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Rich's New Beginning: WNBF Pro Stage in 2009!

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  • conda
    Nice Hoover Dam footage. I thought you we're going to bust The Fugitive and dive off the side. =p

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  • rich55

    James, Terrell and Shawn were on hand for this. Delon kinda got thrown into the mix when he showed up. I had to get creative on this to keep the pace up, so why not tri-set hamstrings? This created a killer burn and I will have to do this again next week but better.

    45 x 10
    135 x 10
    225 x 8
    315 x 8
    375 x 6 ----> one more than last week

    Smith Machine Standing Calf Raises
    185 x 10
    225 x 10
    275 x 9

    Sidewalk Walking Barbell Lunges
    Used preloaded barbells and even some chains at the end. Will have to take some olympic weights to the curb next week. About 20/leg maybe from our front door to the curb.
    50 lbs
    80 lbs
    110 lbs
    148 lbs ----> 110 plus two 18 lbs chains worn like a necklace

    Seated Leg Curls
    130 x 10
    145 x 10
    175 x 12
    - TRISET -
    High Stance Leg Presses
    450 x 10
    630 x 10
    810 x 13
    - TRISET -
    Straight-Leg DB Deadlifts
    These burned at the end of the tri-set.
    65 x 10
    90 x 10
    110 x 7

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  • rich55

    Shoulders were similar to the last few weeks and went with a similar biceps routine as Saturday with some Zottmans thrown in. VERY pleased with strength and form. My lats are TORE up from yesterday!

    Arnold DB Presses
    40 x 10
    60 x 10
    80 x 10
    85 x 6
    - SUPERSET -
    Chain Lateral Raises
    Easy at the bottom and hard at the top with some movement while contracting.
    19 x 10
    22.5 x 10
    22.5 x 10
    22.5 x 11 ----> breathed out these last few

    Alternating Hammer Curls
    35 x 8/arm
    45 x 8/arm
    55 x 7/arm
    55 x 5/arm
    - SUPERSET -
    Standing Overhead Barbell Press
    65 x 10
    115 x 10
    145 x 5

    Smith Machine Front Shrugs
    185 x 10
    225 x 10
    275 x 10
    315 x 8
    - SUPERSET -
    EZ Bar Curls
    60 x 12
    80 x 10
    100 x 10 ----> had to breathe out these last few, but got it
    110 x 5

    Seated Zottman Curls
    It's been since the fall since I've done these and they were fun at the end. Simultaneous curling.
    30 x 8
    35 x 8
    40 x 6 + 2 after 20 second rest pause
    - SUPERSET -
    Behind Back Barbell Wrist Curls
    95 x 15
    95 x 11
    95 x 9

    Legs tomorrow!!!!

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  • rich55
    Originally posted by bull.dogz View Post
    Tire flips are soo fun!!!
    Yes they are! Our Hoover Dam Fitness Camp:


    Terrell and James were on hand as usual and Nate Dunning jumped in for today's training. Rock solid on pullups and one-arm DB rows. This one is going to leave a mark!

    Weighted Wide-Grip Pullups
    Very good form and slow eccentric on these.
    BW x 10
    25 x 8
    45 x 6 ---> some help on #6
    50 x 5 -----> help on the last 2
    BW x 13

    Hanging Rows
    BW x 10
    BW x 10
    BW x 8
    BW x 7
    - SUPERSET -
    1-Arm DB Rows
    65 x 8/arm
    90 x 8/arm
    110 x 8/arm
    120 x 7/arm ---> slow as possible on the eccentric

    Straight-Arm Pulldowns
    Alternated between V-bar and rope.
    47.5 x 15
    52.5 x 15
    57.5 x 15
    62.5 x 10

    Bent-Over Rear Delt Rows
    Just wanted a little more up top between the shoulder blades and rear delts. Will combine these next time with some band work.
    30 x 10
    40 x 10
    45 x 10
    50 x 10

    Rack deads and heavier bent-over rows coming on Saturday.

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  • bull.dogz
    Tire flips are soo fun!!!

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  • rich55

    Our Hoover Dam Fitness Camp was a success yesterday morning, but the rain left us unable to flip up hill. I did about 20 flips with our small tires (150 lbs), but really had to focus on coaching about a dozen people through the Camp. I rolled into Beyond Limits to pose a couple a bodybuilders and then get cranking for a chest & arms workout.

    Floor Chain Presses
    Only have 38 lbs of chain and will have to get more here REAL soon. Just wanted to get started with these. Weight doesn't include chain. Couple of links remain on the floor.
    95 x 10
    135 x 6
    185 x 3
    225 x 3 ----> not too difficult

    Flat DB Press
    First few warm-ups felt extra light after the change in tension, but then noticed the tris were a little "affected" from the previous work. I'm not quitting these until I hit the 110's for 8.
    60 x 10
    80 x 8
    95 x 8
    110 x 7 ----> will get 8 here soon

    Incline Bench
    45 x 10
    135 x 10
    185 x 5
    225 x 4 ----> one better than last week, took #5 real slow on the negative knowing I'd miss

    Chain Dips to Chain Pushups
    Have you tried these? Wore my 38 lbs of chain like a necklace for 10 dips and then 10 pushups on DB's semi-supinated. 3 sets of 10 each. Got all 10 on each set of dips, but pushups not so much.

    Incline DB Flys
    50 x 10
    60 x 10
    65 x 9

    Slight Incline DB Kickback to Slight Incline Overhead Extension
    20 x 15 / 50 x 10
    25 x 15 / 60 x 10
    25 x 20 / 70 x 8
    - TRISET -
    Alternating Hammer Curls
    35 x 8
    45 x 8
    55 x 5

    EZ Bar Curls
    50 x 15
    70 x 10
    90 x 10
    100 x 9
    - SUPERSET -
    Incline Cable Skullcrushers
    3 sets of 10

    Overall a good workout. Felt strong, but gotta keep crushing it! REALLY sore in my legs today and feeling a little bit of yesterday's work.
    Last edited by rich55; 06-13-2010, 03:12 PM.

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  • rich55
    James thrashing the leg press as he preps for the Naturalmania Nationals to win his WNBF card:

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  • rich55
    Originally posted by pu12en12g View Post
    Intense !!!
    Yes sir! Stay tuned PT. It has just begun. I have one year before I get back to the pro stage and collect a trophy. Funny story:

    We've lured an ex-Oregon receiver and Ohio State walk-on to start training more frequently at Beyond Limits. I do his contest prep. Today he walked in and just called us crazy when he saw the aftermath of this...

    Legendary Leg Workout:

    Squats 375 x 5
    High Stance Leg Press 900 x 10
    Walking Barbell Lunges 110 x a long city block (seriously)
    Leg Extensions 115, 145, 175, 205 for sets of 15+ with 2-second holds and then...
    ...drop to to 175, 145, 115 rest pause on each drop followed up by....
    ... an 85 lb isometric hold at the top till my legs couldn't hold at all. My left foot shot a spasm to fight hold.

    And yes, I'm going to still try and flip a tire up hill tomorrow at our Hoover Dam fitness camp and then train chest and arms again. Train insane with Rich and the Beyond Limits crew!!!

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  • pu12en12g
    Intense !!!

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  • rich55
    Originally posted by farmerson12 View Post
    Sweet man. Im also tryin to add a collection of chains as well. Im gettin them cheaper by going to the local ag store. Ill bring my scale in so I can make sure the weight is right. They are alot more expensive online. Right now Im using about 40-60lbs of chain with about 255-260 weight. Thats is for about 4-6reps. But I do use the excercies for accessory work and will as high as 15reps. Even 25 if Im feelin alil
    Yeah, I just went to Topper Supply here locally, but am not sure if I can find another comparable place around. I have 39 lbs right now with the pair of 5/8", but I'm thinking I may need a bit more. Kinda want to get a 1/2" pair as well.


    [size=5]SHOULDERS & BIS:/size]

    Hit some shoulders and then beat up the biceps and forearms something fierce. I've been using the fat grips regularly and relying much more on chalk. My grip has improved drastically, but based upon some pix of my tiny forearms; the conclusion is I need more direct forearm work. Now is the time to focus meticulously on all those little things to do better next year on stage.

    Arnold DB Press
    Surprised with my strength on these. Bring on the 80's!
    35 x 10
    55 x 10
    70 x 10
    75 x 10 ----> Terrell said these were all me, but I think he gave me a little tap on #10
    - SUPERSET -
    Seated Chain Lateral Raises
    These suck at the top something nasty.
    20 lbs of chain x 10
    20 lbs of chain x 10
    20 lbs of chain x 10
    22.5 lbs of chain x 11 ---> little rest pauses to finish this one out

    Standing Overhead Barbell Presses
    95 x 10
    115 x 10
    135 x 7
    - SUPERSET -
    Smith Machine Shrugs in Front
    2-second hold at top
    185 x 10
    225 x 10
    275 x 10 ---> much better than last time, need more weight next time

    Fat Grip Barbell Curls
    50 x 10
    70 x 10
    85 x 10
    95 x 5
    - SUPERSET -
    Barbell Upright Rows
    Rotated narrow and wide grip on these.
    65 x 10
    85 x 10
    95 x 8
    100 x 7 -----> had to put a little force into these, but still got a good contraction on the majority

    Alternating DB Curls
    35 x 8/arm
    40 x 8/arm
    45 x 7/arm
    45 x 5/arm

    Alternating Incline Hammer Curls
    Set the incline to about 30 degrees and the constant stretch gave me a killer pump
    30 x 10/arm
    35 x 8/arm
    35 x 8/arm
    - SUPERSET -
    Behind Back Wrist Curls
    75 x 15
    95 x 13
    95 x 12

    Alternating Across Chest Hammers
    Love the contraction on these. Tough to keep getting a good squeeze toward the end of the 45's.
    35 x 8/arm
    40 x 8/arm
    45 x 5/arm

    Tried some cable curls and my forearms were so pumped that it was a lost cause. I have thoroughly crushed my upper body this week as planned. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!

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  • farmerson12
    Originally posted by rich55 View Post
    Aren't we all! Keep it up.

    AWESOME! Glad to hear it. I'm looking forward to trying them on Saturday. How many chains do use for typical pressing days? Just curious. I'm still building my supply.



    I was excited for a big back day. James chose rack deads today, so rack deads we did. Overall a solid day.

    Rack Deads
    Cold stop on the rack. No bounce for a thicker upper back.
    135 x 10
    225 x 10
    315 x 8
    405 x 6
    495 x 3 ----> pleased with this start

    Wide-Grip Bent-Over Rows
    95 x 10
    135 x 10
    185 x 10
    225 x 4 ---> sloppy, will do 205 next time
    - SUPERSET -
    Hanging Rows
    This superset put a hurt on the bis and burned up the middle back. Really hard to pull hard and fast on the last few reps of each set.
    BW x 10
    BW x 10
    BW x 10
    BW x 11 ----> took long breaths between the last several reps

    2 wide-grip, 2 close-grip underhand
    62.5 x 10
    72.5 x 10
    72.5 x 10
    77.5 x 7
    - SUPERSET -
    1-Arm DB Rows
    James upped the bar on the last set and I followed.
    65 x 8/arm
    80 x 8/arm
    95 x 8/arm
    120 x 7/arm ---> really pleased with my form, got tough to hold with just some chalk

    Band Scapula Rear Delt Pinches
    3 sets of 12-15
    - SUPERSET -
    Low Pulley Cable Rows
    Couple sets with rope and couple sets with long handles. Rope is so much more difficult and strict.

    29 sets on back day. Not too shabby.
    Sweet man. Im also tryin to add a collection of chains as well. Im gettin them cheaper by going to the local ag store. Ill bring my scale in so I can make sure the weight is right. They are alot more expensive online. Right now Im using about 40-60lbs of chain with about 255-260 weight. Thats is for about 4-6reps. But I do use the excercies for accessory work and will as high as 15reps. Even 25 if Im feelin alil

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  • rich55
    Originally posted by bull.dogz View Post
    I know, I've been trying to work on the things I suck at.
    Aren't we all! Keep it up.

    Originally posted by farmerson12 View Post
    Man I love me some chain floor presses! They have brought up my bench like crazy with the oh so welcome addition of great tricep size
    AWESOME! Glad to hear it. I'm looking forward to trying them on Saturday. How many chains do use for typical pressing days? Just curious. I'm still building my supply.



    I was excited for a big back day. James chose rack deads today, so rack deads we did. Overall a solid day.

    Rack Deads
    Cold stop on the rack. No bounce for a thicker upper back.
    135 x 10
    225 x 10
    315 x 8
    405 x 6
    495 x 3 ----> pleased with this start

    Wide-Grip Bent-Over Rows
    95 x 10
    135 x 10
    185 x 10
    225 x 4 ---> sloppy, will do 205 next time
    - SUPERSET -
    Hanging Rows
    This superset put a hurt on the bis and burned up the middle back. Really hard to pull hard and fast on the last few reps of each set.
    BW x 10
    BW x 10
    BW x 10
    BW x 11 ----> took long breaths between the last several reps

    2 wide-grip, 2 close-grip underhand
    62.5 x 10
    72.5 x 10
    72.5 x 10
    77.5 x 7
    - SUPERSET -
    1-Arm DB Rows
    James upped the bar on the last set and I followed.
    65 x 8/arm
    80 x 8/arm
    95 x 8/arm
    120 x 7/arm ---> really pleased with my form, got tough to hold with just some chalk

    Band Scapula Rear Delt Pinches
    3 sets of 12-15
    - SUPERSET -
    Low Pulley Cable Rows
    Couple sets with rope and couple sets with long handles. Rope is so much more difficult and strict.

    29 sets on back day. Not too shabby.

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  • farmerson12
    [QUOTE=rich55;131845 Skullcrushers were good, but want to get some chain floor presses going for this weekend. Just sounds nasty on the tris. Oh yeah!!

    Man I love me some chain floor presses! They have brought up my bench like crazy with the oh so welcome addition of great tricep size

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  • bull.dogz
    I know, I've been trying to work on the things I suck at.

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  • rich55
    Originally posted by Anaconda View Post
    Great VID! Love doing those. Feel the burn baby!
    Try this combo with the behind the neck as well. Tough stuff!

    Originally posted by bull.dogz View Post
    Love power cleans...hang cleans...not so much.
    Means you need to work at them Not gonna lie, I didn't like them much previously either. I'm starting to enjoy the stuff that even I previously despised in an effort to improve.



    I'm fairly pleased with today's effort despite a severe neck twinge from sleeping on it well. My entire right trap, neck and rhomboid area is quite sore. You'd think I slept on my head. Jeez! Oh well, it didn't stop me from hanging a few heavy chains over my neck in my effort for a bigger chest. Flat DB was decent, but want more on the incline. Skullcrushers were good, but want to get some chain floor presses going for this weekend. Just sounds nasty on the tris. Oh yeah!!

    Flat DB Press
    60 x 10
    80 x 8
    95 x 8
    110 x 7 ---> same as last week, my nemesis
    120 x 3 ------> one better than last week

    Incline Bench
    45 x 10
    135 x 8
    185 x 5
    205 x 5
    225 x 3 ----> not bad for 1st week

    Chain Neutral Pushup Drop Set
    Semi-supinated pushup on DB's with 2 - 19 lb chains on my neck to failure then drop to no chains
    3 sets of 25-30 ----> just pounded them out. Looks like I need more chains

    Incline DB Flys
    45 x 10
    55 x 10
    65 x 8

    Straight-Bar Skullcrushers
    60 x 10
    80 x 10
    90 x 9
    90 x 7

    Slight Incline Lying DB Kickbacks
    20 x 15
    25 x 15
    30 x 14
    - SUPERSET -
    Slight Incline DB Overhead Extensions
    45 x 10
    55 x 10
    65 x 8

    Cable Pushdowns
    Just wanted a little more. 62.5 x 15, drop to 47.5

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