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General Help w/ Sups

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  • General Help w/ Sups

    Hey everyone. Been lifting for about 6 months now 3-4 times per week and have changing many, MANY habits. (Sleep, eating, exercise, etc.) I've been taking Kre-Alkalin as my sole form of Creatine for awhile (took Cell Mass post workout for a month instead) and really haven't been impressed. Granted I haven't been lifting long enough to really know what I'm looking for as far as gains, but anyway...I digress...

    I'm not ready to drop hundreds of bucks on a huge stack, but I have been researching creatine products (since mine are almost gone) and have been impressed by Green Mag. Here's my question: If you were to advise me on one CL product to add to my suplements, would this be the one? Is there a 2nd product that I should consider also? I could be convinced to shell out some extra if the argument was good enough.

    My goals are to add muscle. I've dropped about 25 lbs so far so I'm already seeing muscle that was hidden by fat, but now I'd like to see more.

    34 yr. old male
    180 lbs.
    5' 11"
    WO 3-4 days/week

    Currently taking:
    • OptiMen multi
    • Fish oil
    • Kre-Alkalin (about to run out) 1 tab in the AM and 2 pre-workout
    • ON Pro Complex Protien shakes - 30 grams AM and PM
    • EAS shake post workout - 20 - 40 grams (depends what I buy that month - if only 20 gram shake, I grab a chicken breast or something when I get home)
    • Cell Mass immediately after workout for about a month. Ran out of tub.

  • #2
    I would switch multis --- NOW adam is a good one, CL ornage tried is awesome

    fish oil is great.

    kre - alk is lame. def switch. controlled labs offers 2 stellar creatine products (green bulge or magnitude) and there also a plethora of other solid ones out there.

    protein products sound interesting -- i advice to get bulk sizes of it -- ON sells 10lb bags of whey - love it -- anything on sale is good IMO

    cell mass --- prolly lame and over priced -- controleld labs golden finish really impressed me for postworkout - and i only take 2 scoops (they recommend 3) --- whey protein + ground up oats can work too, just depends on your desires (whey + oats = cheap, but it doesnt taste that stellar. but ya kno, i drink a whey + oats shake every morning, you learn to live. it's better than getting shot or somethign you know)

    & train hard.


    • #3
      First off, thanks for the detailed response. I'll look into the NOW Adam or OT when I finish this bottle. I was looking at getting a 10lbs of ON Whey, too.

      Golden Finish seems pretty expensive for the amount of servings and amount of protein. (Just going off memory.)

      Originally posted by jdiritto
      whey protein + ground up oats can work too, just depends on your desires (whey + oats = cheap, but it doesnt taste that stellar. but ya kno, i drink a whey + oats shake every morning, you learn to live. it's better than getting shot or somethign you know)
      Would a whey shake with a bowl of oatmeal accomplish the same thing? (My morning routine.)


      • #4
        Originally posted by symphonix3
        Would a whey shake with a bowl of oatmeal accomplish the same thing? (My morning routine.)
        Solid, but what about the rest of the day


        • #5
          Originally posted by pu12en12g
          Solid, but what about the rest of the day
          I was specifically talking about the AM since he was talking about mixing oats with whey. My question is does mixing oats with whey slow down the protein absorbtion? I mean, are you effectively creating a "casein" effect by mixing it? Cause it would be nice not to need two seperate protein powders.

          Another question I have is about Glutamine - is it all the same? I mean, is the glutamine you can buy at Wal-Mart the same as other glutamine powders?


          • #6
            the ground up oats are decent carbs for post workout replenishment in a shake

            I don't like eating oats, so i have a big tub of steel cuts i blend into a powder, and add a scoop into protein shakes -- great for bulking too if you need to add cals

            youre not gonna get the same slow digestion as casein, but it will slow the process some just because its solid food w/the drink. you can eat natural PB and other fats with protein to slow protein digestion (hopefully healthy fats like EFA or such) or prolly use a fiber supplement too

            i wouldnt supplement with glutamine -- if you drink enough protein shakes, you should be getting enough in your diet (check labels)

            only time I've found additional glutamine to be very useful is when I was on a strict carb depletion/cycling cutting diet -- some people swear by it though..i think your money is better spent elsewhere

