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Loosing 5% fat

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  • Loosing 5% fat

    hello im 25, 190lb with 13.8% body fat although I dont know how accurate that figure is, my question is that I wish to loose about 5% to be around 7-8% and I have a bottle of Red Acid, after i run out of my bulking supps im going to try a fat cut for the first time and was wondering about advice, I plan on very clean meals and cardio atleast 4-5 days a week but I really really dont want to loose any muscle.

  • #2
    Keep the protein up and keep strict tract of carbs. Use RA along w/SG. Should give you good clean results. I recommend HIIT training for cardio. Throw in GM and PW if possible. What type of diet are you going to follow. ie. low carb, carb cycling etc. etc. What have you taken in the past and what are you supplementing with now? Do you prefer stimulants or non stimulants?
    Do or do not. There is no try!


    • #3
      sorry guess I could have given more information, right now I dont really watch cal or carb intake, I focus on protein and eat as much as I can, no junk/fast food, no soda ever, I figure I get about 3000 cal/300-400carbs/160-200g protein a day average, stimulants dont bother me, Ive taken such supps as TRIBEX, Spike, oya and ive been off creatine mono for a week did a 500g tub. I have never tried to cut or loose bf so this will be new, I think I will try to carb cycle. Ive always tried to build, ive always been skinny untill the end of August when I really decided to get serious, 168 to 190lbs as of yesterday and dramatic gains in strenght, I have been fortunate enough to be able to devote as much time as I want to this without having to work. The only "cardio" that I do is about 8 min bike on leg days and maybe 20-40min eliptical on abb days, 6 day slpit 1major body part a day.

      I take NOXplode most days I work out(not planning on getting more)
      NITRIX which will run out this week(thinking WB from now on)
      Protoquest whey
      just finished a bag of ON's Serious Mass
      multi/O-3 fish oil every day
      1000mg C after every workout
      Enzyme Aid
      80-120oz water a day
      I think that about covers it. thanks


      • #4
        Originally posted by NAS
        hello im 25, 190lb with 13.8% body fat although I dont know how accurate that figure is, my question is that I wish to loose about 5% to be around 7-8% and I have a bottle of Red Acid, after i run out of my bulking supps im going to try a fat cut for the first time and was wondering about advice, I plan on very clean meals and cardio atleast 4-5 days a week but I really really dont want to loose any muscle.
        [b]Time / patience will be key in this scenario, specifically because of that part in bold. I would recommend a high protein intake, moderate carb intake( (or carb cycling) and daily cardio, seperate form your workouts to keep your metabolism up and for hormonal stimulation (yes, you get a hormonal response from both cardio and lifting). This cardio can be as short as 15-20 minutes (if it's intense) on some days or as long as 1 hour (if it's moderate intensity / extended duration) on other days.

        I would definately recommend SesaGLOW along with Red ACID, and WRAATH (or similar formula, including the endurance complex) if you can afford it.

