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pt's Controlled Recomp (Anabolic Diet + the entire "Controlled Labs Arsenal")

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  • #46
    VERY nice progress thus far bro, gaining lbm while losing fat is the way to go!
    Back to the basics!


    • #47
      hmmm.. this is very nice progress.. glad to see the weight bouncing back up!


      Now with CL and all your other favorites


      • #48
        Nice, this has been pretty interesting. Like the losing fat and gaining muscle aspect. Will be looking into this more for myself.


        • #49
          Originally posted by ddawg91
          Nice, this has been pretty interesting. Like the losing fat and gaining muscle aspect. Will be looking into this more for myself.
          Originally posted by stonecoldtruth
          VERY nice progress thus far bro, gaining lbm while losing fat is the way to go!
          Despite the results... I'm not sold on it yet. Sometimes I feel like the only thing keeping me going during the week is the Red ACID and I don't consider that a optimal scenario (by a long shot).
          Last edited by pu12en12g; 07-25-2006, 04:52 PM.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Mr. Aries
            hmmm.. this is very nice progress.. glad to see the weight bouncing back up!

            Definately.. I don't want to sink below 250 (at least not for any actual length of time)


            • #51
              Originally posted by pu12en12g
              Definately.. I don't want to sink below 250 (at least not for any actual length of time)
              I agree, then you will be all scrawny like Aries!!!


              • #52
                Originally posted by ddawg91
                I agree, then you will be all scrawny like Aries!!!

                oh heo naw!!!!!!! cheap shot and low blow in one!

                Now with CL and all your other favorites


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Mr. Aries
                  oh heo naw!!!!!!! cheap shot and low blow in one!


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by ddawg91

                    email me the addy.. I need to know where to send your tombstone

                    Now with CL and all your other favorites


                    • #55
                      Recomp Update

                      Week 1 Measurements:

                      Weight: 255 -5
                      Neck: 16
                      Chest: 45.75 +.25
                      Bi unflexed: 17.5
                      Bi flexed: 18 +.25
                      Forearms: 13.5
                      Waist: 35 -.5
                      Quads: 26.5
                      Calves: 17.75 +.25

                      Week 2 Measurements:

                      Weight: 253 -2
                      Neck: 16
                      Chest: 45.75
                      Bi unflexed: 17.5
                      Bi flexed: 18
                      Forearms: 13.5
                      Waist: 35
                      Quads: 26.75 +.25
                      Calves: 17.75

                      Week 3 Measurements:

                      Weight: 250 -3
                      Neck: 16
                      Chest: 45.50 - .25
                      Bi unflexed: 17.5
                      Bi flexed: 17.75 - .25
                      Forearms: 13.5
                      Waist: 35
                      Quads: 26.5 - .25
                      Calves: 17.5 - .25

                      Week 4 Measurements:

                      Weight: 248 -2
                      Neck: 16
                      Chest: 45.75 + .25
                      Bi unflexed: 17.5
                      Bi flexed: 17.75
                      Forearms: 13.75 + .25
                      Waist: 35
                      Quads: 26.5
                      Calves: 17.75 + .25

                      Week 5 Measurements:

                      Weight: 250 +2
                      Neck: 16
                      Chest: 46 + .25
                      Bi unflexed: 17.5
                      Bi flexed: 17.75
                      Forearms: 13.75
                      Waist: 34.5 - .5
                      Quads: 26.75 + .25
                      Calves: 17.75

                      Week 6 Measurements:

                      Weight: 249
                      Neck: 16
                      Chest: 46.25
                      Bi unflexed: 17.5
                      Bi flexed: 18
                      Forearms: 13.75
                      Waist: 34.5
                      Quads: 26.75
                      Calves: 17.75

                      Week 7 Measurements:

                      Weight: 249
                      Neck: 16
                      Chest: 46.25
                      Bi unflexed: 17.5
                      Bi flexed: 18
                      Forearms: 13.75
                      Waist: 34.5
                      Quads: 26.75
                      Calves: 17.75

                      NO sugar coating here folks... week 7 sucked

                      ----- Static Warfare Starts ----

                      Week 8 Measurements:

                      Weight: 249
                      Neck: 16
                      Chest: 46.5 + .25
                      Bi unflexed: 17.5
                      Bi flexed: 18
                      Forearms: 13.75
                      Waist: 34.75 + .25
                      Quads: 26.75
                      Calves: 18 + .25

                      Muscle fullness is up.. very surprised.. if this continues I'll be very happy.


                      • #56
                        "Carbs Budday !!!"
                        Saturday - 8/5/2006

                        Tonight: Abwork, gripwork, and bands / stretching

                        Lecithin kept me on track easily all week.. damn the stuff is calorie dense too. Anyways, I've been breaking out the Ab Roller as often as possible and it's slowly paying off.

                        I ended up taking some valium the other night to knock me out and I was reminded of this interesting tidbit from the man himself.... Patrick Arnold:

                        A Trip Down Memory Lane
                        by Patrick Arnold

                        As a researcher, it seems to me that the sports nutrition industry has become obsessed with staying abreast of the latest research and innovations. Why is it that we seldom bother to venture back into the vast library of overlooked and abandoned literature that is collecting dust on the shelves - especially when there really are some lost gems out there just waiting to be re-discovered. Even though some of this research didn’t possess exactly what it takes to warrant further development at the time, upon re-visitation we might recognize potentials that could not have been previously imagined. Consider the following interesting examples:

                        Anabolic Downer?

                        Back in 1975, a group of researchers in Argentina wanted to examine the effects of the anti-anxiety drug Valium (diazepam) on testosterone levels. During this period, Valium use was at an all-time high and users often reported adverse effects on sexual function. Expecting to see a negative influence on testosterone levels, the researchers were quite surprised when examination of a group of men aged 35 to 55 who had been given 10-20mg of Valium daily for two weeks revealed a marked increase in plasma testosterone (average 52%). Interestingly, corticosteroid levels showed a slight decrease.

                        At the time there was no explanation for this phenomenon. Only years later were scientists able to discover that drugs such as Valium, known categorically as benzodiazepines, had interesting actions beyond just those demonstrated in the brain.

                        Most drugs work by binding to specific receptors in the body. Benzodiazepines work by binding to central benzodiazepine receptors (CBRs) found in certain parts of the brain. Here they regulate the actions of the neurotransmitter GABA, thus imparting anti-anxiety and anti-convulsant effects.

                        In the late 1970s though, researchers were beginning to discover that some benzodiazepines could bind to receptor sites outside of the central nervous system. These receptors are termed peripheral benzodiazepine receptors (PBRs), and they are localized with particular abundance in the adrenal glands and testis. It was later discovered that testicular PBRs were located in the outer mitochondrial membrane of leydig cells.

                        Leydig cells are the testosterone-producing cells of the testicles, and it is within the mitochondria of leydig cells that the actual handiwork of testosterone biosynthesis (steroidogenesis) takes place. This biosynthesis begins with the transport of cholesterol across the mitochondrial membrane to the enzyme cytochrome p-450scc located on the membrane’s inner wall. This transport is regulated by pituitary-derived luteinizing hormone (LH), the principal regulator of testosterone production. Once introduced to this enzyme, cholesterol is transformed into pregnenolone, which is then immediately transformed into progesterone, and eventually (after several more steps and intermediates) testosterone is formed.

                        The most important thing to understand is that the transport of cholesterol across the mitochondrial membrane is the rate-limiting step in testosterone biosynthesis. Until recently it was thought that only LH (and LH analogs like HCG) could regulate this key step. We now know that when activated by a PBR agonist such as Valium, the leydig cell PBR receptors can also open this gateway.

                        While Valium acts directly on the testicles to stimulate testosterone production, it also produces awful side affects and is terribly addictive. Taking Valium as a means to increase your testosterone is simply out of the question. But what if there were a substance that bound and activated the PBR but not the CBR? Such a drug would have none of the adverse mental effects (sleepiness, apathy) or addictive potential of Valium, yet would stimulate your testicles to produce testosterone.

                        Sorry, folks, but I know of no such chemical. It’s not to say that one could not be synthetically developed. One may already exist in nature. Certain flavonoids have been shown to bind to and activate the CBR, so it’s not inconceivable to think that a naturally occurring flavonoid could similarly activate the PBR. With literary thousands of flavonoid variants identified in nature, there certainly is a small chance that one might be found to have such activity. That is, if researchers would take the time to look.

                        Haters and neck pain.. the chiro didn't help this last visit so that was a major blow... going back monday.


                        Recovery is still awesome.. calves appear leaner.. can't complain about the direction that things are going.


                        225 x 12 warmup
                        315 x 12
                        335 x 8 (strapped)
                        355 x 8 (strapped)
                        355 x 8 (strapped)

                        Grip sucked... needs work ("note to self" basically)

                        Pin Pulls / Rack Pulls (with 10 second hold):
                        425 x 8 (strapped)

                        Still experimenting with these and remember.. I have to be a bit careful with my neck.

                        Leg Ext warmup
                        Leg Curl warmup

                        Squats (w/ pause):
                        135 x 15 warmup
                        225 x 8
                        315 x 8
                        315 x 8
                        315 x 8

                        Again.. not trying for PR's here just focusing on MMC which was excellent.

                        DB Lunges (w/ stretch):
                        70 x 8
                        70 x 8
                        70 x 8
                        70 x 8

                        Awesome MMC at this point

                        810 x 12.. still feeling the soreness from partials and static training
                        900 x 8
                        900 x 8
                        900 x 8
                        990 x 6 partials w/ hold

                        Wow.. insane MMC and still feeling pretty sore... no "true" SCT today... recovery is still excellent but man am I feelin it.

                        Seated Calves:
                        225 x 8
                        225 x 8
                        225 x 8
                        315 x 6 Partials w/ hold

                        Angle Seated Calves:
                        450 x 8
                        450 x 8
                        450 x 8
                        450 x 8

                        Can't add any weight

                        4 x 8
                        Decline Abs:
                        4 x 8

                        Leg Curls:
                        4 x 8

                        Leg Ext:
                        4 x 8

                        None !!!


                        Supps: Black HOLE, Fishoil, Multivitamin, Spirulina, SesaGLOW
                        Meal 1: Toasty O's + Milk + Whey + Fruit !!
                        Meal 2: Leftover chicken + Omelette + Oats
                        Supps: Purple WRAATH / Palatinose / GlycerGROW / Carnitine / Green MAG / White BLOOD
                        Supps:Green BULGE
                        Meal 3:Whey + Tuna + Granola Bars + LOTS of Milk
                        Meal 4:Whey + Pizza + Milk and Yogurt
                        Supps:Fishoil, SesaGLOW, Green BULGE
                        Meal 5:Whey + Tuna Pasta Salad + Yogurt
                        Supps:Fishoil + Palatinose
                        Meal 6:Whey + Leftover Pizza + Milk
                        Meal 7:Korean Chicken and Rice
                        Meal 8:Tuna, Pineapple Juice, Granola bars, and Milk

                        Fat: 86
                        Carbs: 579
                        Protein: 377

                        Total: 4736


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by pu12en12g
                          "Carbs Budday !!!"
                          Saturday - 8/5/2006

                          Tonight: Abwork, gripwork, and bands / stretching

                          Lecithin kept me on track easily all week.. damn the stuff is calorie dense too. Anyways, I've been breaking out the Ab Roller as often as possible and it's slowly paying off.

                          I ended up taking some valium the other night to knock me out and I was reminded of this interesting tidbit from the man himself.... Patrick Arnold:


                          Haters and neck pain.. the chiro didn't help this last visit so that was a major blow... going back monday.


                          Recovery is still awesome.. calves appear leaner.. can't complain about the direction that things are going.


                          225 x 12 warmup
                          315 x 12
                          335 x 8 (strapped)
                          355 x 8 (strapped)
                          355 x 8 (strapped)

                          Grip sucked... needs work ("note to self" basically)

                          Pin Pulls / Rack Pulls (with 10 second hold):
                          425 x 8 (strapped)

                          Still experimenting with these and remember.. I have to be a bit careful with my neck.

                          Leg Ext warmup
                          Leg Curl warmup

                          Squats (w/ pause):
                          135 x 15 warmup
                          225 x 8
                          315 x 8
                          315 x 8
                          315 x 8

                          Again.. not trying for PR's here just focusing on MMC which was excellent.

                          DB Lunges (w/ stretch):
                          70 x 8
                          70 x 8
                          70 x 8
                          70 x 8

                          Awesome MMC at this point

                          810 x 12.. still feeling the soreness from partials and static training
                          900 x 8
                          900 x 8
                          900 x 8
                          990 x 6 partials w/ hold

                          Wow.. insane MMC and still feeling pretty sore... no "true" SCT today... recovery is still excellent but man am I feelin it.

                          Seated Calves:
                          225 x 8
                          225 x 8
                          225 x 8
                          315 x 6 Partials w/ hold

                          Angle Seated Calves:
                          450 x 8
                          450 x 8
                          450 x 8
                          450 x 8

                          Can't add any weight

                          4 x 8
                          Decline Abs:
                          4 x 8

                          Leg Curls:
                          4 x 8

                          Leg Ext:
                          4 x 8

                          None !!!


                          Supps: Black HOLE, Fishoil, Multivitamin, Spirulina, SesaGLOW
                          Meal 1: Toasty O's + Milk + Whey + Fruit !!
                          Meal 2: Leftover chicken + Omelette + Oats
                          Supps: Purple WRAATH / Palatinose / GlycerGROW / Carnitine / Green MAG / White BLOOD
                          Supps:Green BULGE
                          Meal 3:Whey + Tuna + Granola Bars + LOTS of Milk
                          Meal 4:Whey + Pizza + Milk and Yogurt
                          Supps:Fishoil, SesaGLOW, Green BULGE
                          Meal 5:Whey + Tuna Pasta Salad + Yogurt
                          Supps:Fishoil + Palatinose
                          Meal 6:Whey + Leftover Pizza + Milk
                          Meal 7:Korean Chicken and Rice
                          Meal 8:Tuna, Pineapple Juice, Granola bars, and Milk

                          Fat: 86
                          Carbs: 579
                          Protein: 377

                          Total: 4736
                          man.. i wouldn't be able to drink all that whey down.. i thought that the body can only eat up 22~28 grams of protein an hour. :\


                          • #58
                            Your dieting at 4700calories


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by LancerV
                              Your dieting at 4700calories
                              Around 3500 Mon-Fri
                              Around 4500 Sat-Sun

                              Definately NOT a typical "diet" / "cut"


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by pu12en12g
                                Around 3500 Mon-Fri
                                Around 4500 Sat-Sun

                                Definately NOT a typical "diet" / "cut"
                                Ah ok, but did you injure your back also? I would have thought your deadlift might be a little higher?

