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  • everytime you buy from, make sure to get all the samples -- you can get like 4 diff kinds of lipo6 samples, one is for women though (a present for the woman in your life is always nice, but its better when its a free present)


    • excitment builds - going to beach wed night, and than next monday I'm going to join a gym for a 1 week trial and the following week I'll be back at school teaching/lifting


      • just destroyed my right hamstring running sprints..can barely walk.. so bad, i got in the hot tub in the apt below us, which didn't seem to help much. ruins my plans of short week/pre beach workouts... f me


        • oh man.. im going to be dipping into savings hard this next month or so..

          - going to the beach for 4 days or something tonight

          - next monday is my girls bday - already spent some serious $ and im only like 1/2 bought for presents i think

          - spent 300$ on the lost secrets of strength set by Defranco & Evan-Esh

          - prolly gonna spend near 800$ on jump stretch bands, and 24 strength and conditioning dvd's

          and i think my loans kick in soon, which means I have to pay off the capital on my base before they tack it onto my monthly interest charge and base principal...

          love it!


          • How's the hammie?

            Disclaimer : The above post is my own PERSONAL OPINION and DOES NOT REPRESENT the official position of any company or entity. It DOES NOT constitute medical advice. CONTROLLED LABS products are produced in a GMP for Sport certified facility (no hormones produced in the facility / no cross contamination).


            • slowly getting better.. lots of ice past two days, started with ben gay + stick massages last night... hit the hot tub x 3 (soon to be 4) since landlord left

              i can move around well without much pain.. hurts now and than, but not intense like yesterday.. prolly will take a good week more to be close to normal!

              if anyone is interested, this is A-MAZING

              .. i def want to get a hot tub in my house though, that is so nice, I would use it all the time cos of soreness from training! I don't see why more people don't have them, lol



                watch the videos - be amazed.


                • put in a cute little workout today... 7 days post hamstring pull

                  did a good warmup, very long and methodical, prolly near 45minutes... did alot of easy jogs across the turf since i cant really push it still, and put alot of emphasis into hamstrings and quads

                  than I jumped rope for 10 sets -- 45 seconds on /45 seconds off -- varied the way of jumping each time

                  than I spent about 10minutes stretching out my body, mainly the hammies again -- feel very good right now.

                  tomorrow I am going ot take it easy again, maybe put in agility ladder work, on wed I want to run some conditioning drills (lower intensities) and sometime after I want to attempt some sprints, at very low volume

                  as for my weekend trip to the beach, it was great! I cooked a rediculous amount of food, and we drank alot of tasty beer (landshark + lime wedges is AWESOME for summer)

                  first night down there (thursday) we went out to a bar and got clams + oysters + good beer (I think i did sierra nevada + guiness and my girl did magic hat + blue moon), than we drove around some, went to a store an dbought a souvenior, than we hit up a really classy dinner place -- i got the seafood medley (same thing I got back in july when i was there) lobster tail + shrimp + scallops! yum

                  friday night I cooked up filet mignion, broccoli, baked potatos, and an onion all on the grill -- was fun and I discovered a new way to give broccoli a steamed appeal with a grill!

                  sat we were down at my friends from highschools apt and had a big pasta dinner than went out to the mega-club seacrets ( place is rediculously huge) -- i put in some good leg work on the dance floor, jumping up and down for like 2-3hours straight ! Haha

                  on sunday the last night down there, i cooked up another seafood feast, and we didnt even make everything! haha --- bought some scallops (my new superfood), mussels, corn + crab soup, and lobsert claw meat (i was pissed they didnt have lobster tails) -- and 4 mini canolis for dessert!! was delicious! and only cost me 40$

                  got lots of sun at the beach, but hurricane bill made the ocean kinda shiesty.. if my hammie was 100% i would of been out there jumping + diving into the 6foot plus waves, but instead I spent most my days along the shore wishing I could walk/jog without pain. lol .. the first day there was the only really good day to be in the water

                  back to work next week, can't wait to hit the weights again. may even go to the ocean city again for labor day weekend -- would be niccee. for 4 days down there I only spent a total of 315$!


                  • still no seminar dvd/audo cd package from Defrancos, which kind of sucks but hes been cool thro email about how the company they use to make dvds messed his process up.

                    o well... i also put my wii and its games up on the facebook market, and like 10 minutes later someone offered me 120$ more, requesting it be shipped to Africa... seems like it could be a scam, but as long as I get $ I'm not a big fan of paypal, and thats how they offered to pay.. is there any chance she could be a scammer trying to get my bank accnt info or osmething?!

                    reps if anyone knooowws! haha workout later on to follow


                    • Your deal sounds like the scam. Lol! Only 120 for the Wii and games? Are they paying for shipping to Africa? I wonder how much that would cost.

                      Disclaimer : The above post is my own PERSONAL OPINION and DOES NOT REPRESENT the official position of any company or entity. It DOES NOT constitute medical advice. CONTROLLED LABS products are produced in a GMP for Sport certified facility (no hormones produced in the facility / no cross contamination).


                      • Hey JR, was just bouncing around threads tonight and saw a couple of your last few posts, anyways saw you looking into bands and stuff and you seem to be in different workouts, have you seen these:


                        I am a big fan of these straps, my PT uses them intermittenly in our workouts and for weeks i am out of town or on my own I will use them for workouts...they pretty much allow you to do anything as long as you are creative, you might look into it

                        also, as far as the extra sand, I have been meaning to try this b/c i have some extra sand from wrist/knuckle conditioning for martial arts, but an old shaolin workout for strengthening wrist/forearm strength is to fill a tub w/ sand or water that you can barely palm from the top...and basically walk like a farmers walk but hold the tub out from yoru body with your finger tips if that makes sense? Anyways my idea was to use old protein tubs b/c they seem about the right size...just some thoughts

                        GL with the hammy man, china gel is really awesome for sore muscles/knots

                        also lol, this is a long post, but just saw your monster stick link, another option is the old fashioned foam roller, they normally sell them at general work out places, lol GL with the hammy! and gettin back to school


                        • Arch -- I actually have my own TRX trainer, they did a promo to NSCA members (or at least sent out a mail card looking like a promo) and I got a kit of their stuff for like 175$ -- it included the actual trainer, a door mount, and some random exercise cards/etc., + a free tee shirt! lol

                          suspension training is interesting and difficult, i havent been able to use it much yet cos i have nowhere to hang the thing though =( once I get my own house I wil fix all that, but my apt is very old school and has risky looking door frames

                          I think I get your wrist/knuckle exercise --- do you form a T with your body holding your arms straight out with palms to the sky and the bucket hanging from your finger?

                          another good workout liek that is just to dig your hands into a bucket filled with race/sand/etc. and grab as much as you can and squeeze as hard as you can

                          i'll have to cehck the gel out.. i need to buy more recovery supplies, especially for mild/serious injuries like pulls.. I don't even have a legit ice pack holder or heating pad!

                          foam rollers are on my list of equipment to get... they are very similiar to the stick I posted earlier, i think they may be more designed for places you can't reach well ?

                          and bulldogz, i typoed about the wii, they wanted to buy it for 520$ when I am trying to sell it for 400$... I got another email yesterday from someone wanting to buy it and have me ship it to florida.. weird they found it when i have it for sale in philly forums/zip code!! im going to try and sell it on campus once i get back to teaching next week


                          • yeah the TRX is tricky, my garage has rafters exposed so I have my own hanging in there. My PT just ties his to his cable machines lol. It makes for pretty awesome compound workouts.

                            With the bucket exercise your arms are out forming a t, but your palms are actually downwards, so you have to palm the bucket, like a basketball, and hold it there, it should target finger/forearm strength. So if you had like a protein canister, you would palm where the lid screws on.

                            the gel is a major recomendation, i was using tiger balm for a bit, but this stuff isn't as gnarly and spreads more easily...i was exposed to it through a couple yoga classes and realized I had to get some. The best is to have your g/f give you a back massage with it, very pro.

                            foam rollers is one of those things that's as creative as you want to get haha, but also is amazingly painful the first time as you find your knots. I have only ever used it for legs and back.


                            • i see-- I like your bucket idea -- I had a completely diff idea in mind, which would prolly work similiarly! I've got some muscle milks about to empty out, I may give it a try soon.

                              yeah, the stick hurts real bad too, but feels so so good! I am going to start sticking myself out once or twice a week .. i've neglected static stretching & recovery for a long time --- I began doing active-dynamic warmups about a year ago, and have felt great since, but I don't do deep static stretches or an ideal recovery program with foam rollers/stick etc. consistently (just threw down near 300$ on jump stretch bands)

                              I need to stop renting and get my own mansion so I can utilize all my equipment! I've got a good bit of stuff, and basically will be consisntely be buying more, but renting sucks, I'm limited in how I can arrange things to workout since the house isn't mine

                              workout in a few , missed it last night cos the gf bailed on me and i had to stay home and make her feel better -- think I might do barefoot agility ladder drills and some bodyweight moves... tomorrow I want to do real good conditioning -- running 110's , if my hammie can take it


                              • Sounds good man.....

                                If your looking for some interesting books check out the list off of


