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Rich's New Beginning: WNBF Pro Stage in 2009!

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  • jiritt0
    Sitting on a box does recruit more of the hips, but in terms of accomodating resistance through the use of bands, you either have the tension develop during the concentric phase or eccentric phase, you can't have both (an equal tension at the top and bottom of a ROM) like you stated.

    To have both you would have a band strung pulling to the ground, and another band strung pulling to the ceiling, which would negate each other, create no accomodating resistance and thus be identical to the resistence of a weight plate on the bar.

    sitting down and back onto a box is a different thing; which does engage the hips/gluteals more, and in my personal opinion is the ideal way to squat (even without the use of a box)

    another thought you may wish to consider is to avoid the slight rocking/hip extension when you touch on the box; tap and go or briefly pause and go, don't rock (could cause a very painful injury someday) -- the rock also provides mometum which will reduce the work throughout the hips

    getting your elbows under neath the bar more will also help generate force in a vertical direction, once you are used to it, esp. if you visualize pushing the bar up as your legs fire (will also help keep the torso stable through contraction of the back)

    again, im not being insulting to you or your training knowledge/technique/whatever, I'm merely providing thoughts and suggestions so you can hopefully benefit some...

    take it or leave it, but even the most advanced can benefit from advice,thinking, and discussion...even just writing this little post made me look up some more info on westside and want to buy louie's books/dvds even more

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  • rich55

    Yeah, that is all I have to say about that workout. It's done. CRAZY busy and I found 45 minutes of free time to squeeze it in. I'm still out of the swing and just fatigued. Running around and training people for 7 hours prior just took it out of me. Can't wait to January to move on with the new biz. I have not time tomorrow to lift, so I will hit push on Thursday hard. All is well, but we just have a priority right now.

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  • rich55
    See my vid below. I'm glad I went back to this as it reminds me that I should rock 325 for 2 easy later this week. Makes me feel better about last week.

    Originally posted by rich55 View Post
    Band/Box Squats:

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  • rich55
    Originally posted by jdiritto View Post
    equal tension at the top and bottom of the ROM negates the purpose of bands...

    you either work on above RM eccentrics or accomodating resistance concentrics with bands, and thus have the tension at either the top or bottom of the ROM not both
    I'm really surprised that you actually said that and highly disagree. Sitting on the box with bands forces more hip involvement and power production out of the whole then without the box. The best squatters in the world use both methods at once. I'm not trying to simply emulate Westside programs either, but I can honestly feel the effectiveness of the exercise. I'm not just some novice messing around here man.

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  • jiritt0
    Originally posted by rich55 View Post

    Band/Box Squats
    100+ lbs of band tension at top and sitting on box. Probably had more on 315, .
    equal tension at the top and bottom of the ROM negates the purpose of bands...

    you either work on above RM eccentrics or accomodating resistance concentrics with bands, and thus have the tension at either the top or bottom of the ROM not both

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  • rich55

    My entire upper body is sore, especially my back. And after this one on Saturday, my legs are equally sore. I eased back into a bit and tried to be cautious particularly on the SLDL's.

    Band/Box Squats
    100+ lbs of band tension at top and sitting on box. Probably had more on 315, but just wanted to get back after 11 days since heavy legs.
    45 x 10
    95 x 6
    135 x 3
    185 x 3
    225 x 3
    275 x 3
    315 x 1

    Straight Leg Deads
    Again just wanted to get back into the game and keep my lower back happy.
    135 x 8
    225 x 8
    315 x 8

    Walking DB Lunges
    BW x 10/leg
    50 x 10/leg
    90 x 10/leg ---> surprised how good these felt with the break

    I farmer walked these back to the rack after 20 steps of lunges and then right back into 3 sets of Pop Squats along the same distance for some dynamic/athletic work to finish. My lungs burned for an hour afterwards and the lemonade Purple Wraath didn't taste as well coming back up a bit.

    Standing Calf Raises
    180 x 10
    200 x 10 ----> cramping as I was just toast

    Off today and Monday as well to hit either Push or Pull on Tuesday depending on which recovers better.

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  • rich55
    Originally posted by dogsofgold View Post
    I'm looking forward to finding out what the new business venture is! Oh and I'm definitely going to need some tanning too come March/April. I'm probably going to frighten people with my blinding paleness the first few times at posing practice, bwaha.
    I'll definitely keep you posted. Building a little base definitely helps prior to the fake tanning.



    I decided to start off with upper body to get the blood flowing again up top. Started off real strong, but fatigued REAL fast after 5 days off. Legs are on the agenda tomorrow.

    2-Board Press
    45 x 10 no board
    135 x 3
    185 x 3
    225 x 3
    275 x 3
    315 x 3 ---> PR

    Rack Chins
    Bench grip with static hold at top.
    BW x 10
    25 x 10
    45 x 8
    70 x 6
    70 x 6
    - SUPERSET -
    Flat DB Press
    70 x 8
    95 x 8
    110 x 7
    110 x 4

    Close-Grip Underhand Pulldowns
    170 x 10
    190 x 8
    190 x 8
    - SUPERSET -
    Incline DB Flys
    65 x 10
    70 x 9
    70 x 6

    Started to really fade right about here.

    Hammer Behind Neck Press
    45/side x 10
    70/side x 10
    90/side x 9

    Rope Cable Rows
    160 x 10
    180 x 7
    - SUPERSET -
    DB Upright Rows
    30 x 10
    40 x 9

    Standing DB Curls
    Simultaneous and supinated.
    30 x 10
    35 x 8
    35 x 8 alternating
    - SUPERSET -
    Triceps Dips
    BW x 15
    BW x 12
    BW x 10

    Felt like I was going to pass out in the end. I'm glad I did upper body first to get back into the swing.

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  • dogsofgold
    Originally posted by rich55 View Post
    Haha, I keep it trim and try not to scratch her with it. I will be shaving off in the new year to keep a clean cut look for the new business. Will probably have to hit the tanning bed a bit as well. Gotta look the part.
    I'm looking forward to finding out what the new business venture is! Oh and I'm definitely going to need some tanning too come March/April. I'm probably going to frighten people with my blinding paleness the first few times at posing practice, bwaha.

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  • rich55
    Originally posted by dogsofgold View Post
    I don't know how she stands that. Denny decided to grow one a couple weeks ago and I made him shave it off. That mess is WAY too prickly!!

    And CONGRATS on 189
    Haha, I keep it trim and try not to scratch her with it. I will be shaving off in the new year to keep a clean cut look for the new business. Will probably have to hit the tanning bed a bit as well. Gotta look the part.



    After 3.5 months straight training since Ava's birth, I was in need of a break. Working on the new biz, busy with Ava, life...Angie and I are feeling it! I got tired of being tired this week. I had been trying to figure out when to take a break, so an impromptu break from this past Sunday till Thursday is in effect. I'd rather train through my 4-day Christmas vacation to justify the massive eating I will be doing.

    Oh, and much as I like my current split, I need simplicity with the craziness going on right now. I need something rotational and if I have to push it back a day it will not effect the rest of the days. So, LEGS, PUSH, PULL it is! I will be doing a little bit of power, bodybuilding and speed in each day. I've cycled off of Blue Gene and will be using Blue Up stim-free and White Flood to get me jacked up preworkout despite sleep deprivation. Speaking off sleep. Off to bed I go.

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  • dogsofgold
    Originally posted by rich55 View Post
    Haha, yup! Winter beard in effect. The wifey digs it.

    I don't know how she stands that. Denny decided to grow one a couple weeks ago and I made him shave it off. That mess is WAY too prickly!!

    And CONGRATS on 189

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  • rich55

    My week began with some bad sleep deprivation and a kinda zombie like feeling as I went through my days. But, I got a little rest and manned up training hard all 5 days. The only days that felt lack-luster were my speed days, which is really okay.

    We are just a few weeks away from making our big announcement to debut next month. With that said, I've been just slammed each and every week. We also had a Christmas party this weekend down in Cincinnati. I ended the week the best way church praising God. I literally feel 100 lbs lighter knowing that the heavy load I'm burdening is not my load to carry. We had an awesome service tonight with a dozen or so of the best preachers and pastors around topped off with Jason Crabb's singing. Now, I can get ready for another big week with a renewed mind.

    Oh, and just some highlights doing work:

    2-Board Press- 305 x 3
    Flat DB Press- 115's for 2 sets of 4
    DB Lateral Raises- 40's x 10 and 45's x 7
    Alternating Hammer Curls- 60's x 6 and 65's x 3
    Bent-Over Bar Rows- 235 x 5

    Good news is that my arms were crushed after Friday and Saturday's training push & pull training. Chest was pretty darn sore too

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  • rich55
    Originally posted by bull.dogz View Post
    Going for the fuzzy look huh?
    Haha, yup! Winter beard in effect. The wifey digs it.



    REALLY dead today, but I squeezed it in! Unlike yesterday, I didn't really have anything to squeeze out. Good thing it was speed day. I will crush my ME effort days hard this weekend for push and pull.

    Speed Bench
    Pleased with my explosiveness today. Varying normal, wide and close grips as usual.
    45 x 10
    95 x 3
    135 x 3
    135 x 3
    135 x 3
    185 x 3
    185 x 3
    185 x 3

    Weighted Wide-Grip Pull-ups
    Assistance x 5
    BW x 5
    25 x 5
    45 x 4
    25 x 4
    BW x 4 extra strict

    Close-Grip Incline Bench
    135 x 8
    175 x 8
    205 x 6

    Hammer Low Rows
    Simultaneous and overhand. Middle back is surprisingly slow from straight-legs and lunges.
    90/side x 8
    115/side x 6
    115/side x 6

    Explosive Pop Pushups
    3 sets of 10 working up to 10" jump for close-grip hold

    Seated Double Twist Curls
    Energy is running out at this point.
    35 x 10
    40 x 9
    40 x 7

    Cable Pushdowns
    Standard V-Bar for contraction. Nice to comeback to an old lift with insane strength.
    120 x 10
    150 x 10
    160 x 8 ---> gassing out

    NOTES: Interviewed some trainers today and during trial training an athletic-based trainer was surprised at my explosiveness relative to other bodybuilders. POWER!!!!

    Much needed off day tomorrow with tons of business stuff to do. WEIGHED IN AT 189 YESTERDAY! PR!!

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  • bull.dogz
    Going for the fuzzy look huh?

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  • rich55
    Max Effort Leg Day:

    In an effort to conquer 405 x 5 on squats, I have switched to some band/box squats. New phase for new gains. Thanks Tommy for the motivation on lunges

    Heavy Band Squats on Box
    About 120 lbs of added tension at the top.
    45 x 10
    95 x 8
    135 x 5
    185 x 3
    225 x 2
    265 x 2
    295 x 2
    315 x 2 ----> PR

    Hack Squats
    Using my standard squat stance.
    90 x 8
    140 x 8
    180 x 8
    230 x 8
    270 x 8

    Straight-Leg Deads
    I like to push hard through my heals on these to maximize the stretch on my hams which require a bit of bend in the knees.
    135 x 8
    275 x 8
    345 x 8 ---> tied a PR

    Walking DB Lunges
    BW x 10/leg
    55's x 10/leg
    90's x 10/leg -----> tied a PR

    Will hit calves, abs and supplemental lower back work hard on Thursday's DE leg day. And now for some vids....

    Band/Box Squats:

    Straight-Leg Deads w/ James' shenanigans:

    Walking DB Lunges:

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  • rich55

    Well we are finally settled back in after making the trip up north to my parents for 3 days. Angie, Ava and I had a good time and I surely stuffed back some food. I managed to get in my push and pull workouts as scheduled but did miss my dynamic leg day again. Family is more important...and my upper body needs the most work.

    I ate, ate and ate this past weekend and got a pretty good push workout in at the Sheffield World Gym down the road from my parents. I then hit a good pull workout last night after getting back into town. I'm feeling some incredible soreness that I haven't felt in a few weeks up top. My entire upper body is trashed. Good thing legs is tomorrow. Quick highlights of my training:

    Flat Bench 285 x 2 ---> missed on 3
    Incline DB Flies 70's x 9
    Bent-Over Bar Rows 225 x 7 (see vid below) & 235 x 4
    Alternating Hammer Curls 55 x 6 pretty darn strict

    Other Notables:
    This week should be more on schedule, but I have a very busy week with the new business venture as we are about 4.5 weeks till rollout. Stay tuned Packing my camera for heavy legs tomorrow. Will step on the scale too to see what I'm up to.

    Now for the vid. Full stretch and full squeeze has helped me build some good lat width over the years and now I must keep doing the same for better thickness. If you can't feel it real good, then it's probably not working as it should. Getting better, but still plenty of work to do.

    Last edited by rich55; 11-30-2009, 12:14 AM.

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