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  • Bee cooked and dead. I don't chase the kids with it, because it would give them the idea to chase each other with it.

    Not that I'm worried about them, I just don't want to deal with the noise it would create.


    • Originally posted by GimpyPaw
      Bee cooked and dead. I don't chase the kids with it, because it would give them the idea to chase each other with it.

      Not that I'm worried about them, I just don't want to deal with the noise it would create.
      Ye< i bet the wife, wouldnt appreciate it either, lol
      If you have to cheat to win, why bothering playing..


      • Originally posted by GimpyPaw
        Bee cooked and dead. I don't chase the kids with it, because it would give them the idea to chase each other with it.

        Not that I'm worried about them, I just don't want to deal with the noise it would create.
        Eat the bee, i heard there good in protein
        If you have to cheat to win, why bothering playing..


        • Rant: I have that "empty" feeling in my stomach. You know, when your craving something, and even when you eat you don't feel like you got what you needed.


          • That bee is starting to look mighty good


            • Had a lil pepper, some barbque sauce and your good to go, and yes I know that feeling, it sucks,,
              If you have to cheat to win, why bothering playing..


              • You watching the post count? It would suck for you to blow right past #2000 and not even notice.


                • Its laready grilled, so u dont have to do that. You and your wife could with the bee
                  If you have to cheat to win, why bothering playing..


                  • House72 1,991
                    LancerV 1,223
                    GimpyPaw 723
                    storm shadow 486
                    jdiritto 472


                    • Originally posted by GimpyPaw
                      You watching the post count? It would suck for you to blow right past #2000 and not even notice.
                      Actually now, Im not..
                      If you have to cheat to win, why bothering playing..


                      • oh man, 8 more, I have to get ready for the big one
                        If you have to cheat to win, why bothering playing..


                        • Hey, I'm within 500 of Lancer. That's not bad. And I checked, Lancer hasn't posted in the Rant in a while.


                          • House72 1,993
                            LancerV 1,223
                            GimpyPaw 725
                            storm shadow 486


                            • Ill have to prepare a speech, Im nervous, I get a lil worried about speaking in public, but after im htere for 2 mins im good to go
                              If you have to cheat to win, why bothering playing..


                              • See, when you typed "8 more" that made it 7 more. It's one of those paradox things.

