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  • Originally posted by jdiritto
    shippensburg U

    So do people just stare at you like your a dumbas$ when you do squats?


    • only if i do them uneven on boxes or something.. but yea, i get stared at alot int he gym.. and i state alot.. half our football team does the most pathetic workouts ever. if i wear the coach i would be disguisted by that (and the fact they suck on the field). lol


      • Originally posted by jdiritto
        The official DBAG college workout; by JD.

        Monday - Chest/ curls
        Tuesday - Triceps/ Curls
        Wendsday - maybe some military press (prolly just normal bench tho)/ Curls
        Thursday - This day is unique, the typical college kid does not only bench, but triceps, and curls!
        Friday - Strictly curls, They need to be huggge for the frat party tonight
        Saturday - One day extravengaza involving curling the beer can/bottle to face numerous times.
        sunday - rest, maybe some light curl work around the apt/house. the intense ones go to the gym and do real curls (the same routine as tuesday).
        Hey, you copied my workout log, ya bashtard! Now, if you will excuse me, I'm going to go sulk while I do a few heavy sets of curls.


        • So that workout might be the funniest thing I've ever read. I went to a very uppity preppy rich kid college, didnt realize that until I was stuck there, but the people that would go to the rec did just that. Every person went right to the flat bench, then hit up some ez curls.

          Ugh that place frustrated me.
          A Gold's Gym puppet - and proud of it.


          • So I order some supps online and USPS lost my damn package.


            • Originally posted by LancerV
              So I order some supps online and USPS lost my damn package.
              Who you order from? I would think between the seller and the shipper somebody is going to have to cough up some replacement sups.

              This is exactly why I buy most things retail. I like the instant gratification of having it IN HAND when I pay for it.


              • That sucks, the retailer should replace your items, but i am not sure though.

                Good luck getting them bro.



                • So I just spent 2hrs putting a grill together. God oh mighty what an adventure that was. Everything went together just right exept one screw, and that screw holds the side burner thing on themain part of the grill. So now if you look at it, the side burner is about 2" below where it should be. But I'm so looking foward to firing up some steaks tonight.

                  I think thats why I've always got them assembled before. And to boot I had my gf helping me, and god love her, but she should of just stayed inside
                  A Gold's Gym puppet - and proud of it.


                  • OK, kinda funny. The forum has an "Opinion on marijuana" thread, and RIGHT below it is a thread titled "Post your Stash"


                    • If anyone ever thinks about buying a Lincoln LS jump off a f#cking cliff instead. I have just spent all my money, most of my day off, and every curse word I know working on that bastard.

                      Dont ask for a light load, Ask for a strong back,and also some huge biceps while your asking.


                      • Well I know lincoln is owned by ford, and I did some work on my girlfriends explorer last winter, and I was in the same boat. Seems as though they make it so only ford dealerships are able to get where you need to get in order to fix something.

                        Example, it took me like 2hrs to put in a freaking HEAD LIGHT, and to boot I did both of them. Screw ford and everything they are.
                        A Gold's Gym puppet - and proud of it.


                        • You think Ford is bad? I tell people that EVERYONE, at least once in their life, should own a Jeep. It will either teach them to apreciate their mechanic, or it will force them to become a mechanic. Never had a vehicle I had to work on as much as this Jeep of mine. First, and last Jeep I'll ever own.


                          • So today was back day and i was doing deads and some guy comes up to me and says "nothing like training legs on monday"


                            • That's because deads target the glutes and quads in the lower part of the motion, and along with the lower back the hams take a roll in the upper movement. A lot of people do routines where deads are part of their leg workout.

                              I have some routines where deads are on leg days, others where deads are on back days. Trick is to never put legs and back on subsequent days.


                              • Another rant about the horrible lincoln I am taking a break from working on it as I type now. My wife and I are riding to the store yesterday and she goes to put down her window and sayes "it started making a clicking sound last night I hope its not about to..." and I swear right then the regulator goes out and the window falls into the door.
                                Dont ask for a light load, Ask for a strong back,and also some huge biceps while your asking.

