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Supp timing

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  • Supp timing

    I just got some Flood, Mag and PW. Just wondering when to take them. I work out early in the moring. Usually up at about ten to five and hit the gym a little before six. When should i take everything along with my pre/w shake. Thanks for any feedback.

  • #2
    Originally posted by watty149
    I just got some Flood, Mag and PW. Just wondering when to take them. I work out early in the moring. Usually up at about ten to five and hit the gym a little before six. When should i take everything along with my pre/w shake. Thanks for any feedback.
    30-60min pre:
    Green MAG (carbs optional)

    Pre / during:
    Purple WRAATH + White FLOOD (mixed + watered way down)



    • #3
      Originally posted by pu12en12g
      30-60min pre:
      Green MAG (carbs optional)

      Pre / during:
      Purple WRAATH + White FLOOD (mixed + watered way down)


      I like this but Green MAG is great POST workout as well, I keep it in my gym bag for a post workout candy shake, then I hit the protein hard. I like to run Wraath about 45 minutes into a workout, I keep a bottle of water with it poured into it and start drinking it during a long workout.

