW! Strong Delts
      + =


      • #93
        Originally posted by Travis71902
        WOW! Strong Delts
        Really? Thanks!

        For my bodyweight I guess that weight is good? I'll be putting up progress pictures in my journal at in a few hours, if you wanna check em out.


        • #94
          looking good, lets get more applicants
          REDuction SHOTS are Now Here!

          Out Now:
          Orange OxiMega (Fish Oil & Greens)
          Purple Psyko
          Gold Feast
          Blue Gene
          Blue Growth
          REDuction AM/PM Shots
          REDuction AM/PM (and PM solo)
          Orange TRIad
          White Flood (5 Flavors)
          Black Hole
          Green MAGnitude (apple or lemonade)
          Green Bulge
          White Blood 2
          Purple Wraath (grape or lemonade)
          Blue Up
          Blue Up (Stim-Free)
          GlycerGrow (Elements line)
          CLAmore (Elements Line)

          Toll Free: (800) 692-4558
          Tank "@"


          • #95
            yess...lets get this baby for sale already!!


            • #96
              I would be interested in seeing a X-Factor/ Green MAGnitude log. You guys should team up with Molecular. That could yield amazing gains.


              • #97
                Originally posted by Frank_the_Tank
                I would be interested in seeing a X-Factor/ Green MAGnitude log. You guys should team up with Molecular. That could yield amazing gains.

                that's a great idea ... i was going to start an xfactor cycle in a few weeks, but saw this and figured i'd hold out to see who got picked for this test ...

                XF/PW/GM/Xtend/WBpm - i think that would be a great stack
                jdouchebag for president


                • #98
                  Originally posted by jaymdubbs
                  Age: 22

                  Sex: M

                  Height: 6'1

                  Weight: 185

                  Bodytype: Meso

                  Training experience: Weight lifted on and off since 2000. Played football and basketball. Seriously got into strength training last year when I started to compete in Mixed Martial Art competitions. In a matter of a year I lost a total of 25 pounds, and gained it all back in lean muscle mass - 185 - 160 - and then back to 185 at 8-9% bf. my workouts kept getting better and more intense. now i am the strongest ive ever been, with my cardio being PHENOMONAL. You should pick me because I will thoroughly run your product through the gauntlet to see how effective it works. my sheer training protocol is wicked.

                  Current Training Schedule / Protocol : Full Body Workouts 3 Times a week- tues, thurs, sat. consisting of exercises that hit every body part- rep schemes differ, but generally are 4x10 or 3x12 depending on my goal that day (strength vs endurance)

                  a sample might be on Tuesdays
                  EZ Curl
                  Lat Pulldown
                  Hack Squats
                  15 Min AB work
                  Tricep Press
                  Military press
                  T bar row
                  Upright row
                  Time: ~ 60 mins

                  the exercises are always changed up.

                  also, i have resistance band/plyometric workouts 3 times a week on days I am not lifting. These generally last an hour.

                  on mondays, wednesdays, fridays and sundays I have 1 hr Brazilian Jujitsu Classes, and on Thursday and Fridays I have 1.5-2 hr stand up/JKD/Muay Thai classes

                  Cardio Schedule/Protocol (as much detail as possible):
                  After every weight training session I will do the following- HIIT on a treadmill for 15 mins, alternating minutes at 7mph and 10mph usually clocking in at around 2.5 miles

                  after that, I will do intervals on a stair master for another 10 - 12 minutes.
                  my heart rate stays around 170 ish the whole time

                  also, on days i dont weight train i run 2 miles around 160-180 heart rate.

                  also, those martial art classes I do are cardio sessions in themselves.

                  Current supplements (exact brand/product name): Scivation Anagen, MN X-Factor, Dymatize Elite Whey, Countdown Post workout Dex/malto, Dymatize z-force, CL purple wraath, CL glycer grow, Dymatize Xpand, EFA's

                  Current Diet and macros (as much detail as possible):
                  Breakfast- Oats, Cottage Cheese, Protein shake (w/milk), water
                  mid- banana, cottage cheese, water
                  Lunch- lean turkey or tuna, veggies, cottage cheese, whole wheat bread, diet soda
                  mid- EAS myoplex original, water
                  mid 2- cottage cheese, turkey/chicken, water
                  dinner- chicken/lean beef, veggies, if fatigued take in extra carb
                  snack- EAS myoplex carb senses (before bed)

                  hard to total because theres slight variations, however, im at

                  3000 calories, give or take 250-400,
                  ~250 g protein
                  ~200 g carbs
                  <100 g f
                  i know im off a little bit but thats a rough estimate

                  Current Daily water intake: 1 - 1.5 gallons

                  Short Term Goal: stay lean, optimally train for fight

                  Long Term Goal: stay lean at 200, great fighting shape

                  ANY and ALL Prescription / Non-Prescription / Recreational drugs:none

                  Supplement history (as much detail as possible):
                  NO xplode, GNC whey protein, UN Storm, UN shock therapy, Xyience NOG cg 3, Sans V12, Dymatize Xpand (also energized), ON Whey, Dymatize Megamilk, Cytosport fast twitch, NX CARE nitro t3, Primaforce Thermal Rage, Thermolife Zappetite, CL Green Bulge, White Blood, Blue Rhino, Red Acid, Yohimbe, ECA stack. EAS nutritonal shakes.

                  Other product reviews / logs you have done (with links):WB, GB, BR review (will update links)
                  thermal rage (tester)
                  Zappetite (tester)
                  x-factor/anagen log/review

                  Current / Progress Photos:

                  Can you post "before" and "after" photos (yes or no):

                  Disclaimer: I have read the terms above completely. I agree to them 100%. I do NOT have a medical condition. I do NOT feel that I MAY have a medical condition. I do not have symptoms of ANY medical condition. I will be able to start my log / review the week of ________ASAP_____, 2006

                  How much X-Factor do you have left ?


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Controlled Labs
                    looking good, lets get more applicants
                    I'm saving myself for when the bulk version of White Blood comes up for testing

                    I mean, if you "really" can't find 10 testers for GreenMag, then I suppose I could sacrifice myself to the tester's altar, but I'm not expecting you to have any trouble there.


                    • hope the logs turn out nice.. i might buy it when it hits stores if it can fit into my cut stack.. im already logging for so i wont apply
                      gluck to the chosen peoples


                      • Originally posted by GimpyPaw
                        I mean, if you "really" can't find 10 testers for GreenMag, then I suppose I could sacrifice myself to the tester's altar, but I'm not expecting you to have any trouble there.
                        ..What he said. Love to try it, dont expect to be chosen, so didnt really put a full proper application in (basically just my PW application from a month or two ago)


                        • Originally posted by Controlled Labs
                          we have licensed the tears from mr norris for 10 billion dollars and we will recoup our investment wihtin 1 month. this will be a blockbuster rivaling big pharma's products.
                          WOW ,WOW, WOW< hold the phone and the tears, did you say 10 billion, its suppose to be 100 billion. Thats it, chuck, go get your tears now.. and rember take no prisioners, just like in MIA....
                          If you have to cheat to win, why bothering playing..


                          • so when is green mag going to be released


                            • Controlled Labs Tester Request

                              forgot to add pics to my original post so here ya go... remember just ended my bulk. Added 20LBs in 5 months. Now starting to cut. This is an off day for me so no real pump I'll post more after my next workout.
                              Attached Files
                              There will be plenty of obstacles in life, don't allow yourself to become one of them.

                              Click Here For My Green MAGnitude Log

                              Current Stats:
                              Age: 31
                              Sex: Male
                              Height: 5'11
                              Weight: 195
                              Neck: 16
                              Chest: 43
                              Waist: 32
                              Arms: 16 1/2
                              Forearm: 12
                              Wrist: 7
                              Thigh: 24 1/2
                              Calve: 15 1/2


                              • Age: 21

                                Sex: Male

                                Height: 6'



                                Training experience (as much detail as possible.. TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF ! ! WHY should we choose you ! !):
                                Ive been training on and off for about 3 years, within the past 6 months I've gotten alot more serious. I religiously read the forums, and learn about everything I know about nutrition there. I have a friend named Dustin who gives me all my training advice. He is an amatuer competitor and ran the Gamma-O (shitty product lol) booth at the Arnold Classic this year.
                                Current Training Schedule / Protocol (as much detail as possible):
                                I get to the gym 4 days a week. My gym is literally 1 block down from my house so i never have an excuse to not go (saves on gas too )I run 10 min followed by a 10-15 minutes stretch for my warm up. My current routine looks like this:
                                Monday- Chest
                                Incline and flat DB Press 3 sets 6-8 reps each
                                Dips 4 sets max reps
                                Incline and decline Flys 3 sets 6-8 reps each
                                Cable Crossover 3 sets 10 reps

                                Tuesday-Back & Shoulders
                                Seated Rows 3 sets 8-12 reps
                                Wide Grip Pullups 3 sets max reps
                                deadlifts 3 sets 6 reps
                                Shrugs 3 sets 15 reps
                                military press 3 sets 6-8 reps

                                Wednsday- off I fit in about 20 min cardio

                                Thurs- Legs
                                Squats 3 sets 4-6 reps
                                Seated Calf Raises 3 sets 15-20 reps
                                Lunges 3 sets 20 reps

                                Friday- Superset Arms
                                #1 BB curls with Skull Crushers 3 sets 8 reps
                                #2 Preacher Curls with Tricep extensions 3 sets 12 reps
                                #3 Incline hammer curls with close grip bench [incline 3 sets 12 reps each arm] close grip 3 sets 6-8 reps

                                Cardio Schedule/Protocol (as much detail as possible): Everyday as a 10 min warm up at a steady 6.5 mph
                                Wednsday, Saturday and Sunday I run for 20-40 Min depending on energy level

                                Current supplements (exact brand/product name):
                                ON 100% Whey, AST Multipro32x, just orderd Controlled Labs Glycergrow, Green Bulge, and White Blood along with Syntrax SwoleN and Scivation Xtend
                                Current Diet and macros (as much detail as possible):
                                Breatfast usualy consists of a homemade Weight gainer with a multi, about an hour or 2 later i cook a half cup of pasta and a 6 oz salmon and wash it down with a protein drink, pre workout i eat a deli sandwhich for some good cleen carbs, no mayo just chese turkey and a deli roll. Post workout i make another weight gainer. dinner usualy consists of chicken breast or a strip steak, a side of corn and pasta or rice. Drink a muscle milk right before bead.
                                Current Daily water intake:
                                Aside from milk i dont drink anything else. usualy go through about a gallon of distilled a day plus whatever i drink in the gym at the fountian.
                                Short Term Goal:Bulk, I wanna hit 200

                                Long Term Goal: Compete, this may take a few years though lol

                                ANY and ALL Prescription / Non-Prescription / Recreational drugs:
                                An occasional Clairitin if alergys act up, other than that none
                                Supplement history (as much detail as possible): Used Superdrol for 2 weeks, gained and kept about 11 lbs but it was too harsh for me. No more PH's/DS's. Used Green Bulge before, great pumps. Primaforce CEE, syntrax Swole v.2 and i think thats it. Oh, wait i've used nitrix and NO-Xplode too but lets not talk about that.

                                Other product reviews / logs you have done (with links): N/A I plan on a Log of the CL + Xtend stack when i get it in about 2-5 business days

                                Current / Progress Photos: None uploaded as of yet.
                                Can you post "before" and "after" photos (yes or no): Yes

