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Lean and mean fighting machine

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  • Lean and mean fighting machine


    I'm trying Venom Hyperdrive 3.0 right now and it's pretty good but uh it shrinks your unit and takes a toll on your libido! I have a serieus tolerance about stimulants, I can take up to 4 caps Hyperdrive...and some coffee
    I also take Sesaglow and a regular multi-vit.

    In my next stack I would like to try Stimulant X or Jet Fuel.
    Would it be okay to use Blue up (for libido) + Stimulant X + Sesaglow?

    My goal is to lose a bit of fat I gained, Yes gained in the army! Goddamn peace of crap food. Of course the Holidays will do no good also.

    Other suggestions? I'm trying to keep it simple but effective.


  • #2
    Not sure if the BU will help in the libido department, when it comes to shrinkage caused by stimulants. Stim-X did the same thing to me - and I was always under the impression that the shrinkage and temporary L.D. was caused by vaso-constriction from the caffeine/stims - and since BU has caffeine, you may want to try BU caffeine-free and White Blood - that will expand blood vessels and *MIGHT* counteract the temporary impotence experienced with high dosed stimulants.

    I'd be interested to hear what the Reps and more experienced members have to say about this issue though!


    • #3
      Originally posted by RenegadeRows
      Not sure if the BU will help in the libido department, when it comes to shrinkage caused by stimulants. Stim-X did the same thing to me - and I was always under the impression that the shrinkage and temporary L.D. was caused by vaso-constriction from the caffeine/stims - and since BU has caffeine, you may want to try BU caffeine-free and White Blood - that will expand blood vessels and *MIGHT* counteract the temporary impotence experienced with high dosed stimulants.

      I'd be interested to hear what the Reps and more experienced members have to say about this issue though!
      /\/\ correct

      I don't believe adding blue up or white blood on top of the stimulant will do too much to counter the problems your experiencing; it will help, but the change may not be significant.

      If i were you, i would wait until I am done with the stimulant cycle, give the body a week or so to get over that, and than use vasodiolators or libido enhancers.. by doing this you will fully utilize the benefits of each product respectivelly

      In some other post I debated the negatives of caffeine use against someone to all ends, it was an interesting discussion; you should search for it. Personally, i think your relying on stimulants too much to increase metabolism and thermogenics for weight loss...sure, they are the easiest way; but if it was that easy [safe] everyone would be doing it.
      Last edited by jiritt0; 12-24-2006, 12:30 PM.


      • #4
        Correct jdiritto, but I only use 2 caps a day, but I can use 4. I just have a high tolerance to stims.
        I'm also asking this question because it's not only stim x or venom, eca does the same...most fatburners doe actually...
        If I can take something to counter these negetive effects doesn't mean I start popping some extra pills.


        • #5
          Best of luck to you, and thank you for serving our country.
          "Usually when people think they are holding a lot of water, they are just holding a lot of fat." -Mr. Aries

          Yellow Neuphoria! (Complete)



          • #6
            Originally posted by Sgt. Clint
            Correct jdiritto, but I only use 2 caps a day, but I can use 4. I just have a high tolerance to stims.
            I'm also asking this question because it's not only stim x or venom, eca does the same...most fatburners doe actually...
            If I can take something to counter these negetive effects doesn't mean I start popping some extra pills.
            they are merely side effects of the drug. It performs its desired action, and than performs all other actions it can; which in this instance is a side effect [any effect which is not the desired action]. Just like the increased tension placed on your cardiovascular system, you dont want that but it happens, its a side effect of the drug. It's desired effect in your instance is the increased thermogensis. the only way to eliminate side effects is to discontinue use of the product, and wait for it to be eliminated from your system.
            Last edited by jiritt0; 12-25-2006, 04:26 PM.

