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  • going to sit down and do some hardcore goal setting in the near future

    first one I want is 4.5sec 40yard dash in the year 2010 -- I imagine my size won't change much from 6"ish and 225pd-ish



    • 100's

      good warm up - alot of stretching, typical stuff

      than I ran 3 sets of 5 100 yd dashes --- average 20 yd covering the 100yds, and 45 seconds between each rep... between sets i took 2minutes rest

      afterward I spent 15 minutes or so stretching out the legs real good, than I spent 3 and a half minutes with my feet elevated (90degree hip bend) and finished with 20 TKE's each leg

      was rediculously cold, which wasn't fun...


      • Originally posted by jdiritto View Post
        I will be exstatic once i have a FT job at a gym and/or open my own facility... !!


        • rediculous workout today

          solid 30-40minute warmup, that I believe is more difficult than most peoples shirt was covered in sweat by the end, felt very nice.

          ended warm up with 20 TKE's a leg, 20 shoulder dislocations, and 1 minute shoulder tractions on each arm


          DB jump shrugs - 5x50,3x65/65/65/65/50/50

          20 band pull aparts and 8 squat jumps

          A: box squats - 7x135,5x225/225/225/225/225/135
          AB floor press - 7x50,5x75/75/75/75/75/50/50

          20 band pull aparts and 8 squat jumps

          B: reverse llunges off of a 4inch-ish box: bodyweight x 6 a leg x 4 sets
          B: 1 arm DB shoulder presses - 6x45/45/45/45

          20 band pull aparts and 8 squat jumps

          C: plate presses (flat sides out, standing up, pressing from chest out) - two 10pd plates, 10reps, 4 sets
          C: 5 bodyweight chinups

          20 band pull aparts and 8 squat jumps

          2x thro this ab circuit:
          -25 sec TRX suspended plank (feet suspended) -- 2nd time 45second regular plank
          6 reps of med ball rotational throws (from opposite foot up and overhead) with 6 kg med ball on both sides
          20 tricep pushdowns with a purple band (pistons -- real fast reps)
          15 suspended knee tuck planks

          20 band pull aparts and 8 squat jumps

          than i went through hammies, hips/it band, quad static stretches for 1 min each leg, hit 20 shoulder dislocations, 20 TKE"s a leg, and 1 minute each arm shoulder traction. immediately went and got a contrast shower, than come back up to weight room and did 30 second hammie + hip/it band static stretches on each leg

          going to hurt real bad later/tomorrow..and I am supposded to check out my friends new crossfit place and go through a class or osmething I guess at


          • just found out that I am getting a full scholarship for the AASDN Nutrition Specialist Live Workshop program in October ..

            saves me 300$ for 1.8 CEU's or something, and I wil be able to spend the extra 100$ or so to get the AASDN nutrition specialist certification

            than in Nov. I am gonna get my USA weightlifting sport performance coach certification

            just need a j-o-b


            • crossfit workout..

              was really really really sore.. even after using the stick 3-4 x last night for 10 minutes each on my whole body... so i sticked out again for like 15minutes before heading out

              workout was modified barbara i think he said, basically like this:

              20 pullups (first 2 sets I used a purple band for help, last set I did 15 on purple band than ended on green band for final 5)

              30 pushups (did all of regular, except the last set my final 15 were on my knees)

              40 situps -- struggled with these, ive kind of dropped situps/crunches out of my routine cos they suck

              50 bodyweight squats --- killer after box squatting 225 for sets yesterday, which was my first or 2nd real squat workout since June

              overall, i felt like i was going to puke at the end, real bad, prolly cos all i Had before going was a protein shake with some oats I think maybe? (cant remember if i scooped some in or not) and some greek yogurt with blueberries ... i should of had a more legit breakfeast, and not had yogurt til afterward...

              ...made for a pretty intense, but nice active recovery workout to start the weekend

              off to my bros back home to chill in his new man cave (aka decked out Steelers basement with no windows) and watch football all day tomorrow!

              mondays workout will be back blastin it with some crazy shit prolly.. i may go through some notes and see what I should experiment with this week to make my body hate me some more
              Last edited by jiritt0; 09-12-2009, 12:27 PM.


              • bout to blast off with INTRAIN monday...

                should I still put a scoop of steel cut oats into my preworkout protein shake about 60mins pre (usually dont finish it all til like 30mins pre)

                gonna go liek 1 scoop PW 1.5 intrain to start


                • intrained out today.. pretty quality workout, duno if the PI helped any or not , it was tasty though -- like 1.5 scoosp PI with 1 scoop PW

                  warm up for 30minutes
                  than i did preworkout prehab for like 5-10minutes


                  barbell cleans: 3x95,145,145,145,145,95

                  20 band pull aparts while doing a wall squat

                  wide grip bent over row: 5x95,115,135,135
                  reverse lunges off a box: 20pd DB's each hand x5 each cycle

                  20 band pull aparts while doing a wall squat

                  olympic squats: 5x45,95,95,95,95,95
                  DB incline: 5x35, 75 out for rest of cycle

                  20 band pull aparts while doing a wall squat

                  shoudler clocks: 2 full circles, 1 each direction
                  bent over rear delt raises:3x10x15pd DBs

                  20 band pull aparts while doing a wall squat

                  ab circuit: - 3x thro
                  6 slams with 6kg med ball
                  side plank: 30sec, 45sec, 60sec
                  TRX knee tucks - 15
                  6 throws with same med ball

                  ended with the prehab again, and like 10mins static stretching, than I got a nice 15minute contrast shower


                  • went to the track pretty late tonight, was dusk by the time we got there really..

                    did a warm up, for like 20minutes or so, than ran 5 100's--- my pace is much improved since i started these, i can bust em out in around 17sec average til fatigue sents in..

                    would of liked to run more, but my gf wasnt feeling them (she hasnt found love in conditioning yet) and i got hit with a bathroom emergency...never a good time

                    weights will be killer tomorrow, and weather permitting I want to do barefoot agilities on thursday


                    • Hehe...bathroom emergency's suck.

                      Disclaimer : The above post is my own PERSONAL OPINION and DOES NOT REPRESENT the official position of any company or entity. It DOES NOT constitute medical advice. CONTROLLED LABS products are produced in a GMP for Sport certified facility (no hormones produced in the facility / no cross contamination).


                      • yeah, especially when ur trying to put in conditioning work... luckily, the track is a few minutes form my house

                        weights today:

                        average warmup, might of been a little shorter than usual -- included prehab

                        bar jump shrugs (from floor) - 5x5, all with 95pds

                        20 band pull aparts and 12 supermans

                        single leg squats - 4 sets of 5, first one off of boxes, second into a chair, 3rd and 4th onto 3 boxes (slightly lower than the chair) -- really working on increasing the ROM to do a full single leg bodyweight squat (piston squat)
                        rhomboid rows: 4 sets of 5 with 35pd DBs

                        20 band pull aparts and 12 supermans

                        chinups: 5 x 4 sets (bodyweight)
                        step ups: 5x95pd for 4 sets

                        20 band pull aparts and 12 supermans

                        DB flies: 5x35,40,40,40
                        single arm DB shoulder press: 5x40,50,50,50

                        20 band pull aparts and 12 supermans

                        ab circuit: 3x through
                        glute ham bridge - 60 seconds
                        suspended pikes - 15 (really struggle with these, i need to rewatch videos on them)
                        side med ball rotational throws: 6x6kg ball

                        20 band pull aparts and 12 supermans

                        ended with prehab work and static stretches + constrast shower


                        • warm up -- was stuck in the weight room so I didnt get to incorporate as much movement as normal

                          did prehab work before weights: shoudler traction/dislocation, band pulls, and I did a progression of TKE's, basically the same move but off of a box without a band -- next wek I'm going to do them off of a box with a band (the hardest progression I believe) -- incorporates resistence + unilateral balance and proprioception

                          as a side note, since i started doing TKE's before and after every workout, my quads feel like they are much stronger and becoming more defined , which is cool. I also notice little to no knee pain after a heavy/hard lower body workout, which is almost daily... same goes for shoulder prehab workout -- my shoulders feel amazing.. I Might even be able to fix some imbalances I have due to years upon years of pitching

                          weights for today:

                          single arm DB snatches - 5x 30,50,50,50,50 (each arm per set)

                          20 band pull aparts and 20 seconds of pogo jumps

                          zercher squat - 5x135,155,155,175,175,135 (I really love these)
                          wide pushups - 10 each cycle, all of them except last 2 sets with feet elevated onto a bench (made regular pushups feel super easy at the end)

                          20 band pull aparts and 20 seconds of pogo jumps

                          suit case deadlifts - 5x45,50,50,50 (both sides each set)
                          pullups - 5 each cycle

                          20 band pull aparts and 20 seconds of pogo jumps

                          band hip flexor pulls -- 12 reps with green band x 4 sets
                          seated band rows - 20 reps with purple bands x 4 sets (first and last set focus on dynamic speed, middle two sets slower and more controlled)

                          20 band pull aparts and 20 seconds of pogo jumps

                          ended with abs:

                          TRX planks -- very hard -- wanted 60 seconds, but I had to split it in half and do two mini sets of 30seconds -- first and last set were with hands suspended, middle two sets with feet suspended

                          side bends with a 45pd plate, 12 a side

                          4x through those two supersetted

                          than I ended with 100 situps, did the first 50 in sets of 10, with 10 seconds rest between each set

                          took a minute rest

                          and did the last 50 in one set of 20, than a 30second rest, one set of 10, a 30 second rest, and the final 20 reps

                          after that I hit static stretches for the hammies, quads, glutes, hip/IT band at 1 min each side than did the prehab work again on the shoudlers and knees

                          had to rush my contrast shower, was only like 5-10minutes =(

                          on the bright side I was giving an internet test today, so teaching all my classes was real easy, and I got to prepare my fantasy football lineup for the weekend.. looking to go 2-0 and get a good start on the 150$ winnings!!!

                          got some awesome stuff planned for the weights next week.. things I haven't done in a few weeks, and I'm bringing back in plyos (didn't do much/any this week)


                          • last nights workout:

                            normal warmup, prehab, etc.

                            green band pull throughs: 10repsx 1, than I added a purple squat band too x 1,1,1,1, and one final set with only the green band again (1)

                            20 band pull aparts (purple) + 10 band pushups (purple)

                            DB deadlifts off 2 plates: 5x35,35,35,35
                            seated box jumps: 5 each cycle, first set off a slightly higher than parallel seat, all others off a parallel seat -- every set up onto 4 boxes (about knee height for me)
                            5 pullups per cycle

                            20 band pull aparts (purple) + 10 band pushups (purple)

                            purple bands good mornings: 3x10x95 (plus band resistence)
                            plate press: 3x10x two 10's flexed together

                            20 band pull aparts (purple) + 10 band pushups (purple)

                            upright rows: 3x10x 50pds on W bar
                            10 dips per cycle

                            20 band pull aparts (purple) + 10 band pushups (purple)

                            abs: 3x thro

                            back bridge: 60 seconds: first 2 sets off a small swiss ball, last set off the gorund
                            TRX knee tucks: 15

                            deadbugs, 10 each set, first 2 sets I went 5 easy/5hard, last set I went all 10 hard

                            20 band pull aparts (purple) + 10 band pushups (purple)

                            ended with prehab, static stretches, and a lovely contrast shower


                            • just jointed USA weightlifting by registering for the sports performance coach course. yippy. maybe someday in the future I will get into club coaching and train olympians!

                              prolly no workout today -- seems cold and ugly.. and I'm pretty sure i'll need to hit the grocery store once the woman friend is home from work..


                              • regular warmup with prehabs

                                bad jump shrugs w/ snatch grip: 3x95,145,145,145,145,95,95

                                15 band pull aparts, 15 hip abduction + adduction raises

                                split squats (single leg lunges): 5x95,95,95,95
                                T rows: 5x50,75,100,125

                                (this super set caused significant tightness/a knot in my R hamstring, was realll bad)

                                15 band pull aparts, 15 hip abduction + adduction raises

                                wide grip incline bench: 10x135,6x185,185,185,185,10x135
                                Y raises: 10x15,6x20,6x15 (all with neutral grip), 10x10,6x15,6x10 (all with reverse neutral grip)

                                15 band pull aparts, 15 hip abduction + adduction raises

                                lateral lunes- 8 each side, x bodyweight -- 3 sets
                                shoulder clocks with a towl - 1 each direction -- only 2 sets (started getting shooting pains in L pec)

                                15 band pull aparts, 15 hip abduction + adduction raises

                                abs: 3x through
                                hi side to low side rotational med ball slams: 6x6kg (each side)
                                supermans: 15
                                side planks: 60 seconds each side, in 30 second periods (30s L, 30s R, 30s L, 30s R)

                                ended with prehabn work again, than static stretches for a minute each (did about 8 of them for various bodyparts) and got a contrast shower

                                after the shower I used a lacrosse ball + med ball to do some active recovery on my hamstring immedialtey after and than again an hour later---felt much improved after the 2nd set

                                tnight im prolly going to vigorously use the stick to rub out all over my body, and tomorrow morning i ll prolly re-stick my entire body... im super tight right now.

