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confused and need help

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  • confused and need help

    ok heres the run down on what i ordered, PW,GM and GG, i workout at 530am, so how should i take this stack initially and afterwards. Whats best for pre and post workout, i also like to have a bowl of Kashi and 35grams of whey b4 workout will this lessen the effects of my stack? Im also considering taking WB before bed, i need your opinion on taking Wb b4 bed or just take with the rest of stack b4 workout?

  • #2
    Originally posted by fire_110
    ok heres the run down on what i ordered, PW,GM and GG, i workout at 530am, so how should i take this stack initially and afterwards. Whats best for pre and post workout, i also like to have a bowl of Kashi and 35grams of whey b4 workout will this lessen the effects of my stack? Im also considering taking WB before bed, i need your opinion on taking Wb b4 bed or just take with the rest of stack b4 workout?

    I w/o at 0440 in the am and here is what I do.

    PM before bed WB and BU
    AM immediately 24 G Whey prot. with GG, GM and RA. Then GG before I walk out the door and drink PW on the way to the gym.

    Best thing to do with GG is put it on your tongue and shoot it.
    Do or do not. There is no try!


    • #3
      i forgot to add im 160lbs, so initially i follow my is says on the bottles for initial dose, then what should i do in terms of dosage?


      • #4
        Originally posted by fire_110
        i forgot to add im 160lbs, so initially i follow my is says on the bottles for initial dose, then what should i do in terms of dosage?

        It all depends on how your body reacts to the supps. BTW each GG is 1 scoop.
        Do or do not. There is no try!

