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  • UMM OK, I wouldnt say that.. I said I aint gonna have a kid, and crap you came along
    If you have to cheat to win, why bothering playing..


    • It's all good, Im here to have some fun thats all,
      If you have to cheat to win, why bothering playing..


      • thats not bad 400 post in an hour
        If you have to cheat to win, why bothering playing..


        • Dam your keyboard must be crying
          If you have to cheat to win, why bothering playing..


          • Uhh, did I lose you
            If you have to cheat to win, why bothering playing..


            • Hello anyone out there
              If you have to cheat to win, why bothering playing..


              • So what else was going on in this thread all day anything, or just the same ole bs,
                If you have to cheat to win, why bothering playing..


                • Rant, no one to talk to here or listen to me rant,
                  If you have to cheat to win, why bothering playing..


                  • So I guess Ill just rant to my E freind
                    If you have to cheat to win, why bothering playing..


                    • Everyone go to bed,
                      If you have to cheat to win, why bothering playing..


                      • Originally posted by House72
                        So I guess Ill just rant to my E freind


                        • Originally posted by House72
                          thats not bad 400 post in an hour
                          MOre like my back button


                          • Well since this is a spot for ranting I'm going to complain about all the stereotypes I hate when going to the gym...if you fall into one of these categories I'm sorry - I'll be really nice to your face and then I'll badmouth you behind your back - because I'm proper like that..haha...feel free to add because I'm sure to miss some of them. Most of the people that fit into one category...annoyingly enough fit into others as well.

                            1. The Grunter - I can completely understand an occasional noise-making, its the gym not the library...but The Grunter is in a different league all by himself/(I do know 1 herself...scary stuff). There comes a point in time when excessive is the word, there was one guy in particular the other day who no matter what exercise he was doing...he had to grunt on EVERY single rep, and to make things worse - I SWEAR the guy was following me. It wasn't little "Hmphs" was him screaming for all to see the 35 lbs he was using to burn-out on skullcrushers. You tend to see a lot of this especially on dead-lifts, and thats typically where I see really awful form too. Funny how that works out.

                            2. The Flexer - Again theres a line here...and also ways to do it, and some people can get away with more than others. My one buddy ( I hate him for it) actually lifts his shirt up casually to look at his stomach in the mirror. Now at least in this instance hes making an attempt to play it cool by not trying to look like hes flexing in the mirror, but its pretty obvious what hes doing, and to make matters worse he doesn't really have that nice of a stomach - so I usually just laugh. But then there are some people who absolutely go ALL out on the flexing thing in the mirrors at the gym. I don't think they actually lift - and for the ones that do I've coined them the "mirror lifters" as no matter what they're doing - they happen to be "checking their form". Do this in private please, unless you have a valid say you're a pro and need to work on a flexing routine. Except 999/1000 times these guys are def. not pros.

                            3. People who wear underarmor on the outside...granted under-armor does make outerwear, but thats not what I'm referring to....theres a reason its called under-armor..enough said you get the point.

                            4. The guys that lift a lot.......but really its barely their body weight - As a college student I see way too much of this. Its not their size/lift ratio that bothers me as much as their "I'm one BAMF" attitude that accompanies it". Sure you bench more than me, you also weigh 150 pounds more than stop trying to look so hard.

                            5. The 5 week a year program people - These people tend to come to the gym at 2 points during the year..After new years, and right before spring break. I'm sorry, they're typically worthless.

                            6. The Obsessive gym-rat - I feel that I myself might fit into this one at times, but theres one girl in particular that I'm thinking of, and shes a close friend and I love her to death...but she needs help. A typical conversation with her might go along the lines of "Yeah I know its christmas, but I had to wake up and do my 5 mile run, and then I spent all day at dance practice, went to kick-boxing, was on the elliptical for an hour" blah blah blah whine whine whine. Basically shes ALWAYS there no matter what time of day. She'll even work through injury as I come up and she asks, "are my knees swollen?, Yeah they definitely are...oh well gotta go run!" I at least admire her dedication...Its not nearly as bad as say.....

                            7. The guy who slams the weights - Lifting heavy weights is one thing, when you drop hundreds of pounds on the floor even if you aren't trying its going to make some noise. But there are those guys that can have 20 pound dumbells in their hands and it'll still go flying when they're done with their set. Its no wonder when I see broken weights at my gym, these guys are the reason. I see this a lot with deadlifts too, often accompanied by the noise of "The Grunter".

                            8. The social butterfly - I don't typically mind this one as long as you aren't associated with me. A friend of mine I lift with at school does this, and it drives me crazy. He'll spend 2 hours a day at the gym, probably one of which is him just randomly bsing. If you want to do this fine, just don't lift with me anymore. I'm there to get stuff done.

                            9. The cell phone abuser - some exceptions apply here, but then there are guys who just can't leave the thing at home or in a locker/cubby. They're on it...they're working out while on it, I'd like to "accidentally" drop a weight on it. I'm sure a 25 plate would do the job, but I'll make it a 45 just to be safe.

                            10. The "I just stepped out of abercrombie and into the gym" look - Theres a time and a place to make yourself look presentable. Theres no need to wear designer shirts and gel/do up your hair just to come to the gym. These guys are easy to spot and provide more humor for me than pure rage.

                            11. "I work only one body part and/or I only work my upper-body" - I'm thinking of one guy in particular..and I've never seen him work anything other than arms. I've never even seen him work his chest. Now the guy has a big build to him..which makes me even more upset because not only does he act like and let people know that hes "hooooge", but people believe him. And then theres the guys that are absolutely massive on their upper body and have teeny tiny chicken legs, but "they're perfect".

                            Thats all for now, I feel the urge to go hit the bags. Theres plenty more I missed I'm sure. There are some stereotypes that get mentioned at times, such as the fatter/out of shape people, or the people who are just starting out/don't know what they're doing etc, but I personally have no problems with them. As an X-fatty I'm pleased when I see heavy people in the gym trying to change their appearance and become healthier. I even don't care if I see them doing things that are completely flawed or done with piss-poor least they're up and moving and trying to do something about it. Now when they walk out of the gym if they grab some ice cream...or if they decide to give up and never come back again - well shame on them..but for the ones who keep on trying - all the power in the world to em, its not always easy to change.

                            And that is my rant...


                            • Why you negg me, what a b...h, cant take some busting..
                              If you have to cheat to win, why bothering playing..


                              • Originally posted by House72
                                Why you negg me, what a b...h, cant take some busting..
                                but nothing wrong with making noise on a deadlift

