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PW Lemon: Logged

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  • #61
    hit shoulders- back a minute ago

    standing DB overhead press -- 10x40,50,50,50
    DB side raises - 10x20,20,15,15

    str leg deadlift - 10x95,95,95

    DB lawnmoawers - 10x40,60,60,60

    shrugs -- 10x bar overhead (x2), DB shrugs, 4x10x60

    lat pulldowns - 10x100,120,140

    DB front raises - 10x15,15,15
    str bar front raises - 10xbar,bar,65

    tried these overhead shrugs, read about em in an article the other day.. felt weird/dont think i really liked it or felt it.. maybe i didnt do it right, will have to re-read the articles discussion...


    • #62
      no trtaining for the next few days, maybe even all next week =(

      busy with finals and paperwork today --- was gonna go for a run around the track but its ugly out and prolly will start raining any minute

      im out tomorrow for my gfs graduation, than all the moving stuff.. wont be back to philly til next tuesday, and than i have that week off so i wont be on or around campus to lift til the 19th...

      ill be brining my W bar set, swiss balls, jump ropes, all that good home fitness stuff, so ill have to make use of that and the fact my neighborhood will be safe to run around!! and it should be getting nice out soon (yesterday was beautiful, really warm and humid)

      ive got around 1/4 tub of the PW lemonade left. stuff lasts nice and long per tub, i like it


      • #63
        succesfully moved in as of 3/4pm today. was exhausting past couples of days.. but the new place is stellar.


        • #64
          Originally posted by jdiritto
          succesfully moved in as of 3/4pm today. was exhausting past couples of days.. but the new place is stellar.

          Congrats now go lift!!!!!!! Furniture not included
          Last edited by icetrauma; 05-13-2008, 07:50 PM.
          Do or do not. There is no try!


          • #65
            yes siir.. think the girlfriend and I may go join LA Fitness for the one week trial today... will hold me over til i am back on campus teaching, and i might even join just so i have a gym near the apt to go too

            or ill just wait and once i take the NSCA-CPT test this summer, hope to get a PT job there with free lifting benefits


            • #66
              update: been real lazy lately, packing and moving was alot, now its just more annoying little things. need to hit a gym up, but prolly wont til monday.

              havent gotten out to LA Fitness, just been unpacking into the new place and catching out what is around the area.

              been eating well lately (kind of) good foods all day long, spent 225$ at grocery store on lots of good stuffs, but also a decent amount of drinking (move in celebrations ya know) prolly not alot really, but i have 3 drinks and feel it nowadays.

              on a side note, had a muscle milk cookies n cream shake earlier, used half 2% milk and half water, with a spoonfull of ice cream yogurt.... oh my goodness it was delicious!! I've got 5lbs of the powder too, exciting.. and hopefully ill be able to afford more MM/expensive proteins in the near future


              • #67
                got a good lift in today -- went to the campus gym with ym girlfriend.

                did some chest and arms

                DB hammers

                DB flies
                DB incline curls

                Wrist spins

                tricep pushdowns

                think were going to LA Fitnes tomorrow and doing the week trial promo


                • #68
                  Good to see ya back in the gym. Hope your session was better than mine.
                  Do or do not. There is no try!


                  • #69
                    ive missed ittt.. its been okay back, doing lighter weights and just getting the body ready for a long summer

                    did legs this morning with the girlfriend again

                    squats -- about 8 set total, 5 of em at 185 -- 12 reps per

                    lunges (super setted with last 3 set of squats) -- heald 25pd DB overhead in one arm (core stabilization)

                    leg curls
                    leg extensions

                    hip abduction

                    hip adduction

                    was mediocore, took some green bulge today, gonn apolish a bottle of that i have off. no real workout supps the last week or so besides centrum multi and some protein shakes either. ran out of amp2 a day or two ago...tapered it down kidn of fast and i think im going hrough withdrawal to the caffeine...or else i have a real bad headache today...either or it sucks.

                    tomorrow hope to hit the shoulders/back


                    • #70
                      did the shoulders/back thing today, felt good.

                      headaches arent going away -- amp2 has strong withdrawal..

                      sorry for lack of detail, my pc's internet died and i dont like typing/interneting on my girlfriends..hoping to figure mine out sometime (?)


                      • #71
                        so far no headaches today...! no lifting either, campus is closed, and i dont teach tomorrow so i wont be back in the gym until monday I believe.....

                        going to an alumni event tonight in olde city though, some kind of 1800 philly pub crawl thing, should be interesting.. 30$ for 4 beers and appetizers at 4 resturants


                        • #72
                          just drank some PW - the old stuff - and xtend.. going for a jog with the womans, gonna do some stairs, since we live on a huge hill, and drive the legs crazy at the end.

                          did the same yesterday, just less intense, was more of a walk with a light jog at the end (after stairs)...

                          I need to update my girlfriends PC with my log bookmarks so i can update easier, its a pain having to find them through the forum lol


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by jdiritto
                            just drank some PW - the old stuff - and xtend.. going for a jog with the womans, gonna do some stairs, since we live on a huge hill, and drive the legs crazy at the end.

                            did the same yesterday, just less intense, was more of a walk with a light jog at the end (after stairs)...

                            I need to update my girlfriends PC with my log bookmarks so i can update easier, its a pain having to find them through the forum lol
                            How was the pub crawl? Any good brew?
                            Do or do not. There is no try!


                            • #74
                              it was cool.. a good deal IMO

                              27$ per, we got four drinks (one at each stop)

                              it was an old city tour, with a person that was dressed in like 1800 git up and talked/acted the role.. was interesting, phillies history is deep

                              for thee beers;
                              the first was some cider that was tasty but weak alcohol content (they said it was like water)

                              second was a lager that was good

                              third was a wheat ale -- great drink but low alc cont

                              and the fourth was some kind of rasberry champagne at the oldest bar/pub in philly, and apparantly where the declaration could of actually been signed/wrote

                              appetizers at first three places were delicious too, i tried to eat as much of that as I could!!!

                              we ended up going back to the third stop for dinner after -- its a brewery with great beer (Triumph), i got a paninini andt heir strongest beer at 11% I thinkg (?)

                              after that the night went sour though -- we left triumph drunk at like 9:40, half way on the walk 10 blocks to the train station we realize the train came at 9:43 so we were screwed and had to wait an hour for the next -- we went to hard rock cofe for dessert, got this apple cobbler ice cream thing, that was like pure brown sugar and made us both sick --- we go back into the train station, and go to the track designated for our train, and here it came on a diff track and we totally missed it, again.

                              luckily im still paying for my old apt in center city til the end of the month, so we went to the subway station and got a ride there back to my old pad -- no pillows on the bed there though!!


                              • #75
                                Dude, thanks for everything so far with this log. That tour sounds awesome also.

