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  • You've got some weird neighbors
    -Supplement Addict-

    "You're going to tell me what I want to know, it's just a just a matter of how much you want it to hurt."
    -Jack Bauer


    • The rooster started to roost in the pine trees of our back yards, and he began to split his time equally between my neighbor's yard and mine. Because nobody fed him anymore he became something of a bug eating machine. Grasshoppers, earwigs, earthworms, you name it, he ate it.


      • I have to admit, it is sort of cool that we have very few bugs in our yard, thanks to him.


        • I even took to throwing out bits of left-overs for him. You know, the stuff the dog wouldn't eat, like stale corn chips or bread crusts.

          The one thing I hated about that rooster though, was his frequent urge to crow in the mornings. 4:30 am, every mother lovin' day, right outside my window.


          • One time i woke up and there was a huge f@cking spider on my pillow, needless to say, I didn't sleep for the rest of the night. Ever since I always scan my bed/room for spiders before I go to sleep. I've got major Aracnaphobia
            -Supplement Addict-

            "You're going to tell me what I want to know, it's just a just a matter of how much you want it to hurt."
            -Jack Bauer


            • Well one morning, right at about 4:31 am, I had reached the end. I was getting out of bed to get the shotgun. I told my wife "That's it, I'm gonna gauge that sucker and shut him up!"


              • Heres a rant: I was just looking in my fridge for milk because I felt like having a protein shake and to my surprise there is no milk!!!!

                Well good ol mom is on her way to get some.
                -Supplement Addict-

                "You're going to tell me what I want to know, it's just a just a matter of how much you want it to hurt."
                -Jack Bauer


                • My wife put her hand on my arm and told me "You can't, he and Katie have become friends. He's like her pet now."


                  • Whats the post count Gimps?
                    -Supplement Addict-

                    "You're going to tell me what I want to know, it's just a just a matter of how much you want it to hurt."
                    -Jack Bauer


                    • Oh yeah it sucks that the game tonight got pushe back an hour.
                      -Supplement Addict-

                      "You're going to tell me what I want to know, it's just a just a matter of how much you want it to hurt."
                      -Jack Bauer


                      • My daughter is autistic. People with autisim will often have a most unique ability to relate with animals. This rooster, who had been living "feral", will literally follow my daughter around like a pet dog. She can chase him, and he will chase her. She can pet him, play with his feathers, and push him around. He never does anything to her. If I don't know where my daughter is, I listen for the rooster.


                        • Originally posted by GimpyPaw
                          My daughter is autistic. People with autisim will often have a most unique ability to relate with animals. This rooster, who had been living "feral", will literally follow my daughter around like a pet dog. She can chase him, and he will chase her. She can pet him, play with his feathers, and push him around. He never does anything to her. If I don't know where my daughter is, I listen for the rooster.
                          Gimps you feelin allright?

                          -Supplement Addict-

                          "You're going to tell me what I want to know, it's just a just a matter of how much you want it to hurt."
                          -Jack Bauer


                          • The rooster has taken to living almost exclusively in our yard these days. He has lost all fear of us, and will even walk in (uninvited) to our house if the door is left open.

                            Since I'm stuck with him, I decided to teach him tricks. He will jump up to take food out of my hand now. I'm still working on jumping through the hola-hoop.


                            • 7 min. until the Finals!! Woot Woot
                              -Supplement Addict-

                              "You're going to tell me what I want to know, it's just a just a matter of how much you want it to hurt."
                              -Jack Bauer


                              • House72 1,908
                                LancerV 1,223
                                GimpyPaw 646
                                storm shadow 472
                                jdiritto 472
                                Slated 314

                                I've given you enough of a window that the two of you can have an interesting race now. As for me, I'm going after Lancer. I want bragging rights!

