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3rd day on Green Magnitude and so far its awsome!.... a bit long writeup :)

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  • #16
    Originally posted by primalgroove
    Hey guys,
    Alright.. back for a mini update.

    In the last 2 weeks:
    My bench has gone up by 10lbs
    My shoulder press has gone up by 10lbs
    My Bicept Curl has gone up 5lbs

    The only products I am using along the GreenMag are ProLab Glutamine and ProLab caffeine tablets. Only take the caffeine pre-workout. the Creatine and Glutamine I take as following:
    - Workout days:
    10g Creatine & 5g Glutamine 30/45 minutes before workout and right after workout/shower

    - Non-workout days -
    10g Creatine & 5g before b-fast and 10g Creatine & 5g around 10 or 11pm on an empty stomach.

    Keep in mind that I only workout about 2 times a week.. max 3 times if I am not busy with work and life in general.

    Will be back within a week/week & 1/2 for an update again.

    Awesome... any difference in the mirror ?


    • #17
      Originally posted by pu12en12g
      Awesome... any difference in the mirror ?

      I can definitly notice more more cut yet bumped arms (biceps, tricepts, shoulders), chest area looks more round and I guess you could say Prominent.

      The traps and lats are definitly getting harders and bigger.

      I cant do too much lower body workouts because my knee is still not 100% yet. But I have been doing the 3 exercises for legs with a bit of lighter/moderate weights:
      - Lying Leg Curls
      - Seated Leg Curls
      - Seated Leg Culrs (Pulling the weight up instead of down)
      - Squats (Without weights but alot of reps)

      EDIT - Say.. any product you guys suggest adding to my mini stack above to possibly help achieve a bit more strength and possibly mass? I did forget to mention that I do take BCAA about 3 times a day (2 w/b-fast, 2 before lunch, 2 around 8pm).

      Last edited by primalgroove; 04-02-2007, 09:22 PM.


      • #18
        Originally posted by primalgroove
        EDIT - Say.. any product you guys suggest adding to my mini stack above to possibly help achieve a bit more strength and possibly mass? I did forget to mention that I do take BCAA about 3 times a day (2 w/b-fast, 2 before lunch, 2 around 8pm).

        Add Glycerglow to your stack. You will love it, and its cheap.


        • #19
          Originally posted by tims03redfire
          Add Glycerglow to your stack. You will love it, and its cheap.
          From the name of it, it sounds like it helps to achieve some type of mass.

          What is it exactly?



          • #20
            Originally posted by primalgroove
            From the name of it, it sounds like it helps to achieve some type of mass.

            What is it exactly?




            • #21
              Update! (Saturday, April 14th, 2007)

              hey guys,
              Small update:

              I did my full "universal" training today and I definitly saw improvement in my "Universal 1" exercise.. which consists of:
              - using 30lbs straight bar.
              - start with total weight of 40lbs and do:
              ---- 10 bicepts culrs
              ---- 10 shoulder press
              ---- 10 standing front pull
              ---- 10 squats
              ---- repeat above in total of 3 120 reps.
              ---- 1 minute break and start again.

              Thing is, I had to do all 120 reps under 3 minutes. on my last set, I increase the weight by 5lbs. So it brings it up to 45lbs.

              So, today's results:
              - Set 1: 40lbs @ 2:28:11 (minutes:seconds:miliseconds)
              - Set 2: 40lbs @ 2:13:66
              - Set 3: 45lbs @ 2:39:76 (I saw the improvment on this one by atleast 10 seconds.

              Other improvements were in bench press (flat):
              --- Set 1: 140lbs x 12
              --- Set 2: 145lbs x 12
              --- Set 3: 150lbs x 12
              --- Set 4: 155lbs x 12 (usually by the time I get to this set, I can only do 8 reps, but this time up to 12)

              I can tell you that I definitly feel that I can go up to 160lbs by next week.

              You know.. When I was waiting for my order of Green MAG to come in, I used Mono Creatine and I'll be honest. I didnt feel as pumped or as strong as I did with Green MAG. I dont know if its a mental thing but I know that Green Mag does it for me.

              More updates to come later

              Last edited by primalgroove; 04-14-2007, 06:17 PM.


              • #22
                great updates man glad the GM is working well for you
                MY GREEN MAG LOG

                MY REVIEW OF APT STRAPS


                • #23
                  Originally posted by cervasa1977
                  great updates man glad the GM is working well for you
                  thank you!

                  Thinking of trying White Flood. Would that be a good choice to add to my mini stack instead of using the caffine pills pre-workout?


                  • #24
                    Back with new results! May 1st, 2007

                    hello everyone,
                    Alrighty.. back with more good results:

                    - Bench Press (Flat)
                    Total of 4 sets as following:
                    160lbsX10 (new record )

                    - Shoulder Press (machine)
                    Total of 4 sets as following:
                    145lbsX10 (new record )

                    - Leg Extension (Quads) (Machine) (Cant do too much as I will start to feel my left knee a bit)
                    Total of 4 sets as following:
                    80lbsX10 (new record )

                    - Leg Extension (hams... Laying on stomach) (Machine)
                    Total of 4 sets as following:
                    100lbsX10 (new record )

                    So far, the bench press and shoulder press I am seeing alot of improvements. i guess since I am doing heavier weights on them than legs.

                    Will be back more with updates later on ..



                    • #25
                      i have never had a creatine dehydrate me as much as green manitude has... i guess that means it is working! ;-)

