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Rich's New Beginning: WNBF Pro Stage in 2009!

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  • Illilian
    dude! Congrats on 3rd!!! Huge Accomplishment!!

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  • rich55
    Originally posted by bull.dogz View Post
    Congrats!!! I'll check out the pics!
    Thanks!!! Putting some up in here too


    Trained as follows this week with focused on 10-5 rep range with light volume and no forced reps:

    Tue- Push
    Wed- Pull
    Thu- Off
    Fri- Legs
    Sat- Chest
    Tomorrow- Off

    I will push harder next week and stay in the 10-5 rep range and hit some workouts with some clients. I will also hit some Strongman work next Saturday. I won't be posting as much here, but may be starting a new journal REAL soon.

    Pix from this past weekend:

    Posing Routine:

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  • bull.dogz
    Congrats!!! I'll check out the pics!

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  • rich55

    Yes, I finished 3rd place in a lineup behind Miles Stovall (1) and Charles Fuller (2). Miles went onto to beat Chad Havunen in the overall. I was honored to be compared next to those guys. It was a humbling experience that has me so thankful for everything as it has been a TOUGH road. There was 2 classes with 7 in each with tough battles across the board. Thank God for the strength this prep with all that has been going on this prep.

    I was first in the prejudging lineup and stayed next to Miles which made me feel good. They flipped me in next to Charles on the other side and back out to the end by Miles. Right there, my mission was accomplished. Nearly 2 years ago I took 7th out of 9 and remained on the ends. Here I was compared to the best in class. 8.5 pounds up from 2 years ago I knew I was bringing my best. I was a little flat 2 years ago with a personal best conditioning and this time the focus was on fullness with conditioning. I could have been a little tighter (1-2 lbs), but this strategy paid off with the "Lightweight" class cutting at 183 lbs. I looked big and full at my size of 165.6 next to Miles at 183 and Charles in the mid-170's.

    I'm ecstatic and super psyched. What's next? Another 2 years off. I'm going to do another WNBF show in 2013 and then perhaps the Worlds if all goes well. First, I must focus on family, business and growing! I've got tons of pix up on my facebook page. I'll try to post some up here soon.

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  • rich55

    4 days!!!!! Wow, does time fly! Tomorrow I am packing up and getting ready for the trip first thing on Thursday. Super psyched! I will try to update here, but will put pictures up on Facebook after prejudging and update faster there. We are borrowing my stepmom's nice camera with a zoom. Hit me up on Facebook if you want to stay up on the WNBF Pro Men's Southern Natural.

    Today I weighed in first thing at 162 and with some meals at 165. 3 pounds have just fallen off in the last 4 days. Crazy! I'm certainly shedding water and am still shy of being filled out properly. BUT, I don't feel flat as I've felt before in the least. Thickness and fullness is still there 100%, but I'm just getting that shredded look that has been coming since last week day by day and what seems to be intraday a this point.

    With all that being said. I'm going to bump from 280 to 310 on carbs tomorrow with a shoulder & arm day tomorrow. I'll hold steady on Thursday with just some harder posing. I took off from posing today to recover and focused on stretching and foam roller this evening. Next up is another application of sunless tanning lotion.


    Exercises for my last back workout that I went about 80% in terms of intensity. Weight was much lighter than usual but really just much slower. This made my chest pretty sore today and will probably do the same to my back. Thought I did a fair amount of volume, but held back quite a bit focusing heavily on form.

    Lat Pulldowns
    Bent-Over Bar Rows
    T-Bar Rows
    Straight Arm Pulldowns
    Close Grip Pulldowns
    Plate Loaded Rows
    Farmer Pull to Shrug
    Incline Rear Delt Raises
    DB Shrugs

    ^^^ Yeah, couldn't help it haha. 4 days to recover with some more food coming too!

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  • rich55
    Originally posted by bull.dogz View Post
    Oh wow! Good luck with your next adventure!
    Haha, it will be interesting to see how things shake out! Thanks!!



    That's right! Peak week has begun. I'm picking a few gallons of water tomorrow after church to get this thing going! Drinking just a little more water than normal to start the week. How I wrapped up last week in short:

    Thursday: CRUSHED shoulders with Justin and went for a 2.3 mile jog outside in the heat
    Friday: Smashed arms with Seth & Justin
    Today: Light legs, abs & some light farmer walk/shrugs

    Tonight we did a ton of walking as we picked up 120 pounds of iron for my wife at home, some clothes for Texas and a baker's dozen from Cheryl's cookies to add to the freezer haha. Light legs went a little something like this with a bunch of supersets:

    Squats - 4 sets of squats up to 315
    & Decline Situps 3 x 12

    Leg Press Calf Raises - 3 sets of 10-15
    & High Stance Leg Press - up to 6 pps

    Leg Extensions - 3 sets up to 190
    & Leg Curls - 3 sets up to 140

    Walking Lunges - 40 steps no weight
    & Close-Grip Leaning Pulldowns - 3 sets light
    & Reverse Crunches - 3 sets of 10-15

    20 farmer shrugs, farmer walk 25 yards, 20 farmer shrugs, farm walk back 25 yards - 123/hand

    Carbs & Peaking Oh My!
    Each day I'm tightening up in the little areas that are the last to come in for me. I had a little less carbs on Thursday & Friday morning and then carbed up Friday and Saturday morning. Felt REAL full & dry at 169 Friday evening (up 1 pound actually). Weighed in a 165 this morning as usual.

    Today after breakfast and the above workout, I went LOW carb. Enjoyed maybe 120 g of carbs for breakfast and have had probably 40-50 g since. Tomorrow will top out at 180 maybe with them in the first 3 meals. I'm certainly flatter then yesterday, but tightening up. I may eat just a little more on Monday and bump it back up a bit on Tuesday and steadily throughout the week. I'll be back on my normal diet by Thursday when I'm in Texas and then refeed Friday similar to yesterday.

    I'm psyched! Got my routine together. Putting a little tan on tomorrow then playing with the Dream Tan. It's my first time Have many clients to train on Monday & Tuesday, then it's time to get ready for TEXAS!!!!

    Bodyweight is weigh up over 2 years ago with much more fullness than 3 years ago and the conditioning of 2 years ago. Reading from this morning:

    "Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield; but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts..." and THEN David slew Goliath! 1 Samuel 17. Let's do this!

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  • bull.dogz
    Originally posted by rich55 View Post

    First the announcement:

    Dear Clients, Friends and Family of Beyond Limits Training,

    Over the past two years I've worked tremendously hard to build a gym,
    brand and environment for which all levels of people can achieve
    extraordinary fitness goals. However, I must resign as manager and
    trainer at Beyond Limits Training, LLC. I have thoroughly enjoyed
    working with each of you, but have decided to prioritize the needs of my
    family before that of my profession.

    To my clients that are working towards goals, I will be happy to
    continue consulting with each of you in transition. The past six years
    of personal training has been an incredible journey that is not yet


    Rich Lauro
    Beyond Limits Training, LLC

    Now for today's leg workout as I keep pushing towards Texas:

    45 x 10
    135 x 10
    225 x 8
    275 x 5
    315 x 5
    365 x 4
    395 x 1

    Glute Ham Raises
    BW x 10
    18 x 8
    26 x 8
    26 x 6, drop to BW x 6

    High Stance Leg Press
    Took these slow and controlled.
    360 x 15
    540 x 15
    630 x 10
    720 x 7

    Seated Calf Raises
    4 sets x 10-20
    - SUPERSET -
    Alternating Lunges in Place
    45 x 10/leg
    95 x 10/leg
    135 x 10/leg
    185 x 10/leg

    Posed tonight with the Mrs. coaching for 20 minutes. Will keep working on the posing from here on out!
    Oh wow! Good luck with your next adventure!

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  • rich55

    The last 2 days in the gym have been pretty rough battling lethargy set to set. That doesn't make much sense on 300 g of carbs other than the high volume of training and low body fat levels. Yeah, okay that is the culprit. But, the BATTLE CONTINUES! Currently sitting 165/168 and am WAY up over 2 years ago and my personal best. Way up!

    BACK DAY!!

    Prone DB Rows 4 sets up to 85
    Wide-Grip Pullups 4 sets up to 45
    1-Arm DB Rows 4 sets up to 139
    Smith Shrugs in Front 3 sets up to 325
    Prone Plate Loaded Rows 4 sets up to 150
    Smith Shrugs in Back 2 sets of 275
    Close Grip Pulldowns Leaning Back 3 sets of 120
    Some ab work

    Posed hard for 25 minutes later at midnight. Scaled back the carbs just a smidge this evening and may do the some before a refeed Friday/Saturday. Steak and asparagus goes through me like nothing haha! Shoulders tomorrow with a good group.

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  • rich55

    First the announcement:

    Dear Clients, Friends and Family of Beyond Limits Training,

    Over the past two years I've worked tremendously hard to build a gym,
    brand and environment for which all levels of people can achieve
    extraordinary fitness goals. However, I must resign as manager and
    trainer at Beyond Limits Training, LLC. I have thoroughly enjoyed
    working with each of you, but have decided to prioritize the needs of my
    family before that of my profession.

    To my clients that are working towards goals, I will be happy to
    continue consulting with each of you in transition. The past six years
    of personal training has been an incredible journey that is not yet


    Rich Lauro
    Beyond Limits Training, LLC

    Now for today's leg workout as I keep pushing towards Texas:

    45 x 10
    135 x 10
    225 x 8
    275 x 5
    315 x 5
    365 x 4
    395 x 1

    Glute Ham Raises
    BW x 10
    18 x 8
    26 x 8
    26 x 6, drop to BW x 6

    High Stance Leg Press
    Took these slow and controlled.
    360 x 15
    540 x 15
    630 x 10
    720 x 7

    Seated Calf Raises
    4 sets x 10-20
    - SUPERSET -
    Alternating Lunges in Place
    45 x 10/leg
    95 x 10/leg
    135 x 10/leg
    185 x 10/leg

    Posed tonight with the Mrs. coaching for 20 minutes. Will keep working on the posing from here on out!

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  • rich55
    Originally posted by bwelch1985
    Holy crap those parking lot lunges are SICK. I nearly barfed just watching that carnage! haha You've definitely got a gift for pushing yourself beyond the normal limits (no pun intended) when it comes to leg training in particular!

    btw, I'll be hitting up CiCi's in your honor after my workout tomorrow! SOOOOOO EXCITED!
    Haha, thanks man! Right now I'm just pushing everything to the MAX!!! Hope the Cici's was stupendous!!! I look forward to heading back there soon!


    12 DAYS OUT!!!

    That's right, just 12 days! I'm feeling real good and everything is continuing to tighten up each day. I hit some shots after today's workout and was pleased with how I'm dialing in. The past few days:

    FRIDAY: Off
    SATURDAY: Strongman, Deads 405 x 13!!!
    SUNDAY: 2.7 mile run and 20 minutes of posing
    TODAY: 2 hours of chest and arms

    Weight is still sitting 166 in the AM and 169 later. I leaned out quite a bit this week. The waist is now down to 27.75. I'm starting to get psyched for Texas!! Today's action with Yo, Adam, Seth & Justin included:

    Flat DB Press: 110's x 5 & 90's x 11
    Incline Bench: 225 x 1 ---> getting tough
    Incline Flys: 70's x 9
    Incline Bench again after: 145 x 12
    DB Curls: 45's x 8, 50's x 4
    Tri-Set of Close-Cable Curls, Pushdowns & Plyo Pushups
    Superset of Overhead Rope Extensions and Single Arm Machine Curls

    Pushed up legs till tomorrow, so I could do one last light one on Saturday.

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  • rich55
    100 yards of lunges. Hit 60 steps and 42 without stopping. Very nice!



    Legs were pretty tight after all that ^^^. Today the focus was a little chest, lots of tris and calves. Pressing felt shaky today, so I just pushed as hard as I felt comfortable with the less padding. We did hit chest heavy on Monday already.

    Incline Bench
    45 x 10
    95 x 10
    135 x 10
    185 x 8
    205 x 5
    225 x 2 ---> took a tap on 3
    225 x 1 ----> took a tap on 2
    185 x 9 ------> took a tap on 10

    Flat DB Press
    60 x 12
    80 x 8
    95 x 8 ---> work, ugh
    110 x 3
    90 x 9

    Slight Incline Neutral DB Press
    50 x 20
    60 x 20
    70 x 17
    70 x 12

    Rope Pushdowns
    4 sets of 10-15
    - SUPERSET -
    Standing Smith Calf Raises
    185 x 15
    225 x 10
    275 x 9
    275 x 8
    225 x 14

    DB Skullcrushers
    25 x 15
    30 x 15
    35 x 8
    35 x 7
    - TRISET -
    Seated Calf Raises
    100 x 15
    120 x 15
    140 x 12
    100 x 18
    - TRISET -
    EZ Reverse Curls
    60 x 15
    70 x 15
    80 x 11

    Overhead V-Bar Pushdowns
    4 sets of 10-15

    3 sets of 15-25

    2.25 mile Jog
    Yeah, why not? Beautiful day for a downtown jog. Pushed it a little, but had to watch out for my cramps quads that are just pealing out as the day goes. Found a very cool site They have an iphone app too.

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  • rich55

    Mr. Nate Dunning was on hand for the beat down that we both gave to the iron and it gave back to us!

    10 sets and 82 reps.
    45 x 10
    135 x 10
    225 x 8
    275 x 5
    315 x 5
    365 x 5
    385 x 1
    405 x 1 -----> SLOW on the way up, but got it haha
    315 x 12
    225 x 25 ------> hit 20 without stopping. In good cardio shape despite absence of "cardio"

    Leg Extensions
    At this point I felt like I was on a tiny boat on the ocean rocking in the waves haha. Excruciating burn and pump.
    115 x 10
    160 x 10
    205 x 10
    250 x 11
    - SUPERSET -
    Seated Leg Curls
    115 x 10
    145 x 10
    160 x 10
    175 x 10

    Walking Barbell Lunges
    Hit a small set across the gym to warm up
    135 x 50 yards
    135 x 50 yards

    And all this equals leg cramps. Ouch! Fighting them and praying not to get woken up in the middle of the night with one. The battle continues!!

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  • rich55

    Yo Yellock, Seth and I blasted a brutal chest and shoulder workout yesterday. Those are 2 big boys to train with and at this time in my prep is just what I need! Hit 275 on benchpress yesterday and really smoked my shoulders in a good way. Not too shabby for 166/169 in the AM/PM!

    That's right it's all dialing in very well. Abs are carving out deeper at the bottom. Back definition is peaking. Legs are coming in more each day. Still have some to take off hip flexor/sartorius area, back of arms and back of legs. I'm feeling right on pace with my pro debut with a whole lot more thickness and some more muscle maturity. I'm up about 10 lbs over two years ago. I certainly flattened out last pro prep. I still have some tightening up to do, but that is typical and I can see changes each day.

    With that being said, I'm not changing much aside from my intensity in the gym. I'm leaving absolutely nothing on the field of iron. I still haven't done any traditional "cardio", but my strongman training has kept me burning fat all weekend and I've been throwing more torturous elements to my training. 75-90 minutes in I down another 1/2 scoop of Purple PsyKo and 1/2 scoop of Intensity, then I keep going till I'm done. It's working because my body is responding daily and my strength is maintaining. Win, win! Praise God!!


    Wanted to switch it up a bit and proved to be tough!

    Bent-Over Barbell Rows
    Long time no do. Nice change from the t-bars.
    45 x 10
    95 x 10
    135 x 8
    185 x 8
    205 x 6
    225 x 5
    245 x 4
    245 x 4
    155 x 16 + 5 after 20 sec break

    Wide-Grip Pullups
    Kinda tough after all that rowing.
    BW x 10
    25 x 8
    45 x 5 ---> trying to keep pulling through the left lat & fail!
    45 x 4

    Barbell Curls
    Kinda tough after all that pulling haha.
    65 x 10
    85 x 8
    105 x 5
    105 x 4

    Plate Loaded Rows
    90 x 8
    115 x 8
    135 x 6
    150 x 4

    Alternating DB Curls
    35 x 10/arm
    40 x 8/arm
    45 x 8/arm ---> fought for these!
    50 x 4/arm
    - SUPERSET -
    Bent-Over DB Laterals
    30 x 10
    35 x 10
    40 x 8

    Behind Back Barbell Shrugs
    225 x 10
    275 x 10
    325 x 9
    225 x 18 x 12 ---> two drop sets in front

    Alternating DB Hammer Curls
    30 x 10/arm
    35 x 8/arm
    40 x 4/arm
    - SUPERSET -
    Low Pulley Cable Rows
    65 x 15
    87.5 x 15
    95 x 15

    Yeah 2 hours is a bit much, but it kept going well so I kept going! Legs tomorrow. EPIC!!!!

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  • rich55

    I was pretty much dizzy after squats and so I kept it simple after that. Squats feel a little unstable with the drastic change in leverage. Straight Legs felt good, leg extensions beasty with a PR and lunges were tough having not done them in a few weeks.

    45 x 10
    135 x 10
    225 x 8
    275 x 5
    315 x 5
    365 x 5
    385 x 1
    405 x 1
    315 x 12

    Straight Leg Deadlifts
    185 x 10
    275 x 10
    345 x 8

    Leg Extensions
    115 x 15
    160 x 10
    205 x 10
    250 x 9

    Walking DB Lunges
    BW x ~15 steps/leg
    50's x ~15 steps/leg
    50's x ~15 steps/leg
    80's x ~15 steps/leg
    80's x ~15 steps/leg


    Feeling right on track. Weight is tracking 167 lbs in the AM and 170 in the PM. Abs, hams and glutes are tightening up daily. 23 DAYS!!!

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  • rich55
    Originally posted by pu12en12g
    Killin' it !!!
    YES!!!! I've been sore for a month straight haha

    Originally posted by bwelch1985
    You are such a CiCi's maniac, Rich! hahaha I love it too though man. That's going to be my first planned cheat meal of the offseason once these shows are over!
    Yes, I wish I could have pound more cinnamon rolls!! Best wishes this weekend Britt. Looking SICK!!



    My first sets of the day I was feeling some wrist ache and then I popped a blood vessel in my hand making it tough to grip on PULL DAY of all things. Looked for my Versa Gripps, no such luck. I found some old school wraps brushed it off and didn't stop till I was done.

    38 sets later work was done! Yes, 27 back and 11 biceps. The list:

    T-Bar Rows with Close Grip
    Alternating DB Curls -SS- Wide Grip Pulldowns
    Alternating Incline Hammer Curls
    Low Pulley Machine Rows - SS - Barbell Shrugs in Front
    Barbell Shrugs Behind Back
    1-Arm DB Spider Curls
    Band Pull-Aparts
    EZ Reverse Curls
    Plated Loaded Row Low Grip

    Why not? I didn't feel like doing cardio in favor of posing later and legs tomorrow. Took another 1/2 dose of Intensity and kept smashing the weights.


    Controlled Labs Orange Triad
    Controlled Labs Oximega Fish Oil and Greens
    Controlled Labs AM & PM shots
    Controlled Labs Blue Gene
    Controlled Labs Purple Wraath
    Controlled Labs Purple Psyko
    John Scott's Glutamine
    Active Edge Intensity
    Active Edge Pro Edge Protein
    CJI Insuload
    NP Acetyl L-Carnitine

    Yeah, it's contest prep time!

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