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  • super sore today -- and last night . evne more tired, physically and mentally.

    taking the day off, tomorrow i hope to do another workout


    • Originally posted by jdiritto
      super sore today -- and last night . evne more tired, physically and mentally.

      taking the day off, tomorrow i hope to do another workout
      As you know rest is greatly needed. After all, we do grow out of the gym. And drink plenty of water. Most importantly...enjoy the day.
      Do or do not. There is no try!


      • i think my water intakes been lower lately, and stim intake too high..

        i take the reductions + drink a shaker of yerba mate tea spread throughout the day. good heads up man, i am going to chug my water and go refill right now.

        no lift today, still sore. hopefully something tomorrow


        • lots of shitty days/luck lately...

          reminds me of one thing


          my car is dieing though, it was never tough. built ford tough = weak marketing BS


          • wow i just made the spicest chicken burrito/fajita things ever.

            tons of red pepper, cajun, and cayenne pepper. 2 chicken breasts, alot of real peppers (no yellow, there was mold in it =x) onions black beans and corn

            and i have found the love of guinness beer as of last weekend, only drank 1 than bought it on a whim really just to try.. indulging more into it this weekend and enjoying it


            • wow i just made the spicest chicken burrito/fajita things ever.

              tons of red pepper, cajun, and cayenne pepper. 2 chicken breasts, alot of real peppers (no yellow, there was mold in it =x) onions black beans and corn

              and i have found the love of guinness beer as of last weekend, only drank 1 than bought it on a whim really just to try.. indulging more into it this weekend and enjoying it


              • good workout today

                did a warm up -- weas intense

                than i hit abs for like 20mins, was intense again

                than i did some DB cleans + box jumps and RDLs + pullups


                • a typical warm up (velocity style) incorporates tons of active dynamic stretches -- intermingled with technical buildups (sprints starting at 50% reaching 100% the final one) --- you generally do like 5-10 stretches, a 50% sprint, 4-6 stretches, a 50% sprint, 3-5 stretches, a 75% sprint, 2-4 stretches, a 100% sprint, and maybe final stretch or two

                  the active dyanmic principles incorporate movement into the dynamic stretches, which resembles more a sport movement, and ranges of motion in sport can be much greater than a typical range of motion -- so the dynamic stretching is ideal for preworkout any kind of workout -- the active part incorporates the intensity of each movement, alot of the stretches are carried out over 20 yards, and the inclusion of technical build ups + other thermogenic movements (moutain climbers, burpies, jumping jacks, etc.) cause a large increase in core body temperature which prevents numerous positives before a workout

                  that part can last like 20-40minutes -- than I spend about 20-30minutes on ABs, trying to incorporate more movement again (yesterday I did 2 ab workouts with a med ball, than ran 20 yards and back holding the med ball overhead, for 6 circuits)

                  a typical velocity workout would than move to acceleration, max velocity, or multidirection training -- more the sport emphasis

                  than end on power/explosive weight training

                  the weights will def not be as serious, though i will be utilizing the entire body in unilateral + bilateral movements. Overall, I think this is most ideal for me. I never enjoyed the concept of "bodybuilding" as a sport or my goal -- i consider myself much more of an athlete at heart, and with this training I hope to dominate in any and every game I get into in the future. Ive gained so much knowledge in the past few months, getting my PT cert, and now with this internship at velocity, combined with my previous intensity/desire to train and improve I feel as if the sky is the limit for me right now.

                  but anyway, since my future workouts will be incorporate this type of programming , i just wanted to provide some clarification since my posts generally aren't this detailed anymore .

                  also, I got my flash drive back today -- i apparantly left it in the grad student sport psych lab, and one of my peers was working on the PC and had trouble loading her drive, and saw mine stuck in the back of the PC =) thats awesome news for me, but i am still not finishing my thesis. losing it a week ago gave me the push to say "F research" for good.

                  I believe my focus now is to develop a website with mental skill training information, as well as physical skill info (mental skills required per my grad program obviously). In the future this could be clutch if i get into personal trianing, i can add in some kind of special section(s) for clients to login and utilize, making my services more of a hot commotitidyyy...not too mention a good promotional tool =)


                  chiefs lost bad this weekened, sucks.. but makes me glad I don't have cable and all.. if they were playing good I would be pissed I never get to watch football.. instead im just generally pissed at the chiefs. stil wish i had tv to watch all the games, but i can live knowing the chiefs arent worth watching again this year. maybe next year ill get sirius and buy a mega flat screen hd plasma lcd tv and get the nfl package stuff...maybeee.

                  workout on campus later --- class tonight so no velocity today.. will try to do the above, though space/time is limited with campus resources. no indoor track/turf like at velocity, biggest room I use is like 30 feet with cardio equipment around the sides (aerobic classes taught in it usually)
                  Last edited by jiritt0; 10-07-2008, 09:24 AM.


                  • warmed up, than we had a meeting so i got cold , than i ran snakes on the track 2x -- back and forth through every lane (6t of them on a 65yard track)

                    than I did the 300 workout

                    25 pullups
                    50 deads
                    50 benches at 135
                    50 box jumps
                    50 floor whipers with 135
                    50 single arm cleans with a shoulder press
                    25 pullups


                    • killer headache right now.. i mean its bad. gonna eat my almond butter, organic jelly, whole wheat bread sandwhich than head to velocity and train hopefully that cures it


                      • good workout today -- did a warmup, some agility ladder footwork training --- good cardio, lots of intermittent sprints through a ladder with light jog around the turf

                        than i did like 8 sets of snatches, a couple burpies, and 3x10 on glute hammies


                        • kilt it details"

                          did a good warmup

                          than i hit ABs for like 15-20mins

                          than I broke out the weight sled -- put 30kg on it, and sprinted 20 yards than pushed/drove it back five times through

                          than I did some wall drills + acceleration (20yd sprints)

                          than i lifted

                          8sets of 3 --- jump shrrugs +box jumps

                          3 sets -- did 5 dips, 5 pushups, 5 dips, 5 pushups

                          ended with 6x5 DB rows, 75pds
                          Last edited by jiritt0; 10-10-2008, 06:50 PM.


                          • super sore today, but feeling goood. think tonight I may cookout and than go out drinking with some friends and it could get wild -- the girlfriend landed a new job as an academic advisor at the philadelphia resturant school -- 36K a year. .... this is a huge step up from her call center customer service job 12$ an hour she has been doing the past 3-4months =)

                            we may even get a new car and house in the next few months-year or so ! My car is dieing, just put 200$ into it, and were gonna get her parents car so we each can get to work now (she used to walk to the call place) ... ive been looking into chrysler 300, dodge chargers, and cadallic cts i like them looks

                            and we pay 1,100 a month for rent so we might as well get a house and pay that towards the mortgage..somewhere outside the city limits too.. i miss having alot of space, a yard, and a driveway!


                            • Originally posted by jdiritto
                              super sore today, but feeling goood. think tonight I may cookout and than go out drinking with some friends and it could get wild -- the girlfriend landed a new job as an academic advisor at the philadelphia resturant school -- 36K a year. .... this is a huge step up from her call center customer service job 12$ an hour she has been doing the past 3-4months =)

                              we may even get a new car and house in the next few months-year or so ! My car is dieing, just put 200$ into it, and were gonna get her parents car so we each can get to work now (she used to walk to the call place) ... ive been looking into chrysler 300, dodge chargers, and cadallic cts i like them looks

                              and we pay 1,100 a month for rent so we might as well get a house and pay that towards the mortgage..somewhere outside the city limits too.. i miss having alot of space, a yard, and a driveway!
                              Congrats on her new gig. Remember, a car is way to and from work. Spend less on a car and more on TOYS!!!!!!
                              Do or do not. There is no try!


                              • I've never had a nice new car and i dont believe she has either

                                my first car was a 84 (?) ford tempo and than when that died i got a 2000 ford focus (very bad choice)

                                I would love to have a nice new car, not a used ford/piece of crap =)

                                got tanked last night -- went to this palce, world cafe live in the city and saw some good live music -- was expensive, but the woman felt luxorious with her new source of income in a week or so and hooked it up =)

                                def a good time and all, my buddy bought the main guys cd and i of course ripped it =) (

