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My CL Regimen and Stash

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Kilim
    Ya a log is great!
    It showed me the error of my ways.
    Its a great motivator, helps you see your progress and helps you see the areas you need to improve as well!

    I know diet is the most important factor I need to improve personally.
    I was trying to stay on a 40/40/20 diet but now I am going to try 45/35/20.
    Its so hard trying to change into this lifestyle but working on it

    Here is a log of me during my 30 day REDuction:
    And here is the Online Spreadsheet I used to show my progress:

    That spreadsheet that I made is my best tool for me to see the progress and also how what I am doing is affecting me.
    I edited my post above but just in case you didn't get to read it in time:

    Originally posted by LAtz
    reading through your log and looking at the spreadsheets will be helpful. And that stronglifts site is packed with info! the squatting position tips were much needed.
    I started looking through your logs and have a small question: is the Brita water filter good at removing nasty flavors from the water?

    You also did HIIT with the REDuction! I can't wait to order mine so I can do that too. (I had to stop HIIT with the EC for sure).

    Oh, and that CVS organizer tower must come in handy.

    Originally posted by pu12en12g
    Last edited by LAtz; 07-25-2008, 03:50 PM.


    • #17
      Originally posted by LAtz
      I edited my post above but just in case you didn't get to read it in time:

      I started looking through your logs and have a small question: is the Brita water filter good at removing nasty flavors from the water?

      You also did HIIT with the REDuction! I can't wait to order mine so I can do that too. (I had to stop HIIT with the EC for sure).

      Oh, and that CVS organizer tower must come in handy.

      Brita Pitcher:
      One of the BEST investment EVER!
      1st time I tasted water from it was when I was in the USMC and drank it from my sister-in-law's.
      Best tasting water I have EVER tasted LOL.
      Considering I drink a minimum of 5-6 liters of water a day + wife and son drinks water too = Saves LOTS of $$$.
      Just get a decent sized water bottle and keep refilling it all day.
      hell, have 2 or more water bottles ready to go

      We have a bunch of water bottles here at home for me, my wife and my 5yo son to use
      What we do is we refill the water we take out of the pitcher and try to keep it full all the time.
      Just good etiquette

      Ya I did that for cardio on my Off-days.
      I suck at cardio but I did enjoy it alot, specially when I am done and enjoy the runners high!
      Debating if I should add it when I start the new program as its suppose to be very hard on the legs and leg recovery time maybe essential, I will just see how it goes I guess.

      I always drink 16-24oz water 1st thing in the morning and on my old program I ran 1st thing in the morning after hydration.
      I find Purple Wraath to be my staple for both Cardio and Lifting and can't live without it for both

      CVS Tower Organizer:
      ya I love that little doodad LOL.
      I went thru around 3 other pill holders until I decided to get that one.
      Great for what I need and makes sure that I don't miss any pills or take 1 too many lol.

      StrongLifts Site:

      ya, theres some great info in there.
      A lot of good info everywhere, just got to find the right ones and throw away the bad ones.
      Just takes some good screening.
      I consider myself a Novice working my way to Godliness LOL.
      (Definitely going to take sometime but will be a fun adventure )

      1 more great thing to get is Starting Strength by Mark Rippletoe also.
      Another GREAT investment IMHO.
      I am still trying to finish reading it also.

      Here is somewhat a FAQ for it
      Chock full of goodies

      pu12en12g also have some great writeups also, check em out in this forum.

      I am actually enjoying my Workout Holiday.
      1st time I been playing video games in a few months LOL.
      Got Metal Gear 4 and Battlefield: Bad Company on the PS3 for me and my son to play
      Makes me miss the USMC more ... but I have a family now and that is MOST Important in life.
      Last edited by Kilim; 07-25-2008, 04:19 PM.
      My BodySpace

      My Workout Journal/Log '08 ---> Kilim's REDuction: Biggest WINNER Contest log ---> Kilim's StrongLifts 5x5 Journal

      Workout Planner Spreadsheet for MS Excel

      My White Flood + GreenMag + Purple Wraath: 2 Week Use Review

