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DDawgs Double Up Power Log

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Booty
    Awwww thats so sweet & I bet its quite the workout! We take our boys on little hikes and my husband and I end up with the lil guys on our backs/shoulders. Very tiring for me anyways! Great log!
    Thanks, it is but I like it. He also makes me lunge to bounce him. Try doing that for about 100 feet while pushing a mower and having a kid strapped to your back! It's one of my favorite things to do.


    • #32
      Workout #8

      Light Back/BIs

      Exercise Training Log
      1. Wide Grip PullUps [ 4 Sets ]
      10xBW | 10xBW | 10xBW | 8xBW | - | - |
      2. N VBar Pull Ups [ 4 Sets ]
      10xBW | 8xBW | 8xBW | 8xBW | - | - |
      3. DB Hammer Curls [ 4 Sets ]
      10x30 | 8x40 | 8x50 | 8x55 | - | - |
      4. DB Curls [ 4 Sets ]
      10x35 | 8x45 | 8x50 | 8x55 | - | - |
      5. Rev Grip BB Rows [ 4 Sets ]
      10x135 | 8x185 | 8x225 | 8x225 | - | - |
      6. Rev Shrugs [ 4 Sets ]
      10x235 | 10x295 | 10x315 | 10x315 | - | - |
      Exercise Training Log (ETL System Beta) - Provided by Hybrid-X
      Sign-up for email alerts of supplement testing & contest opportunities!

      Today was another great workout. I took it kind of easy today but got a great workout in. I also added in MRM’s Driven preworkout. It is a nice addition and even enhances or adds to the effects of PW, I have 2 more days left and will see how it goes.

      The pull ups were a nice change from pull downs, I don’t do them very often but wanted something that would still work them pretty good yet be easy on the body. I have been under lots of stress the past few weeks with work and school and it is taking a small toll on my body. I thank God I am taking what I am to help out with my workouts and give me that extra boost that I am missing.

      The usual fast recovery and energy was there and I even finished my workout early, so I went to the pool at the gym with my son and pushed him through the water for a half hour. Walking in the deep water was a pretty good workout.


      • #33
        Originally posted by ddawg91
        Workout #8

        Light Back/BIs

        Exercise Training Log
        1. Wide Grip PullUps [ 4 Sets ]
        10xBW | 10xBW | 10xBW | 8xBW | - | - |
        2. N VBar Pull Ups [ 4 Sets ]
        10xBW | 8xBW | 8xBW | 8xBW | - | - |
        3. DB Hammer Curls [ 4 Sets ]
        10x30 | 8x40 | 8x50 | 8x55 | - | - |
        4. DB Curls [ 4 Sets ]
        10x35 | 8x45 | 8x50 | 8x55 | - | - |
        5. Rev Grip BB Rows [ 4 Sets ]
        10x135 | 8x185 | 8x225 | 8x225 | - | - |
        6. Rev Shrugs [ 4 Sets ]
        10x235 | 10x295 | 10x315 | 10x315 | - | - |
        Exercise Training Log (ETL System Beta) - Provided by Hybrid-X
        Sign-up for email alerts of supplement testing & contest opportunities!

        Today was another great workout. I took it kind of easy today but got a great workout in. I also added in MRM’s Driven preworkout. It is a nice addition and even enhances or adds to the effects of PW, I have 2 more days left and will see how it goes.

        The pull ups were a nice change from pull downs, I don’t do them very often but wanted something that would still work them pretty good yet be easy on the body. I have been under lots of stress the past few weeks with work and school and it is taking a small toll on my body. I thank God I am taking what I am to help out with my workouts and give me that extra boost that I am missing.

        The usual fast recovery and energy was there and I even finished my workout early, so I went to the pool at the gym with my son and pushed him through the water for a half hour. Walking in the deep water was a pretty good workout.
        Nice workout ddawg. I also added driven yesterday, I like it!
        What typos?

        Disclaimer: All flirtatious posts under the name of Booty are all in good humor and do not represent the official thoughts of the actual person behind the screen name.


        • #34
          Workout # 9

          DE Bench

          Exercise Training Log
          1. Speed DB Bench (Palms towards each other) [ 4 Sets ]
          8x80 | 8x100 | 8x120 | 8x140 | - | - |
          2. Smith CG Incline [ 4 Sets ]
          8x225 | 8x275 | 8x295 | 8x295 | - | - |
          3. Floor Press [ 4 Sets ]
          8x185 | 8x225 | 8x275 | 8x275 | - | - |
          4. DB Side Laterals [ 2 Sets ]
          12x30 | 12x35 | - | - | - | - |
          5. Incline Cbl Flys [ 3 Sets ]
          12x30 | 12x35 | 12x40 | - | - | - |
          6. Face Pull [ 3 Sets ]
          12x12 | 12x14 | 12x14 | - | - | - |
          Exercise Training Log (ETL System Beta) - Provided by Hybrid-X
          Sign-up for email alerts of supplement testing & contest opportunities!

          Took it easy again today, I wanted to give my body a little more rest as I am still feeling some of the effects of the stress from work and school over the past few weeks and hopefully I should be feeling better by this weekend. I have been upping my anti-oxidants and vitamin C. Diet was crap today, for some strange reason I have been craving junk food for the past couple of weeks. Well I caved in today and ate a Snickers and man did I pay for it, I felt like crap and bloated up big time. Hopefully this craving is over and I will not have it. Plus I have 2 Lbs of AI Cookies coming!

          Every set today was explosive with a slight pause at the bottom (except for speed bench). I let the weight drop pretty fast on all exercises and really focused on the energy exchange and the explosion off the bottom. For speed bench with DBs I kept my palms facing each other, this really kills the triceps. For inclines I paused the bar about 1-2 inches form my chest and then pressed it back up.

          The Driven plus PW really helped me out and get me focused on my workout. I had a lot of people talking to me today between my sets so as I was listening I was getting really irritated as I wanted to get back to my workout. The energy and intensity these two together creates a strong desire to keeps in the zone. The last day for the Driven is tomorrow and I have heavy back in the AM so we will see who it goes.


          • #35
            Workout #10

            Heavy Back/BIs

            Exercise Training Log
            1. High Pin Pulls [ 5 Sets ]
            8x135 | 5x225 | 5x315 | 5x405 | 5x455 | - |
            2. Bench Supported BB Rows [ 4 Sets ]
            10x95 | 6x145 | 6x195 | 6x205 | - | - |
            3. DB Rows [ 4 Sets ]
            5x100 | 5x120 | 5x140 | 5x170 | - | - |
            4. BB Shrugs [ 4 Sets ]
            5x225 | 5x315 | 5x405 | 5x455 | - | - |
            5. BB Curl [ 3 Sets ]
            10x95 | 10x95 | 10x95 | - | - | - |
            6. Cable Alt Curls [ 3 Sets ]
            10x60 | 10x70 | 10x70 | - | - | - |
            Exercise Training Log (ETL System Beta) - Provided by Hybrid-X
            Sign-up for email alerts of supplement testing & contest opportunities!

            Today was a 5:30 AM workout, so that means up at 4:00 for preworkout nutrition. I did not ingest any carbs with my preworkout shake just to test and see how the Driven/PW combo would work. It took some time for me to get going as I had trouble falling a sleep last night so I only got 3 hours of very deep and hard sleep. It took a bit to get fully into my workout today but I eventually was there. Once I was fully awake my energy and intensity were great, if it was not for the Driven and PW there was probably no way I would have made it through my workout and would have taken the whole time to do a few exercises at lower weight.

            Pin pulls were not as good as I would have thought but then again I was not fully rested and still in the fog from lack of sleep, but they were still taxing on my body and felt pretty good. I love bench supported rows, you take a bench and put it across the pins in a squat rack and then do your BB rows. It is a great isolation exercise as you have no other leverage or way to cheat. DB rows and shrugs is where I was fully awake, I felt really good and charged for my workout. If there were heavier DBs for rows I probably would have tried a few more sets and gone higher I was that amped. I was over all happy with today's workout and can only imagine what it would have been like if I had proper rest the night before.

            Today was also my final day on Driven as my 3rd packed mysteriously disappeared. I am really impressed with the results from jus the 2 days I tried it. I was looking forward to using it for GPP day tomorrow but have something else in line for that. If anyone is looking for some extra boost to their arsenal try Driven, for even an added boost stack it with Purple Wraath and you have a pretty unbeatable combo. I will be adding Driven in to my supplementation in the near future.

            I will be replacing my CEE caps post workout with Green MAG starting tomorrow and also will be adding in bulk Citrulline Malate (1.5g pre and 3g post). I will also be adding in 5g of bulk BCAA with my post workout nutrition.


            • #36
              Workout # 11

              ME Bench

              Exercise Training Log
              1. BB Bench Warm up [ 3 Sets ]
              15x45 | 10x135 | 5x225 | - | - | - |
              2. Hi pin presses [ 6 Sets ]
              3x225 | 3x275 | 3x315 | 3x365 | 3x405 | 3x455 |
              3. Hi pin presses [ 2 Sets ]
              3x475 | 3x525 | - | - | - | - |
              4. CG Smith Inc [ 4 Sets ]
              5x225 | 5x275 | 5x315 | 5x365 | - | - |
              5. Flat Skull Crushers [ 4 Sets ]
              10x65 | 5x115 | 5x145 | 5x145 | - | - |
              6. Rev 1 Arms Press Downs [ 4 Sets ]
              8x25 | 10x30 | 10x35 | 10x40 | - | - |
              7. Rope Cbl Front Raises [ 3 Sets ]
              10x30 | 10x35 | 10x40 | - | - | - |
              Exercise Training Log (ETL System Beta) - Provided by Hybrid-X
              Sign-up for email alerts of supplement testing & contest opportunities!

              Made a few changes to my supplements starting today, I will be taking GreMAG pre and GB post, adding in some Citrulline Malate both pre and post, and bulk BCAAs post. This was a nice switch, even though the gym’s ac was not working most of my workout I still have lots of energy and was unaffected by the heat in the weight room besides sweating more. The temp was 104 outside today so I am not sure what it was inside but it was hot. I had lots of focus and recovery was again amazing as I was hitting it hard and was bouncing back pretty fast, I had to force myself to take breaks between sets. Once I got home and about 2 hours after my workout I was crashing, this was because of the heat in the gym and then my little boy wanted to go swimming and ended up sitting in the hot tub for a while.

              GreMAG mixed with CM and PW was awesome! They complemented each other very well and was actually a nice refreshing drink on the way to the gym. I have not tried GreMAG straight yet besides tasting the straight powder.

              I switched to comp grip for my ME exercise today just for a switch. Everything else was normal. I did not care too much for the flat bench skull crushers, as I get up in weight it has a tendency to try to pull me off the end of the bench. I end up wrapping my legs under the bench to secure me in place and waste a lot of energy trying to keep myself positioned on the bench. I would have done a couple of more exercises but the gym was packed today, more so than usual, so I ended with what I did.


              I took another dose of PW and went and did cardio/GPP about 3.5 hours after my normal workout. I did car pulls in a parking lot with a slight grade, the sets went like this:

              1. Push forward 50 yards at a fast pace, and then push back for 50.
              2. Push forward 50 yards at a fast pace, and then pulled walking backward
              on tow strap.
              3. Push forward 50 yards at a fast pace, and then pulled walking forward
              with tow rope around chest.

              This was quite the workout especially after being exhausted form the gym but yet it was pretty fun. I used a 2002 Ford Explorer as the vehicle.


              • #37
                awesome workout today, damn man very heavy lifts and great updates very detailed
                MY GREEN MAG LOG

                MY REVIEW OF APT STRAPS


                • #38
                  Originally posted by ddawg91


                  I took another dose of PW and went and did cardio/GPP about 3.5 hours after my normal workout. I did car pulls in a parking lot with a slight grade, the sets went like this:

                  1. Push forward 50 yards at a fast pace, and then push back for 50.
                  2. Push forward 50 yards at a fast pace, and then pulled walking backward
                  on tow strap.
                  3. Push forward 50 yards at a fast pace, and then pulled walking forward
                  with tow rope around chest.

                  This was quite the workout especially after being exhausted form the gym but yet it was pretty fun. I used a 2002 Ford Explorer as the vehicle.
                  GOOD LORD!!!
                  Excellent workout!
                  What typos?

                  Disclaimer: All flirtatious posts under the name of Booty are all in good humor and do not represent the official thoughts of the actual person behind the screen name.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by cervasa1977
                    awesome workout today, damn man very heavy lifts and great updates very detailed
                    Thanks, I was pretty impressed with them myself. Rack presses kicks my a$$.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Booty
                      GOOD LORD!!!
                      Excellent workout!
                      Thanks, was going to do a few more but had to leave.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by ddawg91
                        Thanks, was going to do a few more but had to leave.
                        You're welcome! I'm amazed by your strength, you ust be quite the site to see while working out!
                        What typos?

                        Disclaimer: All flirtatious posts under the name of Booty are all in good humor and do not represent the official thoughts of the actual person behind the screen name.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Booty
                          You're welcome! I'm amazed by your strength, you ust be quite the site to see while working out!

                          Not as nice as you!!!
                          Last edited by ddawg91; 06-27-2006, 12:53 PM.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by ddawg91

                            Not as nice as you!!!
                            I beg to differ!
                            What typos?

                            Disclaimer: All flirtatious posts under the name of Booty are all in good humor and do not represent the official thoughts of the actual person behind the screen name.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Booty
                              I beg to differ!
                              Well thank you very much.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by ddawg91
                                Well thank you very much.
                                You're welcome!
                                What typos?

                                Disclaimer: All flirtatious posts under the name of Booty are all in good humor and do not represent the official thoughts of the actual person behind the screen name.

