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DDawgs Double Up Power Log

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  • #76
    Originally posted by ddawg91
    How long you been off? Take it easy your first day back.
    I skipped shoulders last week did chest on Monday and had no pain at all so that was a good sign..... I am not going to left heavy at all when hiting my shoulders tomorrow well I am going to try and not lift heavy, self control right.



    • #77
      Originally posted by cervasa1977
      I skipped shoulders last week did chest on Monday and had no pain at all so that was a good sign..... I am not going to left heavy at all when hiting my shoulders tomorrow well I am going to try and not lift heavy, self control right.
      Been there, that is the hardest thing to do is self control.


      • #78
        Originally posted by ddawg91
        Thanks, I can really feel it today. I usually don't but the low pin presses are the hardest except for starting right at bottom which isn't good to do.
        Nice workouts mate, I love your journal. Why do you say that very bottom pin presses arnt good?


        • #79
          Originally posted by ozcoltsfan
          Nice workouts mate, I love your journal. Why do you say that very bottom pin presses arnt good?
          Thanks! I have been looking forward to lifting like this again for some time. Mostly because of the strain it puts on the shoulder joint, if you need to really work the very bottom of your press try using a cambered deadlift bar or dumbell work.


          • #80
            Workout #19


            Exercise Training Log
            1. Rev Grip Bench Rows [ 4 Sets ]
            10x95 | 8x145 | 8x165 | 8x175 | - | - |
            2. W Pulldowns [ 4 Sets ]
            10x10 | 8x13 | 8x16 | 8x18 | - | - |
            3. BB Curls [ 4 Sets ]
            10x45 | 8x75 | 8x95 | 8x125 | - | - |
            4. Seated Rows [ 4 Sets ]
            10x10 | 8x12 | 8x14 | 8x16 | - | - |
            5. Standing Cbl 21s [ 4 Sets ]
            21x8 | 21x9 | 21x9 | - | - | - |
            6. Rev Smith Shrugs [ 4 Sets ]
            12x225 | 12x275 | 12x315 | 12x315 | - | - |
            7. DB Side Laterals [ 2 Sets ]
            12x25 | 12x25 | - | - | - | - |
            8. DB Rear FLys Palms facing me [ 2 Sets ]
            12x25 | 12x25 | - | - | - | - |
            Exercise Training Log (ETL System Beta) - Provided by Hybrid-X
            Sign-up for email alerts of supplement testing & contest opportunities!

            Felt pretty good all day today, I definitely need to work on getting more sleep as I am noticing my gains are being affected. Getting use to eating clean again and the craving were not as bad today, need to get some natural peanut butter for snacking. I recovered pretty well from yesterday’s workout and feel really good.

            Today’s workout went really well and fast. I superset almost every exercise with something, my shrugs and shoulder work were all done in a circuit so that really put the burn on them. I really like the bench rows, got major pumps right off the bat with them and it only got better as the workout went.


            • #81
              Workout #20


              Today's workout absolutly sucked. Was on my 3rd set of squats with 315, doing my 6th rep and felt a sharp pain in my left knee and could barley get it back on the rack. I then tried some box squats and could not even do those. So I went ahead and did some cardio HIIT style. I did 10 minutes on the oliptical, 10 minutes on the treadmil, and then 10 minutes on the bike.

              Cardio felt really good and had great stamina and energy. So it was not a total loss of a day.


              • #82
                Workout #21

                DE Bench

                Exercise Training Log
                1. Warm up Bench [ 2 Sets ]
                20x45 | 15x135 | - | - | - | - |
                2. Speed bench (w/mini bands) [ 3 Sets ]
                3x135 | 3x135 | 3x135 | - | - | - |
                3. 2x20s [ 2 Sets ]
                20x225 | 20x225 | - | - | - | - |
                4. JM Press [ 4 Sets ]
                8x185 | 8x225 | 5x275 | 8x225 | - | - |
                5. Standing cable flies [ 3 Sets ]
                12x35 | 12x40 | 12x40 | - | - | - |
                6. DB Kick Backs [ 4 Sets ]
                12x25 | 12x25 | 12x25 | 12x25 | - | - |
                Exercise Training Log (ETL System Beta) - Provided by Hybrid-X
                Sign-up for email alerts of supplement testing & contest opportunities!

                Felt really good today with lots of energy and motivation. I have been sleeping very deep at night this week (just not long enough) so I am usually really tired the first half of the day, but felt really good today.

                Decided to start doing some speed work with bands, which I have not done them for a couple of years, so I started off with speed bench with 135 on the bar and 1 mini band double looped on each side. This adds about 50+ Lbs of total resistance pulling down on the bar. You do 3 sets with varying grips for 3 reps with 60 seconds rest between each set. Each rep is explosive and try to do 1 rep per second with 100% explosion and effort but also controlling the weights. The idea is that when you do a single max press it should take about 3 seconds on average to complete the lift, this teaches explosive strength and develops that fast switch and explosiveness off the bottom. I was a lot stronger with this weight than I thought I would be as this is where I left off when I stopped powerlifting so I will be going up next time.

                Next came 2x20s, what you do is 20 reps rest 60 seconds and then do another 20 reps all very fast and very explosive. This helps with endurance and working under fatigue. This was not my best lift at this weight but was still happy with doing 225 and plan on getting to my previous PR of 275 soon! I jsut need to have a spotter next time. The rest was pretty good but I was pretty wiped out after speed bench and the 2x20s.


                • #83
                  Skipped today's workout due to messing up my thumb. Was playing catch withthe football in the pool today and jumped up and fell back. I tried to catch myself as I hit the water and all of my weight came down on my thumb, felt like some slight tearing or something. Been icing it in hope of it being better come Monday for ME bench day.

                  Did do cardio with running in the pool and then putting my son on a blanket and pulling him around my back yard for 30 min.


                  • #84
                    Workout # 22

                    ME Bench

                    Exercise Training Log
                    1. Bench Warmup [ 4 Sets ]
                    15x45 | 135x8 | 185x5 | 225x5 | - | - |
                    2. Hi Pin Press [ 6 Sets ]
                    2x275 | 2x365 | 2x405 | 2x455 | 2x495 | 2x545 |
                    3. Hi Pin Press [ 2 Sets ]
                    2x565 | 2x585 | - | - | - | - |
                    4. CG Dec [ 3 Sets ]
                    5x225 | 5x275 | 5x315 | - | - | - |
                    5. CG Floor [ 3 Sets ]
                    5x185 | 5x225 | 5x275 | - | - | - |
                    6. Standing Cbl Flies [ 3 Sets ]
                    12x35 | 12x35 | 12x35 | - | - | - |
                    Exercise Training Log (ETL System Beta) - Provided by Hybrid-X
                    Sign-up for email alerts of supplement testing & contest opportunities!

                    Was not in the mood for working out today so when I got to the gym I was ready for it to get over and leave. They gym was hot and the AC was not working, so I ended up almost getting sick and did not finish my workout. I took extra time between sets to cool down and rest so energy levels would stay up and drank lots of water.

                    Most of my energy was spent doing pin presses and one that was done I was pretty hot and needing rest. Declines and floor presses bothered my thumb so I only did 3 sets and did not go that heavy. Only went up as far as I could without too much pain.

                    Was really happy with the pin presses and hit a new PR for myself, might have gone for over 600 but I was taking too long and wanted to get to the rest of my workout. Hopefully the gym will be cooler tomorrow.


                    • #85
                      Did not hit the gym today, instead went on a bike ride with the family and had a picnic.


                      Did a 10 mile bike ride with interval sprints with my son in a bike trailer and a bunch of other crap totaling around 60Lbs. It was good because my son was chanting Go GO Go and Faster Faster Faster when I was doing sprints so that was a nice addition. I hit 20 MPH for a bit till I hit a hill. Was great and legs were exhausted. I could still feel it when I went for a short ride late in the evening.
                      Last edited by ddawg91; 07-19-2006, 02:24 AM.


                      • #86
                        Workout # 23

                        Back/ Bis

                        Exercise Training Log
                        1. Wide Pullups [ 4 Sets ]
                        10xBW | 10xBW | 10xBW | 10xBW | - | - |
                        2. BB Curls [ 4 Sets ]
                        15x45 | 10x75 | 10x95 | 8x125 | - | - |
                        3. VBar Pullups [ 4 Sets ]
                        8xBW | 8xBW | 8xBW | 8xBW | - | - |
                        4. Standing Cable Curls [ 4 Sets ]
                        8x7 | 8x7 | 8x7 | 8x7 | - | - |
                        5. Rev Grip Pullups [ 4 Sets ]
                        8xBW | 8xBW | 8xBW | 8xBW | - | - |
                        6. Rev Smith Shrugs [ 4 Sets ]
                        12x225 | 12x275 | 12x315 | 12x315 | - | - |
                        7. DB Side Laterals [ 3 Sets ]
                        10x30 | 10x30 | 10x30 | - | - | - |
                        8. Inc Rev Cab Flies [ 3 Sets ]
                        10x20 | 10x22.5 | 10x25 | - | - | - |
                        Exercise Training Log (ETL System Beta) - Provided by Hybrid-X
                        Sign-up for email alerts of supplement testing & contest opportunities!

                        Felt pretty good all day, plenty of energy and was not tired at all. I even got up without hitting snooze 5 times! I could not wait to get to the gym, was really amped about working out today.

                        Decided to try something new today and did all pullup exercises for back and the final for both back and bis. The pumps were very hard and somewhat tough to finish exercises with. The gym was much cooler today and I really pushed myself, probably could have done more weight on my bicep exercises but again the pumps were preventing me form going up and keeping good form.

                        I did have a blood sugar crash today, which I have not had in a long time. I came home form the gym and had my post workout shake (5:45PM) but did not eat anything else till 9PM when I was crashing. This one was a little worse than the ones in the past but I eventually came out of it. Got chewed out by the wife because of it so know I have to make sure I eat afterwards and not get busy doing other things around the house.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by ddawg91
                          Workout # 22

                          Was not in the mood for working out today so when I got to the gym I was ready for it to get over and leave. They gym was hot and the AC was not working, so I ended up almost getting sick and did not finish my workout. I took extra time between sets to cool down and rest so energy levels would stay up and drank lots of water.

                          Most of my energy was spent doing pin presses and one that was done I was pretty hot and needing rest. Declines and floor presses bothered my thumb so I only did 3 sets and did not go that heavy. Only went up as far as I could without too much pain.

                          Was really happy with the pin presses and hit a new PR for myself, might have gone for over 600 but I was taking too long and wanted to get to the rest of my workout. Hopefully the gym will be cooler tomorrow.
                          Oh I hate them days... I got so sick a few weeks back. They ddint have the AC on when I first got there that morning. I kept getting dizzy and I couldnt cool down. I ended up getting my son from the daycare and rushed home. I vomitted like 8x in row. Not pretty. The staff are asswipes, they dont get it. They have the air on but the door to the stairway is wide ope. --always a bad sign. You still had a good workout.. as always! Congrats on your PR!

                          LOL @ the following day with your son. Kids can be a great motivation!
                          What typos?

                          Disclaimer: All flirtatious posts under the name of Booty are all in good humor and do not represent the official thoughts of the actual person behind the screen name.


                          • #88
                            Workout # 24


                            Exercise Training Log
                            1. Warm up leg ext [ 2 Sets ]
                            20x6 | 20x6 | - | - | - | - |
                            2. Machine Squat [ 6 Sets ]
                            10x185 | 8x275 | 5x475 | 5x675 | 5x905 | 2x1175 |
                            3. Speed Leg Press [ 3 Sets ]
                            8x600 | 8x600 | 8x600 | - | - | - |
                            4. Calves (leg press) [ 4 Sets ]
                            12x600 | 12x600 | 12x600 | 12x600 | - | - |
                            5. SLDL [ 4 Sets ]
                            10x135 | 8x185 | 8x225 | 8x225 | - | - |
                            6. Seated Calves [ 4 Sets ]
                            12x100 | 12x100 | 12x100 | 12x100 | - | - |
                            Exercise Training Log (ETL System Beta) - Provided by Hybrid-X
                            Sign-up for email alerts of supplement testing & contest opportunities!

                            Was really tired all day today, not sure why but I just could not get out of the fog. My diet was really clean today and I did not eat my rice with breakfast and wish I would have.

                            Everything felt heavy today for workout. I was really motivated to do some heavy lifting and wanted to do more but my body said no. Got another PR on machine squats but wasted a lot of energy on the first rep of 1175, I took a bad stance and got stuck the bottom, I then readjusted and then got back up on my own. The second rep was good but did not feel comfortable for shooting for 5. The rest of the exercises were more for volume as I was pretty spent and did not have much left in me after the squats.

                            I have 2 pictures that were suppose to have a better shot of me in the new CL shirt but the guy messed up and I was too tired to try for more. Anyways the first picture is me readjusting on the first rep of 1175 and the second is me locking out the second rep.
                            Attached Files


                            • #89

                              #$%#$% look at those forearms !!


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by pu12en12g
                                #$%#$% look at those forearms !!
                                Wierd this is I never train then except for my grip.

