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B's Summer CL-ean BULK (G-MAG/PW/GG)

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  • #31
    ^^^^^^ I posted todays nutrition, it is very close to a typical day. are there any changes to the macro's you guys would recommend for a CLEAN Bulk, I am about to be adding in Black Hole and SesaGLOW and upping the calories to 4500. Right now I am at a 40/30/30 P/C/F, which i feel has been optimal for lean gains so far.
    Attached Files


    • #32
      Day 17:Chest


      PRE Workout
      30 MInutes - 2 scoops GG, 1 scoop G-MAG +3g CEE
      15 minutes - 1 scoop PW, 2 scoops GG
      During - 1 scoop PW

      POST Workout
      Immediatly - 50g Dex/Malto, 5g CEE. 1g Taurine
      15 Minutes - 2 scoops Whey, 3/4 cup Oats

      4g AEE + Nightime Shake (2scoops Nectar + 12oz 2% Milk)




      1. DB Bench [ 5 Sets ]
      15x45 | 12x70 | 8x80 | 8x80 | 6x80 | - |
      2. DB Fly's [ 4 Sets ]
      15x25 | 12x30 | 12x30 | 12x35 | - | - |
      3. BB Decline [ 4 Sets ]
      12x135 | 8x155 | 8x155 | 7x165 | - | - |
      4. Iso-Incline Machine [ 2 Sets ]
      15x90 | 3x140 | - | - | - | - |
      5. Cable Cross-Over [ 4 Sets ]
      12x50 | 10x55 | 10x55 | 10x55 | - | - |

      Right arm started hurting during ISo-Inlcine, had to quit
      Last edited by brett4271; 07-13-2006, 09:58 PM.


      • #33
        Day 18: Back/Trap


        PRE Workout
        30 MInutes - 2 scoops GG, 1 scoop G-MAG +3g CEE
        15 minutes - 1 scoop PW, 2 scoops GG
        During - 1 scoop PW + 10oz Gatorade

        POST Workout
        Immediatly - 50g Dex/Malto, 5g CEE. 1g Taurine
        15 Minutes - 2 scoops Whey, 3/4 cup Oats

        4g AEE + Nightime Shake (2scoops Nectar + 12oz 2% Milk)




        1. Wide Grip Pulldown [ 4 Sets ]
        15x115 | 10x145 | 10x145 | 8x160 | 8x160 | - |
        2. BB Upright Rows [ 4 Sets ]
        10x95 | 8x105 | 8x105 | 8x110 | - | - |
        3. V-Bar Seated Row [ 4 Sets ]
        15x105 | 8x165 | 8x165 | 7x180 | - | - |
        4. HS Iso-Front Pulldown [ 4 Sets ]
        15x140 | 10x190 | 8x210 | 8x210 | - | - |
        5. DB Shrugs [ 4 Sets ]
        15x45 | 10x65 | 10x75 | 15x45 | - | - |

        Had a decent day at the gym, but a shitttty day at work


        • #34
          Day 19: Cardio


          1 hour 30 minutes -1 scoop G-MAG +3g CEE
          15 minutes - 1 scoop PW, 10oz gatorade

          Immediatly - 3/4cup Oats, 3 scoops Whey

          4g AEE + Nightime Shake (2scoops Nectar + 12oz 2% Milk)




          Went surfing
          Woke up early ~6:15, to go surfing at 7. supposed to be waist to chest high today, get excited!


          • #35
            Solid updates !!


            • #36
              good lookin' log ... how's the arm doin' from Day 17?
              jdouchebag for president


              • #37
                Day 21: "Ceps" Tri/Bi


                PRE Workout
                45 Minutes - 3g AEE
                30 MInutes - 2 scoops GG, 1 scoop G-MAG +3g CEE
                15 minutes - 1 scoop PW, 2 scoops GG
                During - 1 scoop PW + 10oz Gatorade

                POST Workout
                Immediatly - 50g Dex/Malto, 5g CEE. 1g Taurine
                15 Minutes - 3 scoops Whey, 3/4 cup Oats

                4g AEE + Nightime Shake (2scoops Nectar + 12oz 2% Milk)




                1. Seated OVRHead EZBar Ext [ 5 Sets ]
                15x60 | 12x70 | 10x80 | 8x90 | 7x90 | - |
                2. DB Curl [ 4 Sets ]
                15x35 | 10x45 | 8x50 | 8x50 | - | - |
                3. Cable V-Bar PushDown [ 4 Sets ]
                15x57.5 | 10x72.5 | 8x82.5 | 8x82.5 | - | - |
                4. Preacher EZ Bar Curl [ 4 Sets ]
                15x60 | 8x80 | 8x80 | 8x80 | - | - |
                5. HS Dip Machine [ 4 Sets ]
                15x180 | 10x230 | 10x230 | 8x240 | - | - |
                6. Seated Hammer Curl [ 4 Sets ]
                12x35 | 8x40 | 6x45 | 6x45 | - | - |
                This week will be the last time i take AEE before arm workout, this is the first time i actually felt like the pumps hurt my workout. My F$%$^ing arms were so huge it seemed to hinder movement on my tricep exercises. the pain in the joint of my right shoulder/arm started killing me again. It feels like its a tendon. I was thinking about supplementing with Cisssus to help with recovery, im going to do a little research tonight and figure out whats going on with my arm. for the mean time i plan on halting my log after today, the next 2 days are going to be cardio days. My SesaGlow/Black Hole shipment should be coming soon so I plan on starting a new log for that when the time comes. this log had been my first and I look forward to starting my new log here and on in the coming week!


                • #38
                  Day X: EXERCISE
                  Daily Macros:

                  Fat: 133g 27%
                  : 385g 31%
                  : 440g 42%
                  : ~ 4,400 Cals

                  Supplement Schedule:

                  2 scoops Whey + ¾ cup Oats
                  0730 1 SesaGLOW, 2 Fish Oil, Now ADAM
                  1200 3 Caps Black Hole
                  1300 1 SesaGLOW, 2 Fish Oil
                  1645 2 scoops Matrix 5.0, 12oz Milk, ½ cup Oats
                  1715 2 scoops GlycerGROW, 1 scoop Green MAGnitude
                  1730 1 scoop GlycerGROW, 1 scoop PurplE WrAAth
                  1800 1 scoop PurplE WrAAth, 10oz Gatorade
                  1915 50g Dextrose/Maltodextrin, 5g CEE, 1g Taurine
                  1925 3 scoops Whey, ¾ cup Oats
                  2215 2g AEE
                  2230 2 scoops Matrix 5.0, 12 oz Milk

                  Timing: (Upon Waking, PreWorkout, During Workout, Post Workout, Before Bed)




                  Black Hole:

                  Last edited by brett4271; 07-18-2006, 02:07 PM.


                  • #39
                    About Me:






                    223 lbs

                    Body Type:


                    Starting Measurements:

                    Bicep (arm straight in front of me) 14.00
                    Bicep Flexed 15.50
                    Forearm 11.75
                    Chest 43.00
                    Waist 34.00
                    Hips 40.00
                    Thigh 23.00
                    Calf 15.50

                    Training experience:
                    Played Basketball and Football in High School, currently training to take it to the next level Div 1 Here I Come!

                    Current Lifting Program:

                    Day 1: Chest/Abs + 30 minutes of different basketball drills
                    Day 2: Back/Calves + 30 minutes of different basketball drills
                    Day 3:
                    Cardio = Pick-Up basketball games 60 min +
                    Day 4: Delt/Tri’s
                    Day 5: Bicep/Abs/Forearms
                    Day 6: Plyometrics/Cardio = PLYO + Pick-Up basketball games 60 min
                    Day 7:
                    Day 8: Legs

                    Current Cardio Program:
                    Most of my cardiovascular activity comes from playing Basketball. The rest is from doing track work (Sprints/ Plyo)

                    Present Supplementation:

                    Cytosport Whey 5lbs Vanilla Syntrax Matrix 5.0 Orange Creme
                    CL Black Hole
                    CL Green MAGnitude - 30 min PreWO
                    CL GlycerGROW - 2 scoop 30 min PreWO, 2 scoops pre/during PreWO
                    CL PurplEWrAAth - 1 scoop 15 min PreWO, 1 scoop during
                    HP CEE - PostWO
                    ON Fish Oil - 2 caps 3xdaily w/meals
                    NOW Adam - 1 first meal and one with last
                    AEE - Higher Power Arginine Ethyl Ester - 3g before bed/WO depending
                    Dextrose/MaltoDextrin - PostWO

                    Supplement History:

                    Creatine Mono - prolab- used for about 1 year
                    CEE - HP -
                    AEE - HP
                    L-Taurine - Now
                    NOX-2 - Pinnacle
                    No-Xplode - BSN - (one bottle and done, had great pumps but was also using white blood at the time.)
                    White Blood
                    Purple Wraath
                    Green MAGnitude
                    Xtend - Scivation
                    Whey - ON
                    Muscle Milk - CytoSport
                    Adam – NOW

                    Prescription/Recreational Drug Use/History:

                    None, may take a puff here or there.


                    Short Term: Squat 300lbs 10x

                    Long Term: To be a Lean 240+

                    Other Reviews / Logs:

                    I started my first log about a month ago:
                    Green MAGnitude/GlycerGROW/PurplE WrAAth Log

                    The Diet-
                    Typical Day Diet/Supplementation:

                    7:00 Wake Up
                    7:15 2 scoops Whey, 3/4 Cup Oats
                    7:45 3 Egg White/ 2 Whole eggs, 1/4 Tsp. Olive Oil, 1 Adam (multi), 2 Fish Oil Caps, Banana
                    11:00 1 can Chunk Light Tuna, 1 cup Brown Rice, 1.5 scoop On Whey,
                    14:00 8 oz Chicken Breast, 1 cup Veggies, Granny Smith Apple, 1 cup Brown Rice, 2 Fish Oil Caps
                    16:45 1/2 cup rice, 1 serving Muscle Milk
                    17:15 1 scoop G-Mag , 2 scoops G-GROW
                    17:30 add 2 scoops PW to shaker and 2 scoops of GG in the mouth then head to the gym.
                    18:45 40g Dex/Malto Mix, 3g CEE followed by 3/4 cup Oats, 2 scoops Whey 10 minutes later
                    20:00 Lean Steak ~ 8-10 Ounces, Sweetpotatoe, 1 cup veggies (baby spinach, broccolli etc), 1 ADAM, 2 Fish oil Caps
                    22:30 2 scoops Matrix 5.0 + 120z Milk, 3g Arginine Ethyl Ester
                    22:45 Go to bed

                    Fat: 133g 27%
                    Carb: 385g 31%
                    Protein: 440g 42%
                    Totals: ~ 4,400 Cals

                    Overall water intake is approximately ~3 gallons (MINIMUM)

                    Current Progress Photo’s: gonna take when i get my shipment


                    • #40
                      The Products:
                      To Be tested

                      SesaGlow™ contains a naturally occurring sesame oil extract called Sesamin, which is found in the seeds of the Sesame plant (Sesamun indicum). The sesame plant has been used around the world for hundreds of years as a food ingredient and as a medicinal plant in traditional medicine systems. Research indicates that SesaGlow™ will help improve fat metabolism, decrease fat storage, and help to maintain lean muscle mass.

                      Black Hole
                      Non-Psychoactive Cannabinomimetic Alkylamides™ Complex:

                      Everyone knows that marijuana makes you hungry. So how does an athlete or bodybuilder increase their appetite naturally without having to deal with an illegal drug? Well, if there were a chemical that was physically similar to the active ingredient in marijuana, THC, then it could potentially activate the same receptors and elicit the increased hunger response. There just so happens to be a group of alkylamides that act as cannabinomimetics and mimic cannabinoids in structure and bind to their receptors, the CB1 and CB2, which are part of the G-protein-coupled-receptor group. These receptors are located in the brain and around the body. They are in charge of many different functions including, but not limited to, appetite (increased and decreased), immune system function, anti-inflammatory response and euphoric pleasure.

                      The next step was to look for herbs that contained these alkylamides that mimic the structure of cannabinoids. The two herbs that showed the greatest promise were Echinacea Purpurea and Spilanthes Acmella. Both of these herbs contain many different alkylamides, but recent clinical information has shown that there are 3 in particular that have a high affinity for binding to both the CB1 and CB2 receptors. Dodeca-2E,4E,8Z,10Z/E-tetraenoic acid isobutylamide and dodeca-2E,4E-dienoic acid isobutylamide from the Echinacea herb and undeca-2E,7Z,9E-trienoic acid isobutylamide from the Spilanthes herb, found in a precise blend in Black Hole™, could be used to mimic the herbal cannabinoids found in marijuana, and more importantly, the endogenous cannabinoids found in the human body, including anandamide. Not only does the clinical information show that they can mimic them, but they can even bind to the receptors for a longer period of time than can the other two types. This means that Black Hole™ will help produce hunger stimulating effects potentially greater than anything you have experienced before.

                      The oral bioavailability of these alkylamides has also been shown to be extremely high in human studies, so they will make it to the receptors without getting degraded by the gastric juices and/or the liver. Because the alkylamides bind to both the CB1 and CB2 receptors, Black Hole™ can also potentially help with anti-inflammatory response and better immune system function over the long term.

                      Now that you are hungry and have begun stuffing your mouth with tons of protein and good carbohydrates, what is your body going to do with all of those calories….

                      Digest-It-All™ Complex:

                      It wouldn’t be in your best interests to create a huge appetite and not have the ingredients to help you digest all of those extra calories, which is why we included the Digest-It-All™ complex in Black Hole™. Digest-It-All™ will not only soothe the gastrointestinal system, but will also help you produce more gastric juices to accommodate the increased calories and food mass. Humulus Lupulus, otherwise known as hops, that is typically used in the manufacturing of beer, helps the stomach produce a larger volume of gastric juices that aid in digestion. Why push yourself so hard in the gym only to look like you have a beer belly due to bloating? You deserve the physique you work so hard on, which is why we added Clavo Huasca and Cayaponia Tayuya to the formula. They both aid in digestion and in the expelling of extra gas from the intestines. Ginger has been added to help increase the volume of bile excreted from the gallbladder, as well as for its anti-oxidant benefits. Giant Knotweedl has also been added as an anti-oxidant. These two powerful anti-oxidants will help scavenge free radicals that can result from greater food consumption.

                      My Stack:
                      Last edited by brett4271; 07-18-2006, 02:37 PM.


                      • #41
                        had some free time at work, started to design the first pages of my log. are there any chagnes i should make or anything i should add? I plan on changing it up a little in the coming days


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by strester
                          good lookin' log ... how's the arm doin' from Day 17?
                          i felt it again during bi/tri dayand had to cut my workout short again. I played basketball for 2 hours yesterday and I didn't feel it one time. Im not sure what cause this, but I might have to stop lifting for a few days and let myself recoop before I start my new log. Ive been eyeing picking up some bulk cissus, but have yet to do so. how woiuld this add to my stack?

