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Androstenetrione vs Blue Up/Testosterone

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  • #16
    Originally posted by RisingAgainst
    With which product(s)?
    I know I can get 6-oxo or nolvadex xt here. Any preference between the two?
    What are examples of ATD's on the market?
    Sponsored Controlled Labs Athlete
    Looks for the ads, coming soon!


    • #17
      Originally posted by timberwolf
      I know I can get 6-oxo or nolvadex xt here. Any preference between the two?
      What are examples of ATD's on the market?
      Novedex XT is a good ATD. I use it.

      I wouldn't go above 50mg. Taper down to 25mg for the last week. A good scheme would be

      Week 1: 25mg
      Week 2: 50mg
      Week 3: 50mg (optional 75mg aka 3 caps)
      Week 4: 25mg
      Week 5: 25mg


      • #18
        Originally posted by timberwolf
        I know I can get 6-oxo or nolvadex xt here. Any preference between the two?
        What are examples of ATD's on the market?
        6-oxo is actually an AI (same as the andro powder aforementioned)

        6-bromodione is an AI as well, but one of my favorites due to it's effectiveness.

        ATDs are more common now, and would include Rebound XT by AX, Inhibit-E by SNS, and several others... Most anti-e products are specific enough with the compound they use to determine it's true nature very easily.

        I PREFER 6-bromo for a non pct timeframe stack, I prefer a stack of 6-bromo and an ATD for pct. IE: Advanced PCT by AX and Inhibit-E ran concurrently. Otherwise, use a SERM and an atd.

        What's your actual goals? Budget?


        • #19
          I was just looking at Rebound XT and on DPS's site it specifically refers to it as an AI?

          I'm going to start on BU next month and was looking at taking a 300mg dose of 6oxo along with it (since I have 2 bottles of it sitting here) and stumbled on this thread.
          Last edited by SICK WS 6; 07-19-2007, 11:35 AM.


          • #20
            Originally posted by RisingAgainst
            6-oxo is actually an AI (same as the andro powder aforementioned)

            6-bromodione is an AI as well, but one of my favorites due to it's effectiveness.

            ATDs are more common now, and would include Rebound XT by AX, Inhibit-E by SNS, and several others... Most anti-e products are specific enough with the compound they use to determine it's true nature very easily.

            I PREFER 6-bromo for a non pct timeframe stack, I prefer a stack of 6-bromo and an ATD for pct. IE: Advanced PCT by AX and Inhibit-E ran concurrently. Otherwise, use a SERM and an atd.

            What's your actual goals? Budget?
            Keep test levels high(er) even when dieting.
            Sponsored Controlled Labs Athlete
            Looks for the ads, coming soon!


            • #21
              Originally posted by timberwolf
              Keep test levels high(er) even when dieting.
              Go with Blue Up then.


              • #22
                Originally posted by RisingAgainst
                Go with Blue Up then.
                I'm guessing he already has Blue UP (hopefully)

                Have you considered this stack:

                Blue UP


                • #23
                  this thread is great .... thanks for bringing this up

                  Originally posted by Spartan
                  ... I just don't want to chance gyno. As it is my chest is bigger than my wife's is! ...
                  I know what you mean, I don't use BU-SF as much as I would like to because I do notice a slight change in my chest when I'm on it and when I'm off ... the BU-SF/Inhibit-E sounds like a nice 1 month stack, though ... might try that when I'm done with the Evo stack
                  jdouchebag for president


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by strester
                    this thread is great .... thanks for bringing this up

                    I know what you mean, I don't use BU-SF as much as I would like to because I do notice a slight change in my chest when I'm on it and when I'm off ... the BU-SF/Inhibit-E sounds like a nice 1 month stack, though ... might try that when I'm done with the Evo stack
                    Not to sound like a total dik here, but you listen to WAYY to much bullshit... gyno from a test booster... bwahahahahhaha people get gyno from just reading articles over there... total ignorance.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by RisingAgainst
                      Not to sound like a total dik here, but you listen to WAYY to much bullshit... gyno from a test booster... bwahahahahhaha people get gyno from just reading articles over there... total ignorance.
                      While I agree this is true to some extent, I think there's also some truth in saying that, when your hormone levels fluctuate there is always a chance for it, especially if you are prone.

                      I had gyno from puberty that went away (almost) from a few years of smoking cigerettes (nicotine is a natural AI) I quit smoking, and I could use any natural test booster with no problem. Then I did 2 cycles of Pheraplex, and for some reason it must have 'triggered' my gyno again, cuz now I get flare ups from just about any kind of natty test booster.

                      Now I'm forced to make gains from creatine, aminos, protein, food and hard work. Poor me!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by RenegadeRows
                        While I agree this is true to some extent, I think there's also some truth in saying that, when your hormone levels fluctuate there is always a chance for it, especially if you are prone.

                        I had gyno from puberty that went away (almost) from a few years of smoking cigerettes (nicotine is a natural AI) I quit smoking, and I could use any natural test booster with no problem. Then I did 2 cycles of Pheraplex, and for some reason it must have 'triggered' my gyno again, cuz now I get flare ups from just about any kind of natty test booster.

                        Now I'm forced to make gains from creatine, aminos, protein, food and hard work. Poor me!
                        Some good insight here folks. If you've never experienced puffy nips you can't really imagine how f'd up it is.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by timberwolf
                          Keep test levels high(er) even when dieting.

                          What I've done is add SAN T3 4x daily to my serving of BU-SF 30-45 min pre-workout. I've felt this has kept my test levels up even though I am cutting and has atleast helped me somewhat to minimize bodyfat (though still there to an extent) and keep my strength up.

                          I'm 5'10 180lbs and pretty much been able to maintain the following:
                          315x6 deadlift - recently got this back up but never fell below 275x8 on cut.
                          255x1 bench - always been weak but this is actually an increase for me.
                          315x3 squat - dont like them but respectible.
                          755x10 leg press - highest I've felt the need to go.

                          All these are increases as well which technically isn't suppose to happen on a diet/cut but keeping my test up has help maintain my strength and I feel that T3 and BU is a good combo to do so.

                          Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight. - Psalm 144:1

                          As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another - Proverbs 27:17

                          Current Supps:
                          Purple Wraath
                          Green Magnitude
                          Orange Triad
                          White Flood
                          Blue Up
                          100% ON Classic Whey

                          Ninety percent of everything is crap.

                          Theodore Sturgeon
                          US science fiction author (1918 - 1985)


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by RisingAgainst
                            Not to sound like a total dik here, but you listen to WAYY to much bullshit... gyno from a test booster... bwahahahahhaha people get gyno from just reading articles over there... total ignorance.
                            I'm not sure how my own experience with test boosters such as Blue-Up and seeing how it affects my body can translate into bad information from ... wait it doesn't ... but at least you had the opportunity to make your witty comment and almost contribute to the thread in a positive manner

                            Originally posted by RenegadeRows
                            While I agree this is true to some extent, I think there's also some truth in saying that, when your hormone levels fluctuate there is always a chance for it, especially if you are prone.

                            I had gyno from puberty that went away (almost) from a few years of smoking cigerettes (nicotine is a natural AI) I quit smoking, and I could use any natural test booster with no problem. Then I did 2 cycles of Pheraplex, and for some reason it must have 'triggered' my gyno again, cuz now I get flare ups from just about any kind of natty test booster.

                            Now I'm forced to make gains from creatine, aminos, protein, food and hard work. Poor me!
                            agreed ... I noticed some minor changes as well once I kicked the habit ... and congrats on doing it in the first place
                            jdouchebag for president


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by strester
                              I'm not sure how my own experience with test boosters such as Blue-Up and seeing how it affects my body can translate into bad information from ... wait it doesn't ... but at least you had the opportunity to make your witty comment and almost contribute to the thread in a positive manner

                              Can always count on you for a great comment like that man. Priceless. Oh, and just to add to the fire, you can get gyno from anything that is going to alter your test/estro balance. Just depends on the severity, prolonged bout of it, your sensitivity, etc. So to come and make a comment that things are "ignorance" or "bullshit" is rather ignorant in it's own aspect Rising.
                              Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight. - Psalm 144:1

                              As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another - Proverbs 27:17

                              Current Supps:
                              Purple Wraath
                              Green Magnitude
                              Orange Triad
                              White Flood
                              Blue Up
                              100% ON Classic Whey

                              Ninety percent of everything is crap.

                              Theodore Sturgeon
                              US science fiction author (1918 - 1985)


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Spartan

                                Can always count on you for a great comment like that man. Priceless. Oh, and just to add to the fire, you can get gyno from anything that is going to alter your test/estro balance. Just depends on the severity, prolonged bout of it, your sensitivity, etc. So to come and make a comment that things are "ignorance" or "bullshit" is rather ignorant in it's own aspect Rising.
                                Research lipomastia and PLACEBO for me. good job on making my point all the much clearer... your statement was a joke right??

